Saturday, October 8, 2011

District of cesarean delivery and infant respiratory distress syndrome

Infant Allergies

If you are the decision for caesarean section (cesarean section) or have a natural birth are often concerned that things like scars, recovery, future births, etc., there are also concerns about the child's face can go. In other words, there is a potential long-term side effects, or even in the short term that may affect the overall health of your child?

Infant Allergies

One problem that I have read in my research I wanted to discuss in this article is the question ofCan schedule your c-section surgery and the effects of it on the infant's respiratory problems, especially among children are respiratory distress syndrome. The question seemed to me immediately and alarming in view of this possibility, I examined more closely.

Infant Allergies

Studies have shown is that during a vaginal birth the mother's body by the thyroid hormone to keep the baby is breathing normally and helps the child cope with the trauma PressBirth. When these hormones are not absorbed by the child to provide respiratory distress syndrome can cause abnormal breathing in children. However, it is interesting to note that a caesarean unexpected emergency, the mother can almost always work for these hormones to children before surgery by achieve.

Infant Allergies

What is important to note that c-sections to highlight the 40 weeks of pregnancy, planning showed no difference in the respiratory tractConferences, when children vaginal planning a cesarean before 39 weeks is not recommended. Ideally, to avoid these complications, you want a caesarean section to the normal working hours as close as possible to the present.

Planning of the c-section in the corresponding period of growth and development of the child, it is important that operational income is too early or too late is certainly something that a new mother to be taken into account.

If you know you're a C-sectionSit with your doctor and discuss the advantages and disadvantages that make a caesarean section compared with vaginal delivery, is sure to possible problems with the timing of the procedures and adult respiratory distress syndrome. Further information on planning data, or alternatively what you should do but go into the labor market the week of your program. Although there are things you can do to reduce the risk of respiratory disease during labor and what happens when a respiratoryproblem occurs during childbirth.

Always do your research and do not be afraid to ask difficult questions. The immediate health and future of your child may depend on it.

District of cesarean delivery and infant respiratory distress syndrome

Infant Allergies

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