Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gripe Water Side Effects

Infant Allergies

Do you want to use gripe water as a remedy for colic, but are uncertain about any side effects? This article describes the possible side effects the gripe water, and weighed the possibilities and consequences of using this popular means.

Infant Allergies

This relief colic remedy from England in 1860, where it is used as a remedy for stomach pain was. He quickly spread throughout the world as a remedy herbal to relieve colic. This product is a natural form of herbal colic on the marketHelp. The words and the pleasure of the parents based natural herbs, which is natural and herbal remedies safe to take. It is not always the case.

Infant Allergies

Herbs such as peppermint and ginger can worsening symptoms such as reflux. These herbs are still relax the sphincter Gastric reflux. Although these herbs do for the digestive system, you must be careful in their use, if your baby has reflux.

Infant Allergies

Some brands of alcohol water tariffs, which recommended in allBabies and young children of bicarbonate., Also a popular ingredient in this popular tool can also cause some unwanted side effects. Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate, and can cause dehydration of the body and affects the acidity of the blood.

The most serious side effects of this drug is due to allergies. Children are very sensitive and all children are different and react differently. Symptoms of allergy can range from the most common skinSkin rashes and hives, difficulty breathing harder, swelling of the lips and throat and difficulty breathing. Some children may exacerbate a worsening of their symptoms and colic or reflux. If this is the case, then you should stop the gripe water rinse.

So are the side effects of this natural remedy. I'm sure that question in mind: ..? "I have to take the risk," Well, first of all look at what it really means most if not all to remedy the relief of colicrelieve the symptoms of colic, regardless of the cause of colic.

No, it is caused by the wind, colic, gas and indigestion. These are just the symptoms. Alleviate these symptoms are only a short-term relief if you're lucky, and in some cases, no relief. To cure colic really need to treat the cause of colic.

Gripe Water Side Effects

Infant Allergies


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