Friday, September 23, 2011

EpiPen use - How to use it to control an allergic reaction

Infant Allergies

EpiPen (EpiPen or Jr.) is the first line of defense for every individual in the throes of a severe allergic reaction. This small bottle of an emergency injection of medication used to reduce or prevent a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Although each person is different, the signs and symptoms may indicate a serious allergic reaction, while everyone is usually caused by this list of crimes:

Infant Allergies

Exercise-induced allergies Drugs and pharmaceuticalsDrug Latex Allergy Food Allergies Environmental allergies Insect stings or bites

Infant Allergies

It is not uncommon for a person who is called a negative reaction not really in a position of their life-saving drugs, adrenaline, to manage due to the severity of their symptoms. And 'therefore essential that someone has to progress and the EpiPen. This gives the patient a little 'more, get emergency medical care for moreTreatment.

Infant Allergies

How to use EpiPen

Easy to follow instructions, it is very easy for anyone to come and take care of this situation.

But people are the biggest obstacle to overcome, and that is when a dose of adrenaline. Rule number one is simple. Do not ever hesitate to use the Epipen in case you see someone who needs their allergies. Every second, actually lost the loss of valuable timeIndividual.

If it really is not a real emergency, there is nothing that could harm the patient, have more. Not with the Epipen, if necessary, could also mean, it just took a life.

EpiPen (full dose) or EpiPen Jr. (small dose for children and babies) is a single dose of the injection tube that is injected into the outer edge of the upper limb (in the region of the thigh). In this position, the medicine is the best opportunity for maximumEfficiency in the shortest possible time. Often with only a few seconds to get the drug into the patient, this location offers the best location for a quick response.

There are only three simple steps to remember when Epipen.

Keep the nozzle in hand with the low, like someone stabbed with a knife. Remove the protective cap on the tube. Keep the tube of approximately 6-12 "from the patient's leg and swing the tube in the direction of the legs. Permissionsthe tip to push in the leg. A spring cap is opened, there is an audible click when the drug is ready for injection. Keep them slightly on the leg for about 10 seconds while the medication is dispensed all. It is not necessary to go beyond the removal of clothing or something of the care sector. Maintain a constant pressure on the leg and the drug is still to abstain from all levels. Remove the hose from the leg after 10 seconds and 911.Get the transport to hospital or doctor.

You're done!

After injection, the patient should be a significant improvement in a few seconds. You should have the person:

improved with less shortness of breath or some relief is visible from shortness of breath the person's blood pressure begins to rise again, increasing your heart rate. Often you will notice that the patient has a fast rate of heart problems at first, the symptoms begin to stabilize theShould reduce the itching, hives and swelling or bruising, especially around the face, lips and mouth begin You may find that your patient has extreme or excessive sweating, tremors, but it will happen, how to stabilize

Rarely, some patients can lead a multiple dose that was prescribed by your doctor. If your doctor thinks that there is a greater likelihood of a severe reaction or the possibility that medical intervention can lead to great lengths to get to the emergency room, aWith multiple-dose injector called Twinject necessary for these people, if a multiple dose may be required.

Again, it's just a guess on your part of your observations of the hand. In 5-15 minutes after the first dose, and if you think your patient is still under stress of an emergency situation, repeat the process with the second spindle.

Techniques for the storage and disposal

Reach the ideal temperature for storage is necessary to maintain the effectiveness ofDrugs.

Not always refrigerate or freeze injection pens. Also keep the pins away from sources of extreme heat. This means that, summer or winter, you can not store the pen in the car for easy transportation and proximity.

The ideal temperature is about halfway between 59 and 86 degrees. Try to hold the pen at any time in the mid-sixties, for maximum efficiency. If you have been suspended for any reason, the pins for all types of extreme temperatures, high or low, then theUnits with immediately and a replacement for security reasons.

For the elimination of the pen after use, or for out-of-date medications you use the same procedure. Connect the device to the doctor or hospital for damages.

To remain calm, act responsibly, but in a hurry, and you will be rewarded with the knowledge that only another human being's life was saved.

EpiPen use - How to use it to control an allergic reaction

Infant Allergies

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