Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Causes Dog Skin Allergies?

Infant Allergies

Skin allergies in dogs can be many different causes, but there are some important things an allergy, you should respect. The three main causes of skin allergies in dogs are fleas, food and environmental allergens.

Infant Allergies

Fleas are a major cause of skin allergies in dogs. Although dogs are not allergic to fleas directly, are allergic to flea saliva, which leave behind when they bite the dog. So, in this case we seesmall red bumps that itch a lot for the dog.

Infant Allergies

When it comes to food allergies can not only see, skin irritation, but you also get other clinical symptoms and diarrhea. Many dogs can eat the same food for many years and then suddenly they are allergic. Some vets think that could be linked to genetics, but it is not known with certainty.

Infant Allergies

The third cause of skin allergies in dogs is atopy. It 'just an allergy to pollen, mold andPowder. These are the same type of allergy, given the many people who are sometimes referred to as seasonal allergies.

If you think your dog may not have symptoms of allergy, it is important that you be examined by a veterinarian immediately. Most allergies worsen over time, so as soon as your dog's symptoms, the better the chances are that you are able to alleviate.

Thanks to advances in medicine today, there are a lot of food restrictions,medications, and allergy shots that can be given to dogs to help relieve their symptoms.

What Causes Dog Skin Allergies?

Infant Allergies

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