Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Benefit of Probiotic Bacteria

Infant Allergies

It is now estimated that one out of every three children born in industrialized countries will develop an allergic disorder and there has been a dramatic increase in immune related disorders within recent decades , including allergies, autoimmune disorders (diabetes, arthritis), and inflammatory disorders These disorders are now thought to result in part from the presence of abnormal gut bacteria, which stimulate the immune system to release inflammatory substances.. This in turn is thought to be related to the increased levels of general hygiene, the use of antibiotics, and changes in diet associated with modern Western society.

Infant Allergies

Most people are unaware of the importance of the digestion to immune function.At birth, infants' digestive tracts quickly become colonized by bacteria. The process of acquiring normal gut bavteria at this stage depends heavily on dietary intake (e.g. breast feeding). Once initially colonized by bacteria in infancy, an individual's gut bacteria remain remarkably constant throughout the rest of life. This is because the immune system quickly learns to recognize and tolerate this bacteria (acquired during infancy), and it is extremely important therefore to acquire a healthy repertoire of bacteria early in life. These gut bacteria communicate with the immune system to teach it to respond appropriately during the rest of life, and inappropriate programming at this stage may lead to the development of allergic and inflammatory diseases.

Infant Allergies

Because of this, the potential benefits of administering probiotics to infants as early as practicable should be apparent, since healthy gut bacteria acquired in infancy are likely to be the most important dictators of allergies and diseases of chronic inflammation later in life. Probiotics can be advantageously consumed by mothers during pregnancy and breast-feeding. To this end, infant food formulas manufactured in some European countries contain probiotics Probiotic bacteria restore gut balance by preventing the release of inflammatory cytokines, secreting antimicrobial substances (bacteriocins) that inhibit the growth of disease causing bacteria, and enhancing immune system defences

Infant Allergies

Natural levels of probiotic bacteria in the gut may be reduced by poor diet, drinking alcohol, aging, environmental pollution, stress, and certain types of prescription medicines (especially antibiotics).

Probiotics are beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system at times of stress, for individuals who take the contraceptive pill, after courses of antibiotics and during holiday travel,. Levels of naturally occurring probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract decrease with age, which can be one of the reasons for poor digestion in the elderly.

There are no reported drug interactions or adverse effects, and no known risk of overdose with probiotics which can be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

How much Probiotics should you take?

It is recommended to take the equivalent of 10-20 billion viable probiotic bacteria per day. Probiotic supplements are best taken when encapsulated within an acid resistant gel matrix.

If taken during antibiotic treatment, allow three hours after each antibiotic dose before taking probiotics.

The Benefit of Probiotic Bacteria

Infant Allergies

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