Monday, October 31, 2011

What NOT To Feed Your Baby

Infant Allergies

In this world we live in, we are so busy that buying food and
microwaving it, is much easier than slaving over a hot stove for
a couple hours especially when we don't have time. We barely
have time to think, none the less cook. But not everything out
there is healthy for baby. Many manufactured foods have
chemicals, nitrates, and some fruits and vegetables can have
potentially dangerous pesticides, or can be contaminated. So
use caution, and when baby starts eating solids follow these
basic rules when preparing baby's food.

Infant Allergies

-On the news, there is a story every now and then about
contaminated food. Ex. A month or so ago we had an eccoli
scare with spinach and bagged lettuce. Obviously you wouldn't
buy these fruits and vegetables, but feeding these foods to baby
could cause serious illness or even death. So avoid these foods
at all costs until they are deemed safe by the FDA, for you and
your baby's health.

Infant Allergies

-Don't give baby tap water. Use filtered water or bottled
water, or boil babies water before letting baby drink it. Tap
water can have lead, and other hazardous materials that in high
doses can be potentially dangerous to baby. It's better not to
chance it, if you don't have to.

Infant Allergies

-Don't let baby eat raw fish, it can have parasites or bacteria
that baby's digestive system can't handle, potentially causing
serious illness.

-Avoid imitation foods or fruit drinks that contain too many
chemicals and unneeded sugars.

-Avoid caffeine in foods like chocolate, and drinks like coffee,
tea, soda pop, and cocoa. Caffeine can make baby shaky or
jittery, and worse it can take away from the absorption of much
needed calcium.

-Don't give baby cured meats, bacon, bologna, or hot dogs, these
meats are high in fat and cholesterol, as well as nitrates that
are unhealthy for baby. Every now and then isn't so bad, but
you should try and stay away from these foods as much as

-Try to stay away from artificial sweeteners, some may be safe
but some have been proven to cause cancer. Stay away from
artificial juices, some contain artificial sweeteners. Try to
buy juices that have no added sugars.

-Peel fruits and vegetables, always wash ones you can't peel
such as broccoli and wash well under warm water with mild

-Only give baby meats from animals that have been fed without
chemicals and antibiotics.

-Cook with oil or margarine, instead of butter as it is much
better for babies heart. Animal fat is okay to give baby in
milk and formula, but don't over do it with butter and high fat

Remember that these are just some of the things that you
shouldn't feed your baby. As always use common sense when
feeding your child. For further information on what not to feed
your child, contact your health care professional. Stick to a
variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as natural meats and
foods. Remember to follow these tips and you and your baby will
stay happy and healthy. After all we all want what's best for

What NOT To Feed Your Baby

Infant Allergies

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Baby Food Allergies - How To Identify And Avoid Them

Infant Allergies

Many parents find the risk of baby food allergies one of the most worrying aspects of introducing new foods to their baby. But there are simple steps you can take to minimise potential problems and make your child's introduction to solid food a safe and happy one.

Infant Allergies

Allergic reactions take place when your baby's immune system mistakenly treats a harmless substance as a harmful one. Baby food allergy symptoms include diarrhea, eczema, nausea, constipation and watery or red eyes. Very rarely, a serious reaction known as allergic shock can occur. This can cause the throat and tongue to swell dangerously, which could lead to choking. In this situation, professional medical help must be sought immediately.

Infant Allergies

Baby food allergies should not be confused with food intolerance. A baby with food intolerance would have difficulty in digesting a particular type of food, which can be caused by many other things besides an allergen. In either case, diagnosis should be made by a medical professional.

Infant Allergies

In order to prevent baby food allergies such as these, or to identify foods to which your baby reacts, it is important to follow these simple guidelines --

1. Try to delay feeding your baby solid food until he is at least 6 months of age. His immune system will be better developed by this stage.

2. Only introduce one new food at a time and wait for a few days to see if a reaction occurs. It will then be easy to spot the "problem" food and eliminate it from your baby's diet.

3. Avoid foods that are known to be more likely to cause allergic reactions. Examples of such foods include eggs (particularly the whites), shellfish, gluten and citrus fruits.

4. Decide whether or not your baby is at a particularly high risk of developing allergies -- for example, do you suffer from an allergy yourself? This can often lead to an increased risk of allergies for your baby, although not necessarily to the same allergen (i.e. the substance responsible for the reaction).

5. Discuss any concerns with a medical professional.

Whilst it is sensible to be cautious, it is still important to remember that baby food allergies only affect around 8% of children. So try to keep things in perspective, introduce new foods individually and stay alert for possible reactions -- these measures will give you the confidence to safely introduce the delights of solid food to your little one.

Baby Food Allergies - How To Identify And Avoid Them

Infant Allergies

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Baby Allergies

Infant Allergies

Allergies are induced by food proteins that break free into the bloodstream and are mistaken (by the body) for bacteria or germs, causing the immune system to act in the wrong way. Your newborn baby is most likely to develop allergies if you or your partner suffer from them, but there is a pretty good chance he will grow out of them.

Infant Allergies

Signs of an Allergic Reaction

Infant Allergies

Itchy eyes
Runny nose

Infant Allergies

In some terrible cases, an allergic response can set off anaphylaxis. This is a life-threatening condition which induces swelling in the mouth and throat, making breathing very troublesome. It can occur anywhere after a few minutes of eating, and up to two hours later. Thankfully, this response is quite rare.

A food allergy occurs when your body responds to a mainly innocuous substance as if it were harmful. The immune system kicks into gear and begins producing antibodies which set off the secretion of histamine; this is what makes the symptoms listed above.

Apart from food allergies, which can be outgrown, there are two general food intolerances which your son will not be able to leave behind. These foods will more than likely have to be avoided throughout his life, with respect to the potential of scientific breakthroughs.

This first sort of food intolerance is lactose intolerance. This means your baby will not decently digest the natural sugar in milk and other milk products (for instance yogurts and cheeses). Symptoms range from bloating, cramps, flatulence and diarrhea. Thankfully there are substitutions to these products in market today, such as soy milk, lactose-free milk and the like.

The second type of intolerance is brought about by the proteins discovered in grains. This is known as gluten intolerance.

So what is gluten? Gluten is the protein located in such grains like wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats. If affected by gluten, when the stuff comes into contact with your baby's intestines, the intestinal lining becomes smooth. This halts nutrients from being absorbed well by the body. Symptoms constitute: nausea, stomach pain, weight loss, diarrhea and irritability.

As a simple food rule, foods with gluten should by no means be given to children littler than 6 months of age. The older your new baby is, the less likely his intestines are going to contract a gluten intolerance (celiac disease). However, if your baby has been recognized to have celiac disease, he will have to permanently avoid such gluten-filled foods as breads, pastas and cereals. If this is the case, contact your pediatrician in order to come up with a diet plan to make sure your baby is still eating the right amount of nutrients. Thankfully, more and more shops are stocking up on a substantial range of gluten-free products, including breads and cookies.

Baby Allergies

Infant Allergies

Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby Eczema Allergies - Rashes in Young Children

Infant Allergies

Babies are cute. No doubt about it. They have that sweet baby smell and their skin is usually so soft. Sometimes though you may see patches of dry crusty-looking skin or a cluster of red bumps. What is that? It looks like eczema but this baby seems so well taken care of. What causes dermatitis in babies?

Infant Allergies

Asthma often causes eczema in infants and small children. However, allergies, while not as well know, are often a culprit. Pet dander, pollen, and mold can all cause eczema. Foods such as wheat, eggs, peanuts, and soy can all cause result in patches and red pimple rashes. A recent study has shown that an intolerance to casein, which is found in milk, and gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley, can cause severe eczema. Yeast intolerance is also another major food allergy know to cause this problem.

Infant Allergies

Treating eczema generally includes corticosteroids and antibiotics to treat the symptoms. The problem is that eczema may keep coming back and may even last into adulthood until the root cause is found. If eczema is really caused by an allergy, the offender or offenders need to be weeded out and avoided. Otherwise, the substances that cause the skin reaction are still irritants.

