Friday, September 30, 2011

Each allergic to honey?

Infant Allergies

Allergy to honey is there? Honey can cause side effects in the body, since a lot of pollen from plants that can be gathered from the nectar of honey can be found in honey?

Infant Allergies

Serious adverse reactions in patients allergic to pollen are rarely challenged with honey. Commercially produced honey is filtered and pasteurized (sometimes mixed with syrup), so the amount of pollen in honey is probably low. We all know that proteins are more connectedFood allergies. Honey itself is particularly simple sugars and carbohydrates do not cause side effects. However, products such as bee propolis, royal jelly and raw honey (eg lunch honey directly on the shelves), probably by people who are sensitive to bee pollen, because no one can really guarantee the absence will be avoided in bee products. Therefore, I have no side effects in the vicinity of the honey, but I do not think it's right, honey as a list of allergensIn addition to pollen, bee venom (bee stings), powder or food-based allergens such as peanuts, eggs, milk, nuts and seafood. However, a doctor should always be sought for the diagnosis of a reaction seen as honey.

Infant Allergies

The problem of safety in the honey could also for the presence of spores able to discover a rare fatal in 1976, as a cause of infant botulism have been created. Even if the answers can not be 100% honey, and we all know thatThe consumption of honey is generally safe for adults, many people really believe that the consumption of honey might work against the region and to treat reactions to pollen helps the body to be tolerant of them. That is, it acts as a honey strengthens the immune system against the negative effects. The advantages of this local honey are best when the honey is taken a little '(a few teaspoons) a day for several months before the pollen season. It is said that more than honey, which will be raisedlive better.

Infant Allergies

Thomas Leo Ogren of "Allergy-Free Room Gardening" he says. "It may seem strange that exposure to pollen often triggers allergies straight, but that exposure to pollen in honey is often the opposite effect, but there is typical of what we do. See in honey the allergens are delivered in small doses manageable, and the effect over time is very similar to itself but in a series of allergy immunology injections. The main difference isthat honey is much easier to make and is certainly much cheaper. I am always surprised that this powerful health benefits of honey are not far away, because it is simple, easy, and often surprisingly effective. "

If you decide to give it a try honey, talk to your doctor before use.

Each allergic to honey?

Infant Allergies

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Soap Keeps baby's skin is healthy

Infant Allergies

For the first 12 months of a child's life, it is important that your child is safe dyes, deodorants, preservatives and additives in many soaps. Before your child begins to eat solid foods, do not secrete the baby's skin is really sweating the sweat and oils with the same odor as adults. In adults, the sweat is actually a way to eliminate toxins from the body and toxins can often require perfumes, deodorants and other chemical treatments generate. Because yourChemicals child eats or drinks, preservatives and other toxins than adults are often in prepared foods and drinks you will not need to bathe the child as an adult.

Infant Allergies

In fact, one of the most common causes of rashes and skin irritations to bathe the children too. According to the Mayo Clinic, using only your child a bath with baby soap can be several times a week for each child of the soap only in areas of frequent sweating, as under the arms and between their needsLegs. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics has made a recommendation that children under 12 months bathed only twice (three at most) a week for the first year. The key to baby's skin is not healthy to bathe your new baby too. In addition, you should always be careful, do not rub the delicate skin of the child as it is a natural advantage to remove oils, causing dryness and irritation.

Infant Allergies

If you bathe your child, you should be to use natural soapLimited color, dyes, preservatives and other chemicals. Many companies make a piece of soap for babies and liquid soaps which are specifically designed to be gentle on your baby's skin, but there is no substitute for being loose in the bathroom. You should (preferably a mild natural sponge) with a soft sponge, mild soap using a foam a. Too much foam in the skin of an adult may feel good, but many of these small bubbles detergents can actually remove too much natural oil, withminimum friction.

Infant Allergies

Natural soaps are the best choice for babies and children because they are naturally soft, medium foam. Many soaps contain sunflower oil, which has been shown that the skin of premature babies are more susceptible to moisture loss and skin problems sensitive than healthy children to improve. Dhaka Shishu Hospital, researcher says, "Our results indicate that topical application of sunflower oil provides protection against nosocomial infectionsInfections in premature very low birth weight children. "Moreover, natural soaps are better for baby's skin and for adults, because the essential oils and vitamins to help curb your skin healthy.

I recommend choosing a natural soap, liquid soap, or you do not stay longer, or that contain chemical preservatives. With the use of soaps, is important to keep the soap on a tray so that it does not remain wet between uses, which may allow the diffusion of useful compounds soap (orWorse, contamination of the environment as soap). It 'simply the best soap to use for your child to other pollutants that can accumulate to avoid soap.

