Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Asthma, Asthma, "Hidden" and Allergies

Infant Allergies

During the winter months, colds, flu, sore throat and respiratory diseases are becoming more common, outdoors, autumn, family members into closer contact with each other and our homes are sealed against the winter. Improving air quality (IAQ) decreases as indoor air pollutants and allergens inside. The accumulation of antigen developed (allergens) in a house, family members usually lead to adverse health effects suffered. Recent studies have confirmedThe EPA has said that indoor air quality can be 100 times or even in some cases 500 times worse than outside air quality. Those people prone to allergies and asthma suffer heavy this time of year. To apply to stay in the public about the dangers of contaminated air then starts the services, home services internal control of allergens, which specializes in improving air quality in indoor spaces, in limited numbers. The EPA, with the publicAds, is currently campaigning to educate the public about the health risks of poor indoor air quality.

Infant Allergies

In conjunction with energy conservation practices began at the end of 1970, even more isolated in the methods of construction, asthma (asthma-related deaths) in children has continued to grow year after year since 1980. Asthma can not be cured, but can be controlled;

Infant Allergies

Patient / parent education AllergiesInjections Drugs and Prevention of "triggers"

Infant Allergies

The symptoms of allergies

Symptoms range from itching, nasal passages closed, colds, headaches or breast pain, itching, sneezing fits, sinus, itchy eyes, eyelids, watery and red, swollen, swollen or discolored, wheezing, a box " tight ", sore throat, voice, unproductive cough, feelings of apathy, mental fatigue and even depression are not uncommon. ThisThe symptoms can only lead to temporary or every day for a few inconveniences. But these complaints, however small, can now be controlled at low cost and without drugs for over-the-counter allergy, a major source of revenue for pharmaceutical companies.

More importantly, without the use of the benefits of allergen control inside the house, close to 50-60 U.S. (five) suffer from allergies, are at high risk of suffering even morepermanent Life of side effects, including asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis (hay fever), eczema, dermatitis, sinus infections and other serious health problems that threatened its future.

Asthma and various types of asthma

With regard to the need to control the allergens in the home, children, elderly and people with weakened immune systems (even if only temporarily) are at high risk of developing diseases in the long term.Although 4-5000000 children, consciously suffer asthma attacks each year, asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood and is often not diagnosed in children. There are many types of asthma, because it "triggers" that can cause asthma attacks, but they are essentially persistent asthma or as "intermittent or" "asthma classified.

What is very important for parents to recognize the opportunity for your child's asthma "hidden", a condition that existed beforeDyspnea, cough and shortness of breath audible. Since infants and young children do not know how to verbalize, or what they hear, asthma "hidden" can be very difficult to diagnose, even by your family doctor. Irritability in very young children can be many different things, but as a hoarse cough or rapid breathing, could be a sign of respiratory distress.

So how do you know if your child has asthma or symptoms of asthma, "hidden"?

PayWarning! Are you an expert in any of the symptoms and evidence of a trigger. Although it may be difficult, there are telltale signs of children under 18 or 24 months in advance, there are clear signs of anxiety in older children. Wheezing, for which you might think ... but not necessarily as a key is found in asthmatics, but not necessarily the most common symptom. The cough is a particularly important indicator, and dyspnea can not be easily visibleThe parents or the family doctor through a stethoscope. Children with a history of bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory infections should, many continuous attacks of coughing (especially at night or in cold weather, if conditions worsen asthma) to be carefully checked for asthma. Cough after the sporting activity such as running, or even cry a permanent ban are signs that must be identified and may require a medical evaluation for asthma. FamilyHistory, especially history of allergies or asthma, genetics, mood, and the child's actions, and triggers allergic reactions to food potential, everything must be communicated to the physician to determine whether to support a child's susceptibility to asthma.

Infants and children with a past history, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough, or unusual patterns of breathing, or shortness of breath or rapid breathing should be checkedAsthma and other respiratory diseases. Remember to be as active as children and preschoolers tend to be Schooler, can be very difficult to recognize the limits of physical activity. Pulmonologist is to perform pulmonary function tests in very young children, but it is difficult to diagnose asthma, but these tests still show an obstruction of the airways. Asthma can be controlled, the children can live a life without frequent asthma attacks.

TogetherHouse of asthma indoor air pollution that cause allergies and

Through education and knowledge, common sense, and the latest technological innovations, it 's, reduced elimination and control of pollutants and allergens following worse, significantly improve indoor air quality and health of residents of the house. 50-60 suffer substantially Americans suffer from allergies, or 20 million who are allergic to house dust and / or particles thatMake-up house dust. Guanine, a powerful and harmful allergens produced by dust mites and their droppings found in the pellets and exoskeletons, is an important factor. The most common allergens in include:

And dust mites Used cigarette smoke Animal hair Zero And mold

The training enables the owners to realize how to win these allergens accumulate. With a simple change of habits and practices, methods can be easily integrated into thisTo minimize the amount of allergens house unhealthy lifestyle and thus improve the quality of health care for residents. To a certain degree of order and cleanliness have developed over the last two generations. The kitchens have been tested for the bacteria most parts to fit in the house.

Our room, especially in the mattresses we sleep on one third of our lives are the. Dirty mattress and more bad and the ecosystem of micro-climate, in itself, all creaturesComfort, live mites thrive and multiply, while allowing the production of antigen-guanine, the worst and most harmful of all indoor allergens. Our grandparents remember the days when mattresses were out to get "dust" literally kicked out of them and then carried out in the sun for natural cleaning. Today, apart from both parents work full time so that the technology developed mattress mattresses are too heavy or too large for the outer deadalthough it may exist in an area where the mattress will be room for the "cleansing". Carpet collects many allergens as well as carpets, but the ecosystem of micro-climate, dust mites need. Regular vacuuming helps control allergens in carpets made only when the vacuum is used.

Indoor allergens House Technical Control

Mattress cleaning technician to the removal, reduction, and trained Control of allergens in the home are in an excellent position not only necessary for many of their services, but also to assist the public in ways to improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle simply by improving the quality of air inside the house.

The above information is not as medical advice. If you or your children find the above symptoms, seek medical attention. Excellent information is available to the American College ofAllergy> Asthma and Immunology (ACAA) and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI).

Asthma, Asthma, "Hidden" and Allergies

Infant Allergies

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