Infant Allergies

A visit to the pediatrician and possibly a dermatologist will help test and determine the cause or causes of eczema. Knowing what is the source of the problem helps to treat it. Allergists can do testing for dust mites, dander and food intolerances. Usually, it's best to keep the baby away from the allergens or to change the diet without the foods that cause symptoms. Sounds like work but the earlier eczema's root causes are diagnosed and treated, the better chances of a child growing up without carrying this condition into adulthood.

Let's keep the kids cute and their skin soft. Treat them early and find the source of the underlying issue.

Baby Eczema Allergies - Rashes in Young Children

Infant Allergies

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Skin Allergies and Cosmetics

Infant Allergies

Almost anything can have an allergic reaction in a person. The ingredient is an irritant to you personally can completely harmless to others. It may be that you eat, the fibers of your clothes, the pollen is carried by the wind in your cat's coat. You can of deodorant you use, or depilatory cream or your hair preparation.

Infant Allergies

There is no accounting for it, or even "cure" is not specific.If the word is used in connection with cosmetics, it just means that a woman in a thousand (or thousands) reacts to a certain part in a cosmetic product, the other for use with joy and without any kind of negative reaction usually takes the form of a rash or a rash that broke out after contact with certain drugs. In general, the symptoms are redness, swelling or itching in a small area, but can sometimes resemble effects ofCold or hay fever.

Infant Allergies

If you think you have an allergy to one of various cosmetic preparations to use, is the first step in trying to understand what's your beauty helps the culprit.

Infant Allergies

It 's always advisable to consult your doctor, but it will help help you if you try to start testing this simple but effective. Rub a little 'cream, lotion, lipstick or other preparations that you suspect may not be for a small area, only(Used in place in most cases of hair to test its reaction to a permanent color before passing the first application) below or slightly behind the ear. Do not wash the skin for at least 24 hours if you feel like burning or itching reactions. If there is no sign of reaction, the skin immediately with a sponge with warm water and mild soap to the child. There is no need to wait longer, because you've made ​​your case andhave pinned down at least one likely offender.

If you feel nothing after three days and if there is no sign of redness, pinkness or rash, then the particular cosmetic you have put to the test is innocent and you must experiment further with others, one by one.

If you are allergic to any cosmetics, do not despair. There are many who suffer in the same way. We are living in the age of allergies and each year sees an increase in the number of allergic reactions reported. Advances in cosmetic science have resulted in more chemically treated and formulated compounds, as well as in a vastly increased number of preparations used in the pursuit of beauty. To be allergic to the use of any favorite cosmetic is, in itself, heart breaking to the individual concerned. Recognizing this fact, some cosmetic manufacturers now produce specially created ranges of hypoallergenic creams, powders and lipsticks. A complete range of these non-irritant cosmetic products is made by "Almay", purchased from good chemists or beauty counters in various department stores.

Skin Allergies and Cosmetics

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Causes Dog Skin Allergies?

Infant Allergies

Skin allergies in dogs can be many different causes, but there are some important things an allergy, you should respect. The three main causes of skin allergies in dogs are fleas, food and environmental allergens.

Infant Allergies

Fleas are a major cause of skin allergies in dogs. Although dogs are not allergic to fleas directly, are allergic to flea saliva, which leave behind when they bite the dog. So, in this case we seesmall red bumps that itch a lot for the dog.

Infant Allergies

When it comes to food allergies can not only see, skin irritation, but you also get other clinical symptoms and diarrhea. Many dogs can eat the same food for many years and then suddenly they are allergic. Some vets think that could be linked to genetics, but it is not known with certainty.

Infant Allergies

The third cause of skin allergies in dogs is atopy. It 'just an allergy to pollen, mold andPowder. These are the same type of allergy, given the many people who are sometimes referred to as seasonal allergies.

If you think your dog may not have symptoms of allergy, it is important that you be examined by a veterinarian immediately. Most allergies worsen over time, so as soon as your dog's symptoms, the better the chances are that you are able to alleviate.

Thanks to advances in medicine today, there are a lot of food restrictions,medications, and allergy shots that can be given to dogs to help relieve their symptoms.

What Causes Dog Skin Allergies?

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Food Allergies - All You Need To Know

Infant Allergies

Recent years have seen an increased susceptibility to allergies. Food allergies for children are of particular interest because the source may be difficult to detect.

Infant Allergies

Baby food allergies are as common as adult food allergies.

Infant Allergies

If your child seems in distress for no apparent reason or has unexplained areas of itchiness to the skin, then perhaps he or she has a baby food allergy.

Infant Allergies

What is an allergy?

AAllergy intolerance to a particular substance when touched can be defined, inhaled, injected or ingested.

When our body is a substance, an allergic reaction can cause the nose or airways exposed, itchy runny nose, watery eyes, diarrhea, itching or a rash all over his body.

Baby Food Allergies - can be transferred to my allergies my child?

If you tend to have an allergic reaction then your babyperhaps a tendency to allergies too.

But you and your child can not have the same food allergies or are allergic to the substances themselves.

They can cause asthma, but the child may develop hay fever.

Child Food Allergies - How to recognize

Sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of food allergies in children. If you think your child is a child food allergy, according to which the following productsdiet can help.

O Milk and milk products

Eggs or

Or Nuts

O shells

Or Citrus

After removing each of these food groups from your baby's diet, you can begin to gradually reintroduce them one by one again.

Wait a few days before the introduction of an additional food group and not confuse the food groups.

If your child has a food allergy child, you can do this by monitoring its response to the detectionintroduction of these individual food groups.

Baby Food Allergies - Can they be prevented?

Breastfeeding your baby for the first six months of his or her life helps to reduce the incidence of allergies earlier on in life.

Try to avoid giving your baby pre-prepared foods that contain additives, or tinned or packaged foods.

Baby Food Allergies - When are they Most Likely to Occur?

Baby food allergies can occur at any time. Many babies are allergic to, or have an intolerance to cows milk and your baby may develop an allergy to other milk or wheat products, shellfish, nuts or citrus fruits.

If your baby has an allergic reaction after eating a particular food, you should see the signs within an hour.

Baby Food Allergy - Signs to Look For

The symptoms of a baby food allergy could include swelling or itchiness of the lips or tongue, wheezing or a skin rash.

Some babies may develop an intolerance to particular food groups.

If your baby has a food intolerance, symptoms might include diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, colic or wind.

Treating Baby Food Allergies

As long as you can find the cause, then the best way to treat a baby food allergy is to refrain from giving your baby that particular food.

If your baby is experiencing related symptoms then the allergy could be pollen related rather than a baby food allergy. Non food substances that could also cause an allergic reaction include pet hairs, tobacco smoke, feather pillows, perfume or dust mites.

Baby Food Allergies - Healthy Alternatives

If your results indicated that your infant is experiencing baby food allergies, here are some non allergic foods that you can try introducing into their diet.

o Mangoes, apples, grapes

o Barley, oats, rye

o Cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes

o Chicken, salmon

If in any doubt you should seek professional help to determine whether it is a baby food allergy or something more serious.

Baby food allergies are quote common and with a little work are fairly easy to detect. Once you have detected the source of your baby's food allergy, the simplest way to eliminate the symptoms is to remove the cause.

Baby Food Allergies - All You Need To Know

Infant Allergies

Monday, October 24, 2011

Home Remedies For Infant Eczema and Baby Eczema Treatment

Infant Allergies

The care of children is always a priority for new mothers and put the child on medication for any condition, eczema is also something that scares the new mother. Childhood eczema is something that many young mothers have little knowledge. In general, young mothers do not have the necessary education on the condition, its symptoms, triggers, or the basis of the disease is relatively common in children.

Infant Allergies

The childhood eczema include dry, itching, redness,scaling and sensitive and is a condition that is uncomfortable for the baby or a child, what a burning irritation. There may be factors such as heredity, allergies, asthma irritants in the air and even the state of the baby's skin and cause eczema disturbing.

Infant Allergies

When a child comes down with the condition is painful for the young mothers, because the child is uncomfortable, cry, scratch, and often begins to develop inflammation. Infections occur, makingmatters even worse. There are Baby Eczema Treatments which will help to relieve and prevent the condition which each mom should be aware of.

