Sunday, September 25, 2011

Asthma Allergy - Milk and dairy

Infant Allergies

Milk and dairy products are the most common causes related to food allergies that may cause the onset of your asthma. Asthma is one of the problems get worse in the world today. In reality, the situation is worsening at a pace that there are many medical and health care alarming. To make matters worse, it is very difficult to identify the cause or trigger asthma. If you are constantly with asthma, it isshould check and see if it could be a food allergy, which is the cause of his illness. One of the most common foods that many people are allergic to milk and dairy products.

Infant Allergies

The problem is that the powerful dairy industry and the advertising industry have conditioned since childhood, milk is the ideal food for humans at all. They brought the message, so strong that if he does not drink milk, which are at risk of osteoporosis and lowBone density in response to calcium. However, drinking milk regularly our body makes it sensitive to the place where he developed several reactions, one of them to asthma attacks. Milk causes the excessive production of mucus in the lungs of sensitive people and cause some breathing problems.

Infant Allergies

Try to eliminate dairy from the diet and see if his condition improves asthma. Their asthma symptoms should immediately improve and you will find that you canBreathing a lot easier if the lungs and breathing for the free passage. Research shows that more than half for infants and children with milk allergies unknown. When dairy products be withheld from his diet, his condition improved immediately. As your daily requirement of calcium, you can take calcium instead. There are many other sources of calcium such as dairy products.

Infant Allergies

Milk protein in milk is very likely to be the culprit for theMilk related to asthma. Some people may be allergic to milk itself, but may be allergic to an antibiotic, passing cows. If you or your child has asthma, you should eliminate dairy products and the food completely.

If you find that your asthma is usually triggered when you go to work, you can also find out if the work associated with asthma, which is another common cause of asthma.

Asthma Allergy - Milk and dairy

Infant Allergies

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