Like any other product for your child's baby soap should be checked before use. After all, even if neither parent is allergic to a particular substance, the child and the child's skin is more sensitive to allergens in adult skin. Before the use of soap for the baby, be sure to test this with a small amountSoap to wash thoroughly and wait 24 hours. If a reaction occurs, do not use soap or try a new soap or clean water or thoroughly cleaned the baby. Especially, if a rash or reaction occurs, the right treatment and stop using the soap until it heals completely.

If used properly, is a natural soap, no chemical fragrances of natural dyes, soap, or better for the child. This in many varieties, including soaps, which contain natural flavors are similar, theyExtracts of lavender or fruit, cream or goat's milk and natural materials such as cleaning the oatmeal and whole grains. The soap is ideal for children just a few steps.

Soap Keeps baby's skin is healthy

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Understanding celiac disease and gluten intolerance

Infant Allergies

As a medical diagnostic techniques more sophisticated, we learn a number of food allergies. Good with seafood allergies and lactose, two rather familiar questions of nutrition, doctors are now able to recognize some people are able to to consume safe food diffuse staining, red 40, and a mineral, mainly for the thyroid function is iodine. Even gluten intolerance or celiac disease, and sudden death NationalLimelight. This article is a brief overview of what kind of food allergy.

Infant Allergies

Gluten is the main protein component of popular cereals such as wheat, rye and barley. When people with celiac disease consume these grains have nothing in us all that has been contaminated with gluten, it causes damage to their small intestine. Basically, this is an immunological reaction in the villi, or finger projections along the smallIntestine.

Infant Allergies

One day, when a person, gluten intolerance is still consuming the protein, it is their villi, so that the small intestine to lose its ability to damage beneficial nutrients. In fact, this is not an allergy, but a disease that is likely to be genetic. So if you think someone in his family should be gluten intolerant, have genetic testing before the small intestine and damaged to the point that can lead to malnutrition andother problems.

Infant Allergies

The long-term problems that may occur as a result of celiac disease include anemia, osteoporosis, diseases of the nervous system, neurological problems and disorders of the gallbladder and pancreas. Therefore, it is a good idea to be able to recognize the symptoms of celiac disease. These symptoms may include the following:

Abdominal pain and swelling
Muscle cramps
Stool strange
Weight Loss

Once you realizehave celiac disease, you must cut all gluten from the diet. This protein is probably more common than we think, essentially all foods that contain wheat flour cooked, so it has gluten. Gluten can be in some places are amazing, including beer, malt, noodles and soy sauce.

Now that gluten intolerance is much more likely to achieve now estimates say that affects 3 million Americans, there are many alternatives to wheat flour that are on the market and can be found in regular grocery stores. People can buy gluten-free biscuits, pasta and bread, a good way to keep these foods in your diet without damage to your body. For your sweet, you should attempt to try to imitate the use of gluten-free flour mixture to the consistency of specific flour. These include arrowroot, rice flour and cassava, among others.

Gluten-free diets are becoming a growing problem in health care. For more information on food products> Allergies and health topics, please consult the directory of Health today.

Understanding celiac disease and gluten intolerance

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Clothes Care

Infant Allergies

Yes, it is true that baby clothes are not very long with the children to grow as fast as they are, but the care of a newborn is always the same, if not more, important. A more appropriate reason clothing design is essential to protect the skin of a child from irritants. As use has increased in the budget of many different chemicals in modern society, has increased the sensitivity of human skin and children with sensitive skin of all. A parent mustsensitive to certain foods or substances that their children have allergies or intolerances. For the rest, the care of children and baby clothing is similar to adult clothing, but to a much smaller scale.

Infant Allergies

Detergents are useless, even for adults, so it makes sense of detergent, what to buy for the job the whole family. Using a mild detergent, clean clothes and leave, but without the plethora of irritants that canProblems for the baby's skin. In some cases, it is best to refrain from the use of detergents at all. Instead of soap for sensitive skin and hot water to get clean clothes, but require more time to complete. There are some detergents "baby", the market cleaner that young parents are better on the market for the skin of newborns, but there is no real difference in this and other mild detergents. Detergent child is just another form of marketing retail for the child. WhenShopping with a mild detergent to meet parent should appear as a substance, without addition of flavors and colors.

Infant Allergies

They should be washed after washing, drying before, with the use of fabric softener in order. The best way to baby clothes to dry on a clothesline, but should be in an enclosed space, or hang in contact with the pollen or insects. It 'important to be completely dry before being worn or carried by a child, and the clothes hanging on clothesChildren help shape hook. Babywear and children's clothes hooks are an important part of children's clothing store, because picking up small items of clothing and tend to