Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Acute respiratory infections in children

Infant Allergies

Acute respiratory infections, nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and alveoli of a common cause of morbidity in children. Although deaths are due to become rare because of acute respiratory infections, the availability of powerful antibiotics and good supportive care, many children suffer from serious illness, hospitalization is required. Air enters the body through the nose, where the humidification and filtration occur in the lungs through the trachea (windpipe). The tracheain both arms of each item of a lung is divided into the cavity of the chest. The bronchi of division and subdivision until they end up in the small bag like structures called alveoli, where absorption of the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide removal, where to go.

Infant Allergies

Respiratory infections lead to a swelling of the lining of the airways. Because the airways are narrower than in children, even a slight swelling may lead to a significant reduction in respiratory and breathing difficulties. Respiratory Infectionsare classified as upper and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract infections are more common but less serious infections of the nose, throat and ear. The usual manifestations of cough, runny nose and fever. Sometimes nasal block can be very annoying.

Infant Allergies

Viral infections are more common bacteria. Antibiotics are useless when there is no sign of bacterial infection. The fever can be controlled with paracetamol, which are administered every six hours if necessary.Antitussives (cough suppressants drugs) may be given if the cough is dry to older children. Nasal sprays can be given watery nasal discharge. Inhalation of vapors medicine is very useful when it comes to blocking the nose. Capsules with liquid medications are available. A capsule may be punctured and squeezed on the pillow medicine or clothing of children. The vapor of the drug has a calming effect. The middle ear infection is very painful and children crycontinuously, while older children will complain of ear pain. If not treated promptly can tear the eardrum due to an increase in pressure in the ear suppuration.

Infant Allergies

Lower respiratory tract infections affect the epiglottis (a cover, such as facilities, food prevents the penetration of wind-pipe), trachea (windpipe), its divisions and alveoli. They are dangerous and even deadly. Epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis) is a severe and potentially fatalbecause the swelling can lead to obstruction in the lungs. The condition is characterized by fever, salivation and a sound when the child is in (stridor) is breathing. The condition requires hospitalization and intravenous medications. Sometimes it may be necessary to put a tube into the trachea (intubation), so the child can breathe.

The term refers to an infection in the lungs of pneumonia affects a significant portion of the lung. In X-rays of the affected partwill be seen as a white spot, while the normal lung appears dark. This is a serious disease, but fortunately, fatalities are rare because of the availability of powerful antibiotics. Children with pneumonia usually require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics. You may also need oxygen, intravenous fluids, if they are unable to take oral medications and the thick secretions in the lungs to liquefy, so that it can be coughed slightly. If the drugs to suppress the cough treatment can not be given to children with pneumonia, remains infected secretions in the lungs, instead of being excluded and may also cause an abscess (pus).

Indications for immediate vote

Children less than three months during which the respiratory infection can progress rapidly to severe illness

High fever of 39 degrees Celsius or more

Fast breathing difficulties and power in the respiratory rate is> Infants and young children, and if the baby breathes faster than usual seems to show an important disease. If breathing becomes faster, the child will be difficult to get food.

Retraction of the chest in infants and small children: when constructing the lungs usually caused by diseases of the breast when the baby is breathing low, because the vacuum created in the chest, the soft and flexible chest wall to cave in children

OftenVomiting-Any disease caused vomiting in children. If the child vomits often unable to take anything by mouth and is dehydrated, which causes the depletion of the secretion in the lungs and worsening of the disease.

Acute respiratory infections in children

Infant Allergies

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