Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby Eczema Allergies - Rashes in Young Children

Infant Allergies

Babies are cute. No doubt about it. They have that sweet baby smell and their skin is usually so soft. Sometimes though you may see patches of dry crusty-looking skin or a cluster of red bumps. What is that? It looks like eczema but this baby seems so well taken care of. What causes dermatitis in babies?

Infant Allergies

Asthma often causes eczema in infants and small children. However, allergies, while not as well know, are often a culprit. Pet dander, pollen, and mold can all cause eczema. Foods such as wheat, eggs, peanuts, and soy can all cause result in patches and red pimple rashes. A recent study has shown that an intolerance to casein, which is found in milk, and gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley, can cause severe eczema. Yeast intolerance is also another major food allergy know to cause this problem.

Infant Allergies

Treating eczema generally includes corticosteroids and antibiotics to treat the symptoms. The problem is that eczema may keep coming back and may even last into adulthood until the root cause is found. If eczema is really caused by an allergy, the offender or offenders need to be weeded out and avoided. Otherwise, the substances that cause the skin reaction are still irritants.

Infant Allergies

A visit to the pediatrician and possibly a dermatologist will help test and determine the cause or causes of eczema. Knowing what is the source of the problem helps to treat it. Allergists can do testing for dust mites, dander and food intolerances. Usually, it's best to keep the baby away from the allergens or to change the diet without the foods that cause symptoms. Sounds like work but the earlier eczema's root causes are diagnosed and treated, the better chances of a child growing up without carrying this condition into adulthood.

Let's keep the kids cute and their skin soft. Treat them early and find the source of the underlying issue.

Baby Eczema Allergies - Rashes in Young Children

Infant Allergies

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