Monday, October 17, 2011

Smoking Risks - The Increasing Rate of Acquiring Smoking Diseases

Infant Allergies

Years of studies on smoking risks have produced unbelievable results. As smoking rates increased starting with the early 20th century, so did the discovery of different smoking-related diseases. Smoking increases the risk of acquiring diseases. This smoking risk is directly proportional to the length of time that a smoker does the habit.

Infant Allergies

In the United States, it has been established that 87% of lung cancer cases are results of smoking. A person who smoked at some point in his life has a 1 in 10 chance of having lung cancer. If he continues smoking, his risk increases to 1 in 6. Exposure to smoke, or passive smoking, increases a nonsmoker's risk by 20 to 30%. Developing emphysema and chronic obstructive disease are also smoking risks. These diseases are caused by exposure to cyanide and carbon monoxide, common substances found in cigarette smoke.

Infant Allergies

Risks of smoking may cause the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack, peripheral vascular disease, heart disease, and stroke. Smokers are 5 times more likely to suffer a heart attack. Passive smoking increases the risk of nonsmokers to develop heart disease by 25 to 30%.

Infant Allergies

Other smoking risks include development of tuberculosis, invasive pneumococcal disease, chronic bronchitis, allergies, asthma, cancers of the oral cavity, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, halitosis, or bad breath, periodontitis, and many others.

Smoking may also risks the life of the fetus, much to the ignorance of pregnant women. Smoking while pregnant increases the likelihood of a miscarriage. As for infants born by smoking mothers, they can be low in birth weight or small for gestational age. Both diseases can cause jaundice and breathing difficulties. Sudden infant death syndrome is also a smoking risk. 430 infants die because of sudden infant death syndrome in the United States.

If you smoke, you put your life at risk! Smoking has been established to reduce life expectancy of smokers by 2.5 to 10 years. And every consumed cigarette is equal to losing 11 minutes of your life. Aside from risking your life, you are also putting the lives of people around you at risk. Passive smoking kills as much as active smoking does. Make the right choice. Quit smoking now!

Smoking Risks - The Increasing Rate of Acquiring Smoking Diseases

Infant Allergies

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