Infant Allergies

Baby Eczema Treatments

To start, for children that are scratching, reduce the amount of scratching by covering the child's hands with mittens or socks. This way, their finger nails will not be in contact with the eczema spots.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a baby eczema treatment that helps to soothe the ravaged skin of the child. For this home remedy you simply need to blend about two cups of oats in the food processor till the oatmeal is a powder. Run a warm bath for the baby and stir the oatmeal powder into the bath. The baby can enjoy the soothing bath for up to 15 minutes. Clean the baby with fresh water and pat the skin dry.

Olive oil: Rub the area that the eczema outbreak is occurring with olive oil. Once you've rubbed the skin of the child dress in loose clothing.

It is also important that a baby stay well hydrated when suffering from a skin ailment such as eczema. Especially in warm weather. Also, there are foods which should be avoided such as dairy. By eliminating milk products from the baby's diet you will help to calm the outbreaks down and smooth the skin.

Other helpful remedies are to only use unscented versions of products such as laundry soap. Use a gentle, moisturizing, lye-free soap rather than a traditional soap. Always keep the room temperature moderate and steady. You do not want the baby in an environment that rapidly changes or is too warm.

There are up to 20 percent of children that suffer from eczema, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. While it is reported that by the time a child turns 2 the condition may be gone, it is also reported that it may continue into childhood. While it is heart wrenching for the new mother to watch her baby suffer, there are home remedies to stop flare-ups and to make the baby once again comfortable which are the first choice over medications.

Home Remedies For Infant Eczema and Baby Eczema Treatment

Infant Allergies

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nitrates in Drinking Water Can Cause Problems With Your Health

Infant Allergies

Nitrates in drinking water have at times been blamed for blue baby syndrome, although scientists have cast doubt on what the risk actually is to humans. It is known that high levels in the ocean can cause the death of fish, primarily by increasing algae blooms and suffocating other forms or marine life.

Infant Allergies

In humans, excessive nitrate intake causes changes in the blood that lead to oxygen depletion in the organs and tissues. The blue baby syndrome mentioned above and the condition in adults is actually called Methemoglobinemia.

Infant Allergies

Adults, children and infants that produce insufficient stomach acid have an increased risk of Methemoglobinemia. The condition is treatable, assuming it is caught in time.

Infant Allergies

Increased consumption of green leafy vegetables can cause the problem, because of the nitrate content. Vegetables naturally contain it. It is added to farmland as a fertilizer. It is present in the ground due to the breakdown of human and animal waste.

In areas where there are septic tanks, it seeps into the ground and is present in groundwater. The amount present in lakes fed by groundwater can be high as a result.

Farm runoff is the primary cause of nitrates in drinking water in most areas. Even in an area that seems to be far away from farmland, the public freshwater source could at some point run through the land.

In general, healthy adults are not affected by nitrate intake. But, it does depend on their diet. Too much in the diet combined with too much in their drinking water could create a problem.

People with gallstones or hepatitis, asthma or food allergies are more sensitive to the negative effects of nitrate. When unfiltered tap-water is used to make baby formula, there is an increased risk to the infant, but not only because of the nitrate.

The nitrates in drinking water may be the least of a parent's concerns. Perchlorate was recently found in dozens of different test sites throughout the US. Yet that compound is not regulated by the EPA. 's milk and vegetables. It is assumed that the presence in cow's milk is due to the animals drinking from ponds or streams tainted with the substance.'t have a water filter on your tap, you need one, you really do. Buying bottled water is no solution. The nitrate content of bottle beverages is not regulated. In fact, there are very few regulations concerning bottled brands.

Perchlorate is an element in rocket fuel. Not only was it found in samples of freshwater. It has also been found in cow

The nitrates in drinking water might be a problem to children. If perchlorate is there, it is definitely a problem. It is known to cause developmental delays and can lead to a variety of health problems.

Perchlorate is a VOC. It can be removed with a filter that reduces VOCs. You will need to check the product performance data to be sure that your filter works to remove them.

If you don

Now that you know a little more about nitrates in drinking water, you might want to learn why buying bottled is not a good choice.

Nitrates in Drinking Water Can Cause Problems With Your Health

Infant Allergies

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Biomedical Autism Intervention - Autism and Aggressive Behavior - Part 1

Infant Allergies

A Biomedical Autism Doctor Explains The Causes Behind Aggressive Behavior in Autistic Children

Infant Allergies

The Need For Biomedical Autism Intervention

Infant Allergies

A very troubling issue with some individuals on the autism-spectrum is aggressive and/or self-injury behavior (SIB). This can be quite common in children (and as teenagers and adults) who lack the ability to communicate verbally, as well as those kids transitioning from one developmental stage to another. No particular time is more challenging than when a child is transitioning through puberty to become a young adult. There is no doubt that some individual's behavior is benefitted by prescription medicine - particularly when aggressive behaviors put themselves or others in danger. However, biomedical autism intervention and treatment has benefits as well, and is often an overlooked issue in autism.

Infant Allergies

Biomedical Autism intervention Strategy # 1 - Diet

As a biomedical specialist I have seen on many occasions that biomedical autism intervention such as the gluten and casein-free diet has helped with aggressive and/or SIB. Other food sensitivities can be problematic as well such as corn, corn syrup, artificial colors, flavors and more. Each person is different, but food sensitivities should definitely be assessed.

Biomedical Autism intervention Strategy #2 - Digestive Issues

Another contributing factor for aggressive and/or SIB is intestinal problems such as bacteria and/or yeast overgrowth, along with chronic constipation and intestinal pain. Toxins from the microbes can affect ASD individuals quite profoundly, and the pain associated with constipation, inflammation and cramping can create tremendous stress - particularly in a child, teenager, or ASD adult who cannot adequately communicate their discomfort. Again, all of these issues can be addressed through biomedical autism treatment.  

Biomedical Autism intervention Strategy #3 - Environmental Allergies

Another issue that contributes to aggressive and/or SIB is environmental allergies - many of which go undetected. Contributing factors include pollen, grass or other airborne allergies. Animal dander or mold spores can be problematic as well. Allergens trigger histamine release which triggers inflammation. Increased inflammation can affect an individual not only in their respiratory areas such as the lungs, sinuses and nasal passages, but neurologically as well. Systemic inflammation is a common issue in autism, particularly nervous system inflammation. Increased allergens can contribute to chemical imbalances in the brain resulting in adverse behavior. Many times biomedical autism treatment such as nutritional supplements can reduce sensitivity to environmental allergens. Also, the addition of an allergy medication can be helpful as well.

The important thing to realize is that not all behavior problems are related to a psychiatric imbalance, but that aggressive behavior can be influenced by biomedical issues as well. In part two of this article I will explore some other important things to consider with respects to aggressive and/or self-injury behavior in autism.

Biomedical Autism Intervention - Autism and Aggressive Behavior - Part 1

Infant Allergies

The Benefit of Probiotic Bacteria

Infant Allergies

It is now estimated that one out of every three children born in industrialized countries will develop an allergic disorder and there has been a dramatic increase in immune related disorders within recent decades , including allergies, autoimmune disorders (diabetes, arthritis), and inflammatory disorders These disorders are now thought to result in part from the presence of abnormal gut bacteria, which stimulate the immune system to release inflammatory substances.. This in turn is thought to be related to the increased levels of general hygiene, the use of antibiotics, and changes in diet associated with modern Western society.

Infant Allergies

Most people are unaware of the importance of the digestion to immune function.At birth, infants' digestive tracts quickly become colonized by bacteria. The process of acquiring normal gut bavteria at this stage depends heavily on dietary intake (e.g. breast feeding). Once initially colonized by bacteria in infancy, an individual's gut bacteria remain remarkably constant throughout the rest of life. This is because the immune system quickly learns to recognize and tolerate this bacteria (acquired during infancy), and it is extremely important therefore to acquire a healthy repertoire of bacteria early in life. These gut bacteria communicate with the immune system to teach it to respond appropriately during the rest of life, and inappropriate programming at this stage may lead to the development of allergic and inflammatory diseases.

Infant Allergies

Because of this, the potential benefits of administering probiotics to infants as early as practicable should be apparent, since healthy gut bacteria acquired in infancy are likely to be the most important dictators of allergies and diseases of chronic inflammation later in life. Probiotics can be advantageously consumed by mothers during pregnancy and breast-feeding. To this end, infant food formulas manufactured in some European countries contain probiotics Probiotic bacteria restore gut balance by preventing the release of inflammatory cytokines, secreting antimicrobial substances (bacteriocins) that inhibit the growth of disease causing bacteria, and enhancing immune system defences

Infant Allergies

Natural levels of probiotic bacteria in the gut may be reduced by poor diet, drinking alcohol, aging, environmental pollution, stress, and certain types of prescription medicines (especially antibiotics).

