Saturday, October 22, 2011

Egg Allergy

Infant Allergies

Mechanism of the immune system is to protect the body against damage, potential risks and intrusions. Immune system with the main and most important is to give our body against attacks by foreign bodies such as food, dust, pollen, harmful, whether to protect.

Infant Allergies

Some common symptoms of allergies Egg

Infant Allergies

Symptoms include hives, rashes, eczema, nausea, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, coughing and nose with shortness of breath. Sufferersit may found any symptoms which are mentioned the above. It's very dangerous for a infant, whose parents have these symptoms.

Infant Allergies

It is most commonly found in children and they are most likely to grow out of it after the certain age. The protein found in the egg white is the main cause of the allergy. But sometimes the protein found in the yolk may be the cause as well. Inability to breathe normally is a symptom occurs due to egg allergy and is also known as anaphylaxis.

Diagnosing and Treating Egg Allergy

To identify and diagnosis this allergy type, several tests are present and these tests conducted by your allergist only. He can determine allergy both at skin or blood test. Fortunately if you can able to determine it's main cause, you can take precaution from egg and any product that contain egg extract; and get relief from it.

Several food items contain egg whites or yolks in any form, sometimes you can't apart egg from that package, even if you want to take out egg from that product. So read carefully labels because it will help in taking precautions and not to eat egg containing food.

If you found egg is available in that food in any form, that time you can strictly avoid this egg product. Before to start eating anything in the restaurant, you check out egg product, because in the restaurant many food items contain eggs naturally from shakes to bread and baked. Many fast food items also contain the egg.

Epinephrine is homing shots as a part of treatment you can provide it as a first aid care to your children. Under doctor's prescription give epinephrine only when is needed to your children. Before starting this drug you consult your doctor and discuss with him, because this drug can save one's life and it is available through prescription.

Egg Allergy

Infant Allergies

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