Monday, October 3, 2011

The symptoms of seasonal allergies and allergy treatment

Infant Allergies

Unfortunately, allergies, both food and inhalant allergies very often. Only affect billions of people and make millions of office visits to health professionals around the world every year.

Infant Allergies

Some of the club with food allergies or intolerances are in the womb if the mother consumes a lot of the same diet during the children's exposure to pregnancy, most food allergens (wheat, corn, milk), the poorDigestion resulting in increased absorption of macromolecules, decreased secretion of IgA, reduced function of the adrenal cortex and greater exposure to various toxins, allergens and increases sensitivity.

Infant Allergies

As for the symptoms of seasonal allergies or symptoms of food allergies tend to be the most common signs, but are not limited to:

Infant Allergies

Dark circles under eyes Drainage of the sinuses, permanently associated with the line of the nose, nose rubbing (as a sign of welcome) Itching;watery eyes Enuresis Bruxism (teeth grinding) Stomach ache Chronic ear infections Chronic tonsillitis Eczema Chronic dermatitis (itching) Hives Alternating diarrhea and constipation Halitosis (bad breath) Cravings Inability to concentrate Hyperactivity Irritability Asthma Fatigue Migraine Insomnia Joint pain The pain of gall bladder Ulcerative colitis Crohn's Disease Digestive problems Hypertension Hypoglycemia Autoimmune Diseases Weight gain andEdema

The test pulse is based on a simple, easy to prove the premise that the wrist is often occupied by food and other substances, the inhalation and exposure to acceleration, because the system is allergic, it is based. This test helps to detect and eliminate food allergens and environmental analysis.

count the beats for a minute: shortly before each meal three times after each meal in half an hour before going to bed just after waking, before going onMorning all except the number after waking to sit. Collection of all the products that you eat at each meal or inhalation exposure of weeds, dust, pollen and dander records continue to pulse for 3 days In short-food-allergy or inhalation of the individual tests of two or more days after this procedure: take your pulse before increasing the time for 12-14 hours eat a small portion of another food or get a small part of another single Inhaled. Do not test without food or inhalant, you know, to disagree with you.

A drastic increase in heart rate is a good indicator that you have an allergy to a particular food or inhaled.

As regards the treatment of allergies are symptoms of food allergy symptoms of seasonal allergies with great success has produced the following guidelines:

Eliminate food allergens through a rotation of power. Remove and inhaled> Allergies avoid exposure. Any introduction of these substances for a period of two weeks denies the trial period. Improve and standardize the intestinal flora, because there is a higher incidence of food allergies and respiratory allergies by parasites and Candida. Decrease intestinal transit time through the use of probiotics. (I recommend the extended use of laxatives, also, of course, this may lead to addiction. Improve your digestion with enzymes, HCL, any liquid during meals. Investin air filters in every room, you spend a lot of time. Increase your intake of vitamin E (not more than 800 IU / day), selenium (no more than 200 mcg / day), vitamin C, vitamin A, quercetin, hesperidin bioflavanoids, EPT, B6 (excessive doses of 200 mcg / day can lead to neuropathy), B12, molybdenum, and glutamine. Supporting the adrenal glands, there are a few good combination for these additions. (Do not use black licorice for a long time).

There is absolutely no need toLive your life according to your allergies and suffer needlessly. There are many natural alternatives to combat both the symptoms of your symptoms of seasonal allergies and food allergies. Only hard work, the key to the program and do not underestimate the power of natural remedies.

The symptoms of seasonal allergies and allergy treatment

Infant Allergies

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