Probiotics are beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system at times of stress, for individuals who take the contraceptive pill, after courses of antibiotics and during holiday travel,. Levels of naturally occurring probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract decrease with age, which can be one of the reasons for poor digestion in the elderly.

There are no reported drug interactions or adverse effects, and no known risk of overdose with probiotics which can be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

How much Probiotics should you take?

It is recommended to take the equivalent of 10-20 billion viable probiotic bacteria per day. Probiotic supplements are best taken when encapsulated within an acid resistant gel matrix.

If taken during antibiotic treatment, allow three hours after each antibiotic dose before taking probiotics.

The Benefit of Probiotic Bacteria

Infant Allergies

Egg Allergy

Infant Allergies

Mechanism of the immune system is to protect the body against damage, potential risks and intrusions. Immune system with the main and most important is to give our body against attacks by foreign bodies such as food, dust, pollen, harmful, whether to protect.

Infant Allergies

Some common symptoms of allergies Egg

Infant Allergies

Symptoms include hives, rashes, eczema, nausea, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, coughing and nose with shortness of breath. Sufferersit may found any symptoms which are mentioned the above. It's very dangerous for a infant, whose parents have these symptoms.

Infant Allergies

It is most commonly found in children and they are most likely to grow out of it after the certain age. The protein found in the egg white is the main cause of the allergy. But sometimes the protein found in the yolk may be the cause as well. Inability to breathe normally is a symptom occurs due to egg allergy and is also known as anaphylaxis.

Diagnosing and Treating Egg Allergy

To identify and diagnosis this allergy type, several tests are present and these tests conducted by your allergist only. He can determine allergy both at skin or blood test. Fortunately if you can able to determine it's main cause, you can take precaution from egg and any product that contain egg extract; and get relief from it.

Several food items contain egg whites or yolks in any form, sometimes you can't apart egg from that package, even if you want to take out egg from that product. So read carefully labels because it will help in taking precautions and not to eat egg containing food.

If you found egg is available in that food in any form, that time you can strictly avoid this egg product. Before to start eating anything in the restaurant, you check out egg product, because in the restaurant many food items contain eggs naturally from shakes to bread and baked. Many fast food items also contain the egg.

Epinephrine is homing shots as a part of treatment you can provide it as a first aid care to your children. Under doctor's prescription give epinephrine only when is needed to your children. Before starting this drug you consult your doctor and discuss with him, because this drug can save one's life and it is available through prescription.

Egg Allergy

Infant Allergies

Friday, October 21, 2011

Stop! My Kid Can't Eat That: Food Allergies In Children

Infant Allergies

In the middle of the night in Atlanta, I received a frantic call from my daughter in Chicago. "Dad, I'm so sorry to wake you up, but Michael was eating a piece of cashew and now his face is swollen and breaks into a rash all over his body." Once I realized that her voice was not only a part of a bad dream, I ordered my doctor, "Give him Benadryl and bring him to the emergency room at once!"

Infant Allergies

As an allergy specialist for 25 years, I realized that my little sonwas having a potentially serious allergic reaction and that his symptoms could get worse-much worse. Fortunately, by the time they arrived at the hospital, the swelling had subsided and his hives had resolved.

Infant Allergies

Even though my grandson's diagnosis was easy to make, food allergies can be one of the most frustrating and complex allergy issues facing physicians, patients, and families. If you consider the unlimited number of foods and additives we consume today, the variable time between ingestion and allergic reaction, and the varied and often-subtle symptoms, it seems miraculous when an allergy-triggering food is actually identified.

Infant Allergies

Food Allergies In Children: A Disturbing Trend

Ask anyone who raised children 25 years ago if they ever heard of food allergies back then, and the likely answer will be no. Yet today, who doesn't know a child-if not several kids-who have severe food allergies? Pediatricians and allergists are observing first-hand that food allergies in infants and children have increased to epidemic proportions over the last few decades. Studies have shown that in the under-18 age group, the prevalence of reported food allergies increased 18% between 1997 and 2007. Approximately 4% of Americans are estimated to have food allergies. That's more than 12 million individuals. The prevalence of food allergies is even higher-6% to 8%-in infants and young children under three years old.

Any type of food can trigger an outbreak, yet the "Big 8" account for more than 90% of all cases: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat. Sesame is quickly becoming another common cause of allergies, especially in those with Mediterranean diets. The good news is that the incidence of documented food allergies decreases with age, probably due to the development of tolerance in children allergic to milk, wheat, soy, and eggs. Of the 2.5% of children allergic to milk, approximately 80% will "outgrow" their allergy by age five. Kids with peanut or tree nut allergies aren't as lucky: Recent studies have shown that only about 10% to 20% of children will lose their allergy as they age.

Pediatric Food Allergies: Instantaneous Outbreak Of the two main types of allergies, the "immediate hypersensitivity reaction" gets the most hype, probably because you can see the symptoms (whether it's hives or swelling) right away. The other kind is aptly named "delayed hypersensitivity reaction." Otherwise known as IgE-mediated, the immediate allergic reaction is the best understood and the most easily diagnosed. Yet it can also be the most serious. When the proteins in an allergenic food come in contact with an IgE antibody (located in the skin, gut, and airways, or in the blood), a cascade of cellular events occurs resulting in the release of histamine and a multitude of other chemical mediators. The rapid release of the histamine and other chemicals is what causes the allergic reaction. The outbreak, which generally occurs within minutes of ingestion, can be relatively mild or severe. Moderate symptoms might include a rash, generalized itching and redness of the skin, facial or eyelid swelling, abdominal cramping, vomiting and/or diarrhea. These can be treated with a quick-acting antihistamine and tend to run their course over a few minutes to hours. The most severe reaction is called anaphylaxis, which can occur instantaneously or a few minutes after ingestion. As a general rule, the quicker the onset of symptoms, the more serious the reaction is likely to be. Symptoms of anaphylaxis might include those mentioned above, but can also rapidly progress to breathing difficulties and chest tightness (due to bronchial constriction and swelling of the airways), a drop in blood pressure leading to shock-and even death. Epinephrine (also known as adrenalin), which is available for self-injection in the form of an Epipen and other auto-injectors, must be given immediately and repeated if necessary. Foods that commonly cause severe reactions include peanuts, tree nuts, fish, sesame seeds, milk, and eggs. The most serious reaction I ever witnessed resulted from the ingestion of a single pine nut. That tiny seed (it's not really a nut) transformed a healthy teenager into a critically ill patient within a matter of minutes. Fortunately, the patient recovered, but anaphylaxis can be fatal if not treated immediately and aggressively. If your child has ever had an immediate allergic reaction to a food, you should consult with a board-certified allergist. To identify or confirm the symptom-triggering food, the allergist will likely give a few tests, either through the skin or blood. From there, you and your allergist can come up with a plan to eliminate the food from your child's diet and discuss prevention and management of future reactions.

Delayed Allergic Reactions: Subtle Yet Elusive

While less dangerous in terms of one's immediate health, the "delayed allergic reaction" can be much more difficult to diagnose and treat. As the name implies, it can take hours or even days after ingestion for the symptoms to show up, making it harder to establish a cause-and- effect relationship. The typical symptoms can involve several organ systems and may be quite subtle in their presentation. In addition to the classic allergy symptoms (think nasal congestion, a runny nose, and a rash), delayed reactions may also present with very vague and nonspecific symptoms, such as frequent headaches, recurrent or chronic abdominal pain, fatigue and lethargy, irritability, dark circles under the eyes, leg pains, and recurrent ear or sinus infections.

Part of the difficulty in diagnosing these food reactions is that there's no reliable allergy test that can accurately identify or predict a delayed outbreak. Skin testing and blood tests aren't helpful because they only measure the IgE antibody, which is responsible for immediate reactions. Research has not yet identified the antibody or antibodies responsible for delayed reactions, although there has been considerable interest and research in the possible role of the IgG antibody. Blood tests to measure this antibody are available, but its reliability as a predictor of delayed allergy has not yet been established.

