Monday, September 26, 2011

Mites, asthma, allergies and indoor allergens - Health and wellness begins at home

Infant Allergies

Why all the fuss mites

Infant Allergies

Dust mites are transparent with a sparkling light beige, and not bite people. They eat most widespread of human skin, among other things. There are several species of mites, including itching mites that bite people. Mite allergen producing a strong and very dangerous called guanine, all to varying degrees and for some people severely affected.

Infant Allergies

Guanine is an enzyme that is produced in the digestive system of aMites. The purpose of guanine to break hard to digest food. Practice coprophagy dust mites, which means that in lean times, have to eat their own feces. The stomach had strong qualities of guanine to break and kill living tissue.

Infant Allergies

In addition to the fecal pellets guanine is also present in secretions from the house dust mite, eggs, larvae, mussels skin (which changes every time they pass one of the six stages of life) and body parts in the dead mites. These particles allergensare so small (20 microns or less) can easily fly through the air and fly over a house for up to 2 hours before settling on everything in the house, including house dust mite resistant mattresses and bedding. If these particles are inhaled, guanine-protein binds to live cells on the walls of the lungs. This effectively stifled and eventually destroys healthy cells.

Asthma, asthma deaths (especially in children) and other respiratory diseases areincreased every year since 1980. The poor quality indoor air is the culprit.

Avoid aggressive marketing campaign supporting mite solutions

Mites (bugs and other creatures ... everything) are new times in the past 15 months. Billions of dollars are exchanged for each specialty car manufacturer claims the product, the "panacea" to the problem of mites is spent. But the truth is that theseThe products are just a "patch" or "cover" and not to attack the source.

Cheap mattress can be a barrier for mites adults is 300 microns (male) to 400 micrometers (females) in the range of sizes. However, the mattress, only as a "landing strip" for all the dust mites in the air, (DMA). Table air purifiers is a complete rip off and in many cases more harm than good ... mostly for people (allergies,Asthma, the chronically ill) who "sold on the benefits of" air purifiers by aggressive advertising campaigns. Medications may or may not provide temporary relief, even if they work, the source of allergens is not the answer.

Get some of the mites and indoor pollutants is well documented

About 95% of U.S. households, and dust mites from the port and 50% of them are interested.

The indoor air pollution is 2-5 times higher (sometimes100-500 times) than outdoor air pollution.

Those who can afford to breathe polluted air are the same people who spend more than 90% of their lives, such as infants, preschool children, the elderly and chronically ill.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAA) has proposed that 50% of all diseases are caused by or, worse air pollution.

The powder is the No. 1 source of indoor air pollutionand house dust mites (DMA) are the worst offenders.

Pollen is the No. 1 outdoor allergens, and is easy to carry inside.

In an apartment, most of our rooms contain allergens. Are accidentally transported into our homes our clothes, coats, hats, shoes and hair. Cozy and comfortable in our bed covers, and for ', emit heat and humidity, mattresses, living an ideal ecosystem in miniature that the mites thrive and multiply. Even in our mattresses are the pollen(Worn on the inside), mold, fungal spores, animal dander, insect parts, bacteria, viruses, and, of course, shed human skin.

The key to successfully fight against dust mites and allergens inside

Through knowledge and education of the general public recognizes the need to address the sources of allergens for the implementation of the cleaning practices, internal control household allergens are. Starting in the room, especially sleeping on mattresses start toilet "Improving healthand well-being "and the quality of your life.

Like the three best and most cost-effective in reducing allergic reactions are:

1). Knowledge and education

2). Source control (ie, prevention, reduction, elimination)

3). Ventilation

The EPA, in 2007, has a new website ( to the American public about the harmful effects of air pollution in closed environments, which now inform the No. 1 concern of the Agency ... much more than outdoor air pollution. The cause of the increaseAsthma, asthma deaths (especially in children) and respiratory diseases, which have increased every year since 1980.

Mites, asthma, allergies and indoor allergens - Health and wellness begins at home

Infant Allergies

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