Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Detailed information on food allergies

Infant Allergies

Food is the building in which the body depends on nutrition. Imagine, if you do not eat for a day, as he went down and feel emaciated. Can eat together in many allergic reactions. A person may, in addition to allergic reactions to food. In the majority of food allergies, the patient is usually aware of what food caused the damage. After the foods are potent causal factors in the development of allergies in somePeople, but not all.

Infant Allergies

Fish allergy: seafood are the causes of allergies, where the fish is the most common allergy Some people can not stand the smell of fish and even the sight of the fish can cause allergies .. urticaria - Formation of skin eruptions is a common finding, although some people might vomiting or nausea. People who are allergic to fish should avoid them, even among the products of the sea.

Infant Allergies

Egg allergy: Again, part of the egg white andSmell of eggs is the usual cause of allergy. Allergic reaction to eggs is sometimes severe, which may lead to collapse and shock, and vomiting in some people.

Infant Allergies

Allergy to dairy products. Check secondary food allergies, milk allergy, a common cause of allergies in children allergy when breast milk is replaced by the condensed milk can, milk a cow or buffalo This allergy is manifested in the form of upset stomach;Vomiting or abdominal pain. When milk is removed from a child's diet a few days, and if it feels better than milk allergy, can be easily identified. In some people, condensed milk, cottage cheese, whey, cream, cheese, etc. can also cause stomach upset and allergies led / or vomiting. When the milk or its products can be triggered allergic reactions, it is advisable to remove these items from the menu.

Allergy to fruits and vegetables: the twoFruits and vegetables are an essential part of every day. The allergy can be detected when the fruit or vegetables cause abdominal colic, flatulence, vomiting, nausea, rash, constipation or loose motions. In most cases, a patient is usually aware of the problem of food that caused the anger of the sort. Spinach, tomatoes, menthol, ginger, garlic, mangoes, oranges, potatoes, allergies in some patients. Some people salivation, burning sensation in your mouth,Stomatitis, partial / complete loss or alteration of taste and language can get washed. Even some dried vegetables, fruit juices and vegetables, the application of herbal creams orally, lotions, perfumes advice of some foods (such as ginger, onion, garlic, etc.) may be causing allergic reactions. The symptoms of food allergy can appear immediately or several hours after ingestion of food there.

Sometimes food allergies are relatively short, while inIf some reactions after several hours. Treatment should be directed to the elimination of the offending foods that have a long and arduous process is addressed. In any case, the identification of the offending food is necessary, otherwise the patient may produce food allergies years of experience.

Detailed information on food allergies

Infant Allergies

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