So how can you figure out if your child's symptoms are the result of something he or she is eating? The best method we have right now is to eliminate the suspected food (or drink) from your kid's diet for four weeks. If you notice a significant improvement in symptoms, you're ready for the challenge phase: Serve the food in question for several days straight. If the symptoms start recurring, you can be relatively sure that a cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Even after avoiding the food culprit, it can still take a few weeks for symptoms to completely disappear, so be patient.

By far, milk and other dairy products are the most common cause of this type of reaction. Over the years, many teenagers have walked into my office with their parents complaining about stomach discomfort and profound tiredness. By the time they've come to see me, they've usually been through various tests and have seen multiple physicians, including gastroenterologists, and have often been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. After hearing about their saga and symptoms-and seeing the dark circles under their eyes and their pale, sallow complexion-I can usually tell that it's a dairy allergy. Fortunately, many responded dramatically to a few weeks off of milk. They couldn't believe that the innocent act of drinking milk and eating dairy products could make them feel so ill-and that avoiding these products could restore their good health and vitality in such a short time.

Food Allergy Cross-Reactivity

If you're like me, you may have a food allergy that's directly connected to your sensitivity to tree and weed pollens. Called "oral allergy syndrome," this condition shows up when there's a cross-reactivity between tree or weed pollens and corresponding foods that share a common allergen. For example, because ragweed pollen and foods in the gourd family share a common allergen, people allergic to ragweed may exhibit symptoms after ingesting foods such as melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew), zucchini, cucumber, and bananas. Because I'm allergic to ragweed pollen, I cannot eat melons or ripe bananas without developing intense itching in my throat. If you're sensitive to birch tree pollen, you may react to apples, pears, and apricots. Celery may be a problem for those allergic to mugwort pollen.

The typical symptoms, which are generally mild and transitory, are itching of the throat, mouth, and tongue. That aggravating throat itch often compels sufferers to rub their tongue against the soft palate, making a characteristic "clucking" sound. The vast majority of patients experience symptoms within five minutes of ingestion. Depending on the time of year, the presentation can be affected by the particular pollen season. The upside of this condition, which is the most common food-related allergy in adults, is that symptoms are only caused by the ingestion of raw or uncooked fruits or vegetables. The heating process that occurs during cooking breaks down the allergic protein, so you can eat boiled, baked, fried, or roasted fruits and veggies without triggering symptoms.

Allergies In Infants

Because of their age, newborns and infants can be especially sensitive to food allergies. Symptoms may include colic, irritability, excessive spitting and vomiting, rashes (including eczema or hives), nasal symptoms (such as congestion and runny nose), coughing or wheezing, and other gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, bloody stools, or constipation). There can also be poor weight gain. Allergies in infants up to age one are almost always caused by food-most commonly cow's milk. Yet a baby doesn't have to drink milk straight for symptoms to break out: The proteins in cow's milk can enter the baby's system through some commercial formulas, as well as by passing through the mother's milk during nursing. A small percentage of milk-allergic babies are also allergic to soy.

In recent years, researchers have devoted themselves to understanding the disturbing rise of food allergies, especially in infants and kids. What they have discovered is leading allergists and physicians to dramatically revise recommendations on how and when we introduce foods to infants. For many decades, the time-honored and well-established approach was to delay the introduction of highly allergenic foods into the infant's diet to prevent the emergence of food allergies. For example, solid foods are generally not recommended until six months of age, cow's milk until one year, eggs until two years, and peanuts, tree nuts, and fish until three years. There is also a widely accepted notion that breast feeding alone for the first six months of life will minimize or delay the onset of food allergies and other allergic diseases (including asthma), as well as atopic dermatitis or eczema.

The latest medical evidence, however, is debunking these age-old theories. Indeed, the recommendation to delay the introduction of foods to infants as a means of preventing food allergies may be the wrong approach altogether. Recent studies have revealed very credible scientific evidence to suggest that the common practice of delaying the introduction of cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, and other foods may increase the child's risk of developing food allergies. And, even more importantly, there is evidence to suggest that the early introduction of allergenic foods may actually prevent the development of the allergy to that food. As an example, a recent study demonstrated that children in England were ten times more likely to be allergic to peanuts than children in Israel. One very strong hypothesis to explain this finding is the fact that Israeli infants are introduced to peanuts, generally through Bamba (a Peanut flavored snack that is used as a teething food), at about six months of age. On the other hand, children in England are generally not introduced to peanuts in any form until approximately three years of age. This study is just one of many that strongly suggest that an early introduction to certain foods can help babies build desensitization, thereby decreasing the risk of developing a food allergy.

Managing Severe Allergies

Historically, the treatment of serious food allergies has consisted of avoiding exposure and ingestion of the allergenic food, and making antihistamines and epinephrine immediately available. Total abstinence is indeed difficult and often impossible, as evidenced by the large number of accidental ingestions and allergic reactions that have resulted in emergency room visits. Even with strict avoidance measures, the potential for sudden and life-threatening outbreaks can lead to extreme anxiety in both the child-and the parent.

Fortunately, medical research has now proven that orally-administered immunotherapy can result in a significant degree of desensitization, or tolerance, to a given food in most allergic patients. This form of therapy, however, is associated with a significant amount of risk and should only be performed under the watchful eye of a board-certified allergist experienced in oral tolerance induction. Presently in the United States, this form of desensitization is being performed at a few highly-acclaimed medical centers.

An Allergy-Free Future

With all the time and money being put into food allergy research, there is excitement in the medical field about the possibility of new breakthroughs in the near future-both in prevention and treatment. I, for one, am optimistic that a safe and effective treatment is close at hand.

Stop! My Kid Can't Eat That: Food Allergies In Children

Infant Allergies

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is Corn Allergy?

Infant Allergies

Corn is a type of cereal grain that is made up of proteins. Research shows that very few people are actually allergic to corn. But those who are usually will suffer from sever allergic reactions. One of these most common and most deadly reactions is anaphylaxis. This is when your body goes into shock and will stop breathing.

Infant Allergies

People who have an allergy to corn are most often allergic to other cereal grains as well. Yet, even if they are there are times that they will not experience any symptoms at all like they do when they come into contact with corn. A person can have an allergic reaction when eating raw or cooked corn.

Infant Allergies

Research shows that they may even have reactions when exposed to corn pollen, cornstarch, or grass pollen. Because of this reaction it is important that they do what they can to avoid corn and corn related foods. This is the only way to prevent reactions from affecting them in the future.

Infant Allergies

The most common symptoms that someone with corn allergy will suffer from include; stomach pain, asthma, difficulty swallowing, anaphylaxis, decrease in blood pressure, stomach cramps, discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rashes, migraines, swelling in the face or tongue.

In order to make sure that people will avoid corn in their diet means that they need to pay close attention to what foods are made with it. We have provided a list of foods that can contain corn. (Please keep in mind that this is a small list and there may be other foods that you need to research and watch out for.)

Corn tortillas
Corn syrup
Corn oil
Corn meal
Vegetable oil
Corn sugars
Corn chips (Tortilla chips, Fritos)
Corn fritters
Breakfast cereals (such as corn flakes)

Food is not the only thing that you will need to watch out for. There are different paper containers that may contain corn as well as the inner surface of plastic food wrappers that could be coated with cornstarch. These include cups plates, boxes, and milk cartons.

What is Corn Allergy?

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cow's Milk Allergies - Common Symptoms

Infant Allergies

Milk allergies are the most common form of food allergy, affecting millions of people. While some symptoms are similar, this allergy is not the same as lactose intolerance. With milk allergies, certain proteins are not recognized by the immune system, causing a severe reaction. A cow's milk can be a unique challenge for allergy sufferers because of the prevalence of dairy ingredients in many products.

Infant Allergies


Infant Allergies

Cow's milk usually cause digestive symptoms, including cramping, diarrhea, and vomiting. In some cases, the immune system reaction will be strong enough to cause other symptoms such as hives and skin rashes. A severe milk allergy can result in an anaphylactic reaction.

Infant Allergies

Who is Affected?

Symptoms of cow's milk allergies tend to show up in infants and young children. Fortunately, most children outgrow a milk allergy by the time they are a teenager. When a child is diagnosed, they will need to avoid dairy for one to two years. After this time, a doctor can periodically check to see if they still have a milk allergy. Eventually, milk can be gradually reintroduced into the diet of most allergy sufferers.

Ingredients to Watch out For

When looking for safe products, there are obvious ingredients such as cheese, butter, and cream to look for on the label. However, there are other ingredient names that will indicate dairy ingredients. If a product label mentions caseinate, whey, or lactalbumin, it contains milk proteins and needs to be avoided. A number of unusual products such as processed meats and egg substitutes contain these ingredients. Don't assume the product is free of milk ingredients without checking the label.

Alternatives to Cow's Milk

People diagnosed with a cow's milk allergy need to remove all dairy products from their diet. For a breastfeeding infant, the mother will need to switch from dairy products until the child is weaned. Soy-based products provide the best alternative but it is important to check labels before purchasing these because many soy products have small amounts of dairy ingredients in them. Other dairy alternatives include rice, oat, and nut milk.

Do not substitute other animal milks for cow's milk. These will contain similar proteins so it is likely that someone with a cow's milk allergy will also be allergic to these. Lactose-free milks are also unsuitable because they still contain the proteins that set off an allergic reaction.

Cow's Milk Allergies - Common Symptoms

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Infant Ear Infection And The Effects On Your Child

Infant Allergies

Infant ear infection is one of the most common reasons children are taken to see the doctor and is especially common in infants up to two years of age. The problem with babies and infants is establishing ear infection as the cause of discomfort because unlike older children who will tell you their ear is aching, toddlers cannot and parents need to be aware of other tell tale signs.

Infant Allergies

Infant Ear Infections - Pain Is The Biggest Clue

Infant Allergies

Ear aches can come on very quickly and the accompanying symptoms will be pain and usually fever. Pain is obviously the biggest giveaway in toddler ear infections because make no mistake, they hurt!

Infant Allergies

This is one of the reasons if a child continually pulls on it's ear but appears to be in no discomfort at all that ear infection is usually ruled out. There could be a host of other reasons why the child is tugging it's ear such as teething, curiosity by the child, itching and yes, even habitual. A little like sucking the thumb. But what does an adult with their first child and no relative experience in this area do? The most obvious course of action is to head to the doctor.

Ear Infection Fact

There are several risk factors for infant ear infection. Some of the more common include colds, flus and allergies which may be picked up by a child during daycare and pre school facilities which can then lead to ear infection developing, recurrent infection and changes in climate.

Detecting Toddler And Baby Ear Infections

Children's eustachian tubes, the connection between the middle ear and the nose, are a lot shorter than those of adults. In fact, in babies, the Eustachian tube is at least one third the length of an adults so fluid drainage can become a problem.

Following a bout of cold and flu or allergy attack, babies can become more susceptible to developing an ear infection. The Eustachian tube can become blocked which leads to fluid gathering in the middle ear and not being released. Bacteria then breeds and if unchecked, swelling and pain, followed by fever, is usually the result.

If your baby suddenly displays a change in attitude such as becoming irritable and unco-operative, crys and screams often in short bursts then something is usually wrong and ear infection is usually one of the suspects.While there may be other reasons the child may be aggravated a visit to your doctor should be your first priority as they can quickly determine if there is infection present in the ear.

Although infant ear infections are common, they can be serious and without any diagnosis or treatment, ruptures to the eardrum are possible while in more serious cases, possible loss of hearing could be the result.

Treatment Of Infant Ear Infection

Over half of infant ear infection episodes may improve without treatment. There is a theory that waiting three to four days once a diagnosis has been made could be the best course of action initially but if the symptoms haven't improved, then treatment intervention is usually pursued.

Debate continues on whether antibiotic treatment is the best course of action although with very young children, doctors will usually play it safe and prescribe them. Associated pain relieving medication may also be suggested to accompany the antibiotic treatment.

Infant Ear Infection And The Effects On Your Child

Infant Allergies

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bottle-feeding Could Make Your Baby Overweight

Infant Allergies

When a woman is pregnant, the first question out of everyone's lips is, "Are you going to breastfeed?" On the other hand, breastfeeding moms who stay in the game more than six months are subjected to questions like, "You're still breastfeeding? When are you going to stop?"

Infant Allergies

A recent study conducted at University of Bristol find that bottle-feeding babies could become overweight or obese in their later life. The study conclusions, published in the US journal Paediatrics, show that little children eating formula milk rather than breast milk get more calories and are prone to gain weight.

Infant Allergies

During the study period, the research group examined and compared feeding habits of 880 babies four mounts ages. One of conclusion was that those babies who were weaned on to solid food after 2-4 months of life, were heavier than expected by the age of five. This situation results in an increased risk of obesity as they become youngs and adults.

Infant Allergies

Breast milk has incredible health benefits, with nutrients no formula can duplicate. It consists the right proportions of all the elements that are required by young ones for Healthy growth. Mother's milk also contains lactoferrin, that helps babies get the right quantities of iron and protects them from infections. It also contains certain amount of hormones that help babies fight allergies and increase their metabolism leading to proper digestion.

It seems that formula-fed infants are less able to adjust their energy intake than breast-fed infants. Or this situation could be because of parents habit to stop feeding their babies with formula milk when the bottle is empty.

Bottle-feeding Could Make Your Baby Overweight

Infant Allergies

Smoking Risks - The Increasing Rate of Acquiring Smoking Diseases

Infant Allergies

Years of studies on smoking risks have produced unbelievable results. As smoking rates increased starting with the early 20th century, so did the discovery of different smoking-related diseases. Smoking increases the risk of acquiring diseases. This smoking risk is directly proportional to the length of time that a smoker does the habit.

Infant Allergies

In the United States, it has been established that 87% of lung cancer cases are results of smoking. A person who smoked at some point in his life has a 1 in 10 chance of having lung cancer. If he continues smoking, his risk increases to 1 in 6. Exposure to smoke, or passive smoking, increases a nonsmoker's risk by 20 to 30%. Developing emphysema and chronic obstructive disease are also smoking risks. These diseases are caused by exposure to cyanide and carbon monoxide, common substances found in cigarette smoke.

Infant Allergies

Risks of smoking may cause the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack, peripheral vascular disease, heart disease, and stroke. Smokers are 5 times more likely to suffer a heart attack. Passive smoking increases the risk of nonsmokers to develop heart disease by 25 to 30%.

Infant Allergies

Other smoking risks include development of tuberculosis, invasive pneumococcal disease, chronic bronchitis, allergies, asthma, cancers of the oral cavity, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, halitosis, or bad breath, periodontitis, and many others.

Smoking may also risks the life of the fetus, much to the ignorance of pregnant women. Smoking while pregnant increases the likelihood of a miscarriage. As for infants born by smoking mothers, they can be low in birth weight or small for gestational age. Both diseases can cause jaundice and breathing difficulties. Sudden infant death syndrome is also a smoking risk. 430 infants die because of sudden infant death syndrome in the United States.

If you smoke, you put your life at risk! Smoking has been established to reduce life expectancy of smokers by 2.5 to 10 years. And every consumed cigarette is equal to losing 11 minutes of your life. Aside from risking your life, you are also putting the lives of people around you at risk. Passive smoking kills as much as active smoking does. Make the right choice. Quit smoking now!

Smoking Risks - The Increasing Rate of Acquiring Smoking Diseases

Infant Allergies

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

Infant Allergies

Swimming in public pools is a popular activity during the hot months of summer. An allergy to chlorine can really put a damper on things. It's important to understand the symptoms so you can tell if it's a treatable allergy or something more serious.

Infant Allergies

There are five major symptoms to look for that can be caused when exposed to chlorinated pools. These symptoms generally show up either while you're swimming or right after you get out of the water.

Infant Allergies

1. Respiratory Problems - The following breathing-related symptoms can be similar to an asthma attack and may be more severe in an indoor pool where the chlorine is constantly being breathed in.

Infant Allergies

o The sensation of not getting enough air
o A tight feeling in the chest
o Not being able to take a deep breath

2. Irritation of the Eyes - This is eye irritation that is more severe than the normal reaction experienced by most people who swim in chlorinated pools.

o Redness
o Itching
o Stinging
o Swollen eyes

3. Dry Skin - If the dryness is severe enough, it can lead to:

o Pain
o Scratching
o Peeling skin

4. Rashes - When the clothes you wear are exposed to chlorine, for example the bathing suit being worn while in the pool, a rash that resembles the skin condition eczema can affect the entire area where the clothing touches. Leaving that clothing on too long can cause the rash to spread.

