Saturday, September 24, 2011

14 steps to reduce your child's reflux

Infant Allergies

Many things are listed below with the child's discomfort and spitting, eliminating the need for medication to help.

Infant Allergies

POSITIONING measures to reduce reflux

Infant Allergies

Positioning during and after feedings

Infant Allergies

Keep your feet first child during and for at least 30 minutes after feeds can help keep reflux gravity to reduce the food in the belly of the book. Similarly, after the meal to try to keep as still as possible for at least 30 minutes afterFeed. Bottle-fed, a longer period since the formula is digested more slowly than breast milk.

A word about car seats

2 Some car seats position so that bent and folded, putting further pressure on the stomach may increase episodes of acid reflux. Looking for a car seat, the child will be adjusted simply do not mix, oblique enough that they are perfectly right allowed.

Sleep Position

With regard to the third positionBaby food and keeps resting during sleep is essential if you have reflux. It can help reduce painful reflux episodes and the risk of aspiration.

Supine and prone position (vs. Recto Verso)

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that quarter all children in the prone position (on back) to sleep because it has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS. E 'for children with reflux, maintained for so long that the child is safe at least 30%, we found the higher baby is restingbetter. However, many children with reflux prefer sleeping in the prone position (belly), is increased, and may have less reflux episodes in this position. Talk to your doctor and can help you decide if it is right, and how to secure the baby to sleep in the prone position. It 'very important to discuss with your doctor before trying as babies with reflux are already at increased risk of SIDS.


Try to make the child the fifth roundas possible in a child seat for the day. Carried babies tend to cry less and crying makes reflux worse, plus protects the baby in an upright position.

Clothing and reflux

Avoid tight clothing

6 tight clothing, especially clothing that is tight around the baby's stomach can reflux worse by increasing pressure on the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Make sure the child remains in the loose, elastic waist, as far as possible.



7 Breastfeeding is certainly the best for a child with reflux, because there are hypoallergenic formula and is digested twice as fast as formula. If breastfeeding is not possible or not chosen by the mother, formula changes can help some children. If the child has a milk allergy or lactose intolerance or give the baby food, milk begins, reflux can be worse. To learn more about the different types of formulas available to discuss this possibility withThe pediatrician.


8 Some children respond well to thickening reflux their diet with cereals. Thickening formula can help for some reason. The extra weight of the grain in the diet helps keep food from splashing around in the belly of the child and can help you hold it. Children who have problems, weight gain, may also benefit from added calories. In general, we recommend about a tablespoon of muesli to add to each ouncethe formula. If the formula is not thick enough, it will not work. In addition, some children can react badly to rice cereal is usually the first tried, so adding oatmeal instead may be better for some children. As always, ask your pediatrician before trying it.

Feeding time

9 When and how a child can be fed also affects their reflux. Smaller meals more frequently during the working day much better than larger, less frequent meals. Avoid feeding tooChild before bedtime, especially if the child is already poor sleep.


10 If you still can try to eliminate foods that make reflux worse. Dairy products are one of the main culprits, such as caffeine, fatty foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits. If the removal of these things seems to help, you can start slowly (about one per week) to introduce one thing at a time back in your diet and see the reactions of the child. This will contribute to an accuratemaking the reflux worse, so (hopefully) should not give up everything you love, only one or two things.


11 stops to burp baby frequently (at least after every ounce) can help during feeding.

Insert a lollipop

Sucking on a pacifier 12 ° or fictitious, can the flow of saliva production. Saliva is alkaline to help neutralize some acids, which may eventually come.

Avoid certain foods and liquids

More than 13 older children andChildren, there are certain foods proven to make reflux worse, are mentioned above. These should be avoided.


Infant Massage

14 Try infant massage, has been shown to improve digestion and helps to relax the child.

For more information, including salaries, as you know, if the necessary drugs, advice on child support and information about the various options available, visit

14 steps to reduce your child's reflux

Infant Allergies

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