Monday, October 31, 2011

What NOT To Feed Your Baby

Infant Allergies

In this world we live in, we are so busy that buying food and
microwaving it, is much easier than slaving over a hot stove for
a couple hours especially when we don't have time. We barely
have time to think, none the less cook. But not everything out
there is healthy for baby. Many manufactured foods have
chemicals, nitrates, and some fruits and vegetables can have
potentially dangerous pesticides, or can be contaminated. So
use caution, and when baby starts eating solids follow these
basic rules when preparing baby's food.

Infant Allergies

-On the news, there is a story every now and then about
contaminated food. Ex. A month or so ago we had an eccoli
scare with spinach and bagged lettuce. Obviously you wouldn't
buy these fruits and vegetables, but feeding these foods to baby
could cause serious illness or even death. So avoid these foods
at all costs until they are deemed safe by the FDA, for you and
your baby's health.

Infant Allergies

-Don't give baby tap water. Use filtered water or bottled
water, or boil babies water before letting baby drink it. Tap
water can have lead, and other hazardous materials that in high
doses can be potentially dangerous to baby. It's better not to
chance it, if you don't have to.

Infant Allergies

-Don't let baby eat raw fish, it can have parasites or bacteria
that baby's digestive system can't handle, potentially causing
serious illness.

-Avoid imitation foods or fruit drinks that contain too many
chemicals and unneeded sugars.

-Avoid caffeine in foods like chocolate, and drinks like coffee,
tea, soda pop, and cocoa. Caffeine can make baby shaky or
jittery, and worse it can take away from the absorption of much
needed calcium.

-Don't give baby cured meats, bacon, bologna, or hot dogs, these
meats are high in fat and cholesterol, as well as nitrates that
are unhealthy for baby. Every now and then isn't so bad, but
you should try and stay away from these foods as much as

-Try to stay away from artificial sweeteners, some may be safe
but some have been proven to cause cancer. Stay away from
artificial juices, some contain artificial sweeteners. Try to
buy juices that have no added sugars.

-Peel fruits and vegetables, always wash ones you can't peel
such as broccoli and wash well under warm water with mild

-Only give baby meats from animals that have been fed without
chemicals and antibiotics.

-Cook with oil or margarine, instead of butter as it is much
better for babies heart. Animal fat is okay to give baby in
milk and formula, but don't over do it with butter and high fat

Remember that these are just some of the things that you
shouldn't feed your baby. As always use common sense when
feeding your child. For further information on what not to feed
your child, contact your health care professional. Stick to a
variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as natural meats and
foods. Remember to follow these tips and you and your baby will
stay happy and healthy. After all we all want what's best for

What NOT To Feed Your Baby

Infant Allergies

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