5. Itching - Chlorine is an irritant and can cause severe itching. Showering after swimming to wash the chlorine off the skin should take care of the problem.

5 Chlorine Pool Allergy Symptoms - How to Tell If You're Allergic to Chlorine

Infant Allergies

Corn Allergies and Corn Intolerance

Infant Allergies

Having a corn allergy is very difficult, especially if you are used to eating processed foods. Most processed foods in America contain some type of corn, whether it be corn syrup, citric acid, corn starch, or vanilla. Most people who are allergic to corn don't realize it because it is so ubiquitous. Once you know you are allergic to corn, avoiding it takes a certain amount of learning, patience and persistence.

Infant Allergies

According to the National Institute of Health, less than 1% of people are actually allergic to food. However, many more are intolerant to certain foods such as corn products, cow's milk or wheat. Whether you are allergic to corn or you are experiencing an intolerance, you should know the symptoms, and act accordingly to take charge of your health.

Infant Allergies

The easiest way to know if you are allergic to corn is to get an allergy test at your doctor's office. If you are allergic to corn, your doctor will help you review your options. Many people feel that complete avoidance is the key to getting better. If you decide to avoid corn, you will need to get very familiar with product labels as corn comes in many forms and your sensitivity may not be the same as someone else who is allergic to corn.

Infant Allergies

Another possibly less expensive option is to use a food journal to help you learn what you are allergic to. Eat only one item at a time and wait for a while. If you have a reaction, write down what you ate and what your reaction was to that food. Once you have a few days or a week's worth of data, you can probably figure out what is causing your symptoms. A quick way may be to take the foods that you love, the one's you simply can't stop eating, and cross check those foods. Chances are that they all have common ingredients that you may be allergic to.

Common corn allergy symptoms include, but are not limited to, headaches or migraines, sinus problems (stuffy nose, runny nose), tiredness after eating, cravings for foods that you are allergic to, and inflammation. Many people with allergies also tend to have weight problems, or difficulty losing weight.

Corn is here to stay and is a major part of our processed food industry for many reasons. It is present in nearly every food from cheese to yogurt, to chips and it's even added to soups and other canned foods. As a person who is actually allergic to corn, I can say that there may be one item per aisle in most grocery stores that actually does not contain corn. If you are suffering from a corn allergy or corn intolerance, watch food labels, get educated and find family members and friends who will support you. You can live corn free and gain your health back.

Corn Allergies and Corn Intolerance

Infant Allergies

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Help For Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

Baby Eczema is quite common with children, with approximately 20% of all children to develop eczema. Eczema is a skin rash usually appears before the child finishes the first year of life. In fact, the development of 65% of people with eczema in the first years of his life. Infant eczema usually shows first on the forehead, cheeks or scalp, but also on the legs, arms, chest or anywhere on her body to him. Infant eczema can be very scary for new parents who are not familiar with thecondition.

Infant Allergies

Baby eczema may look like thick, scaly and dry skin or it can consist of small red bubbly bumps that may blister or ooze. An infection may develop if the rash is scratched too much. Because eczema is very itchy, scratching may become a serious problem. Although it isn't contagious, it can be very bothersome to the baby as well as to the parents that are trying to help their baby get through this period.

Infant Allergies

Even doctors aren't sure of what causes adult or baby eczema, but it is a well-known fact that although eczema may not be hereditary, the tendency to develop it may be inherited. In other words, if you or someone else in the family has had allergies such as eczema or asthma, the baby may be more inclined to have baby eczema. Although eczema is not the result of an allergic reaction to any one thing, its onset can be brought on by different allergens in the baby's diet or environment. It can also be in the diet of the mother if she's breastfeeding. Different things may aggravate the baby's rash such as heat or other irritants that are exposed to their skin like chemicals in their lotion, soap or detergent. Dry skin and sudden temperature changes may also aggravate the baby eczema rash.

Infant Allergies

There are different things your can do to help your baby during their bout with baby eczema. It's very important that their skin not be allowed to become too dry. Bathing is known to help babies with eczema, but don't let the water become too warm because warm water tends to dry the skin out. Use very mild fragrance-free soap and shampoo and do the shampooing at the end of the bath so they don't have to sit in soapy water. After the bath, dry them off very gently and apply plenty of cream, lotion or moisturizing ointment. Your doctor can recommend the best creams for your baby based on the age and seriousness of the eczema.

Dress your baby loosely in cotton clothing. Avoid using materials like wool, which can aggravate the skin. Rapid temperature changes can make the eczema worse as well. Remember that allergens in your home such as animal dander, dust mites or pollen can trigger baby eczema or worsen it. You may want to vacuum more often and use air filters in your home. As hard as it may seem, you and your baby will get through this.

Help For Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nutramigen Formula For Babies With Allergic Reactions

Infant Allergies

Most babies will do very well with natural breast milk. However, it may not always be possible to breastfeed your child, in this day and age. Also, some children may have a sensitivity to breast milk, even though the chances are rare. However, some children have allergic reactions to many things, and you may need to give them an infant formula that is specially designed for children with severe allergies. Nutramigen formula is an excellent hypoallergenic choice for some babies. The recipe contains DHA, and ARA, found in breast milk.

Infant Allergies

Allergies to Cow's Milk

Infant Allergies

Quite a few babies develop allergic reactions to cow's milk, found in many products. Cow's milk can make some children very gassy, and they may also have frequent diarrhea. If you suspect that your child is allergic to cow's milk, it is best to talk to your doctor about a suitable substitute.

Infant Allergies

Allergies to Soy Products

Your doctor may advise you to try a soy based product, for milk allergies, and with many children, this works well. However, some babies may also be allergic to soy, as well as milk, and you will need to explore other options. If your baby is sensitive to soy products, you may notice similar symptoms to milk allergies, including a rash. Contact your doctor if your child is having problems with milk substitutes that contain soy.

Hypoallergenic Products

Your baby needs proper nutrition in order to grow and develop properly. Proper nutrition includes digestion and elimination, and if your child has allergies, it can affect the way that essential nutrients are absorbed. If your doctor recommends a hypoallergenic recipe, Nutramigen is a very good choice. If you choose this product for your baby, there are two basic options to consider.

Standard Formula

Standard Nutramigen has everything that an infant needs for proper nutrition. It contains hydrolyzed protein, and this makes it much easier to digest. The recipe also contains probiotics for better digestive function and health. Probiotics work to restore the natural balance of beneficial bacteria, which are major part of the digestive process.

Amino Acid Recipe

Nutramigen AA has all of the ingredients of the standard product, except it is has amino acids. Amino acids are very important when it comes to digesting protein. All protein is made from the bonding process of amino acids, and these acids work to digest and break down proteins that your child consumes. If you are unsure about an amino acid selection, ask your pediatrician.

Colic Symptoms

You may see from the label, that this product is recommended for colic. Colic can often times be caused from improper digestion or allergies. Once you change your formulas, be sure to give the new product time to work. This can sometimes take up to two weeks. If you get no results, call your doctor's office for advice.


There may be times when a woman cannot breastfeed, and may need to look into substitute formulas. Some babies may be allergic to milk and soy products, and you may need something that is hypoallergenic. Nutramigen formula can help your child digest and eliminate better, and can often help with colic symptoms. It contains a protein that is hydrolyzed, to digest easier and probiotics for digestive health. The also make an amino acid based formula. Talk to your doctor about what it best for your baby.

Nutramigen Formula For Babies With Allergic Reactions

Infant Allergies

Friday, October 14, 2011

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Infant Allergies

Eosinophilic Esophagitis is an allergic inflammatory condition of the esophagus which causes excess eosinophils- also known as white blood cells. It can be caused by frequent acid reflux, allergies, radiation, medications that can get stuck in the esophagus, bacteria, fungi, and viruses such as candida and the herpes simplex virus. In most people, the cause of their Eosinophilic Esophagitis is an allergic reaction due to the fact that white blood cells play a large role in the inflammation caused by allergens. Doctors and researchers do not yet know how the allergic reaction in the esophagus occurs- whether it is by an inhaled substance or an ingested substance that the patient possesses an allergy to. The symptoms of this condition in adults include heartburn, dysphagia (trouble swallowing often due to narrowing of the esophagus), chest pain, and nausea. Vomiting, abdominal pain, and failure to thrive are the most commonly seen symptoms in adolescent patients. Although Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a newly recognized condition, it is extremely vital that doctors diagnose and treat it due to the fact that it can result in scarring, impaired functioning of the esophagus, esophageal cancer, and a great deal of pain.

