Monday, September 19, 2011

Milk and milk allergies

Infant Allergies

As a boy, I followed the advice of the school and the government-run food and drink my 6-8 glasses of milk per day. As a teenager, I also drank the substance, in the hope of bigger and stronger. I never seemed to put on muscles well, despite the amount of juice I shot a cow. I was also struggling with colds and allergies for most of my teenage life.

Infant Allergies

At times during my adolescence I was told that the older men were not designed to consume dairy products.Part of the explanation was that the majority of lactic acid bacteria to digest their animals' lose lactase after early childhood. It is a survival mechanism, that the staff of child care is not guaranteed as the new baby to begin breastfeeding.

Infant Allergies

If you consider the nutrition of Asia, South America, Africa and parts of Europe, you do not see a lot of milk consumption. Cow's milk was invisible in the Arctic, until someone in the north.

Infant Allergies

Of course, there were exceptional athletes like Olympic swimmer MarkSpitz and the wrestler Gama to India, he drank a quart of milk. But rest assured, people usually only get an average of bloating and gas from the undigested lactose, which moves in his colon.

There is a strong belief that milk is a good source of calcium. Contains calcium, magnesium, mineral balance, but is bad for the human body. Magnesium promotes the absorption of other minerals in the bones. Without sufficient magnesium, a person will develop mildBones and teeth, regardless of the amount of milk they drink. Worse, it ends the excess calcium is deposited in the kidneys and arteries.

I remember some friends whose parents used to give them fresh milk from the farm. The trick is rich in cream and tasted like a milkshake. He made the water taste like regular flavored milk. Fresh cream contains natural pearls that are too large to pass through the intestinal wall into the blood. Most store-bought milk has beenhomogenized, the mixture of milk fat is fine with the rest of the milk. Homogenized milk has reduced the fat globules so that they are small enough to pass into the bloodstream and collect around the heart. Countries that have consumed homogenized milk have higher rates of heart disease and mortality than non-homogenized milk. Processed milk run the risk of contamination with antibiotics, copper and infections.

At the age of 20 years, I stopped drinking milk and I noticedan immediate reduction in allergies, colds and stomach problems. Curiously, this lack of milk, I began to gain muscle weight of my training. I also felt better and my mind was clear. Since then I have reduced my water consumption to a minimum.

If the reader of this article really doubt that they could not avoid milk for 5 days and see how they feel. This in itself can put the milk diet all theories to rest.

Milk and milk allergies

Infant Allergies

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