Infant Allergies

Once symptoms are displayed, testing must be done to confirm the presence of excess eosinophils. The only way to check for Eosinophilic Esophagitis involves an endoscopy procedure. To perform this procedure the patient is placed under anesthesia and a flexible, lighted endoscope with a camera is inserted through the mouth of the patient. The tube then travels down the esophagus, into the stomach, and into the first part of the small intestine- the duodenum. Tissue samples are then taken from the lining of the esophagus and are sent to a lab to examine for the presence of excess eosinophils. If the results come back positive, allergy skin testing is commonly the next step to take. Eliminating foods and other things that the patient is allergic to is highly important. Once the cause is established, treatment must begin to avoid permanent damage. Short term use of oral or inhaled steroids has proven to be extremely effective. For Eosinophilic Esophagitis caused by fungi, viruses, or bacteria, medication is prescribed to clear up the issue. Proton pump inhibitors are also utilized in preventing esophageal scarring by controlling excess stomach acid production. Additional monitoring including repeat endoscopies is also necessary to make sure that the condition does not return. With a combination of avoiding triggers such as allergens, taking medication, and living a healthy lifestyle, Eosinophilic Esophagitis can be quite manageable.

Infant Allergies

Infant Allergies

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Infant Allergies

Thursday, October 13, 2011

American Bulldog Training & What You Need To Know

Infant Allergies

The American Bulldog is known for many of its properties together, and it's almost closer to an American icon that can be obtained, without any bald eagle. American Bulldog training can be very fun and enjoyable, but must be managed properly, they are still in the training successfully. Too often I see how smart and beautiful Bulldog just out of control and unhappy. On my professional guarantee, if you acquire the knowledge and how to keep the announcementBulldog when you train, these problems do not follow you, and follow the reward of a wonderful American Bulldog.

Infant Allergies

The American Bulldog is an animal very athletic, powerful and muscular. This is a beautiful property, but not a property that every owner can handle. This means that the animal needs exercise and stimulation very frequent almost constant. This does not mean that you run 12 miles with you and Bulldog are for him / her to pull a sled, but this means that ifyou're not someone who is frequently active and don't take you're American Bulldog along for the ride, you'll end up with an unhappy pet that can lead to bigger problems down the road. Again, you don't need extreme conditions to stimulate you're Bulldog, but specialized knowledge is required to properly train and stimulate them.

Infant Allergies

American Bulldogs are happy, friendly and devoted pets that get along great with children, even those that are brought into the family later on in a Bulldogs life. However, because of they're size and love for constant stimulation, they are either best suited for older children (rather then babies or infants) or should be watched when around infants. The fear in this is not because of a possible attack or bite (this doesn't occur with Bulldogs) but because of their size and weight they could unintentionally role over or sit on an infant. However, believe it or not, you can actually train and American Bulldog to understand the difference between adult and infant with the right training, thus making him/her extra gentle around smaller children.

Infant Allergies

The American Bulldog does thankfully get along with other household pets, but only it they grow up with them in the same environment. It should be said however that the American Bulldog does not get along very well with smaller pets such as cats, rabbits, gerbils etc. This is simply because of their natural extinct to gather or work. This natural instinct however can surprisingly be subdued and with the right American Bulldog training, can be cured over time.

The American Bulldog is a very loyal animal and because of its natural guarding instincts can be wary, reserved and on occasion aggressive towards strangers it does not know. It is very important that you PROPERLY socialize this breed from an early age so that these problems do not occur. However, the American Bulldog requires that it be socialized in a very proper and specific manner, so make sure you acquire the needed knowledge.

All in all, the bulldog makes for an excellent pet and animal, but just like any other breed of dog requires training knowledge that is specifically tailored towards this breed. American Bulldog training does not have to be a chore, and while it can sometimes be extensive, it can also be a lot of fun for both you and your pet. The rewards of getting it "right" with this breed are extensive, so take the time and put in the effort to gain the needed knowledge to properly train this breed.

American Bulldog Training & What You Need To Know

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Treating Gas

Infant Allergies

Do you feel like your pants are going to pop open when you have your meal? Has your habit of passing gas caused you embarrassment to your friends and colleagues? Do you feel uncomfortable or painful after eating? All these are the symptom of gas. People usually think that only fat people have gas related problems but in reality we all have experienced gas in sometimes in our life, and for many it has become everyday occurrence. Gas is the most common digestive problem.

Infant Allergies

If we take a scientific approach to find the cause of gas, it says that gas is created by harmless bacteria in our digestive system, while breaking down foods like carbohydrates, sugar, and starch. The gas created by bacteria is excess and does not serve any bodily functions so the excess gas is passed through the rectum. Some other bacteria found in our intestines can help to wipe out the bacteria that create gases like hydrogen and help to prevent the creation of excess gas during the digestion process; the balance of these two bacteria can explain why some people produce more gas and some less. In short we all create more or less amount of gas, when we create too much of gas it invites many health problems and the reasons why some of us create more gas vary.

Infant Allergies

The most common causes that some of us have excess gas fall in two categories: Lifestyle habits and Food habits. Lifestyle habits that can contribute to create gas related problems are having meal at an irregular time and staying hungry for long time, eating too much and too fast and emotional stress. Food habits that cause gas are consuming carbonated beverages in large quantity, eating food that creates gas like beans and cabbage, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeinated products can irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal and cause gas. Too much oily or salty and consumption of refined sugar are also some of the food related habits that can cause gas. Other reasons that create excessive gas is food intolerance and food allergies from the products that contain sugar and lactose can cause bloating and diarrhea. Deficiency of digestive enzymes which are required to digest food with carbohydrate, sugar and starch can also make you suffer from gas.

Infant Allergies

Many of us think that gas and bloating is just a common problem; most of us shy away from it as it are embarrassing. Why gas should be considered as a health problem, and why it should be treated? The answer is that gas is not as common as many of us may think it is; gas can invite and could be a route cause for many health related issues. Gas can cause some people to have nausea, vomiting, fever and weight loss which are serious symptoms. A person passes gas through his mouth which is called belching and passes gas through his rectum normally 10 to 12 times a day but when a person is not able to pass gas it goes in other parts of the body which can cause sharp pains. Generally the gas related pain is felt in the stomach and under the arm, some time the pain could be so severe that it can make breathing difficult. Continuing back pain, head ache and heart burn should not be taken lightly, the route cause for all these problems is gas. Ulcer and hernia can also be caused due to long avoided gas problem.

There are many different treatments that can be applied to treat gas. Pantothenic is also known as vitamin B 5, it is an essential nutrient in human body for a healthy digestive system. Pantothenic can help to metabolize fats and carbohydrates. The most effective treatment for gas is to take a dose of 1000 or 2000 mg of Pantothenic acid a day for the first week and 500 mg twice a week. Pantothenic acid tablets are easily available over the counter and have shown improvement in many suffering from acute gas. Other traditional treatments that many cultures have been using for years, includes herbs. The easy homemade herbs can give you relief from gas the natural way. The recipe to make herb paste is as following: mix half a teaspoon of honey, turmeric powder and ginger powder and eat it once a day for many weeks. Gas forming bacteria are reduced by turmeric and used by Japanese and Indians in their food preparation regularly.

To summarize I would say that, a good balance of medicine, herbs, diet and rest can help to eliminate any gas related problems. Lifestyle habits that trigger the cause of gas should be corrected, eating at a regular time and enough sleep is generally suggested for good health. Food allergies and food intolerance should be figured out and treated. Cutting down on refined food, caffeine and food that cause more gas can show improvement in your overall health. Have a habit to Eat moderately and practice meditation to relieve stress. Healthy digestion is a key to over all good health.

Treating Gas

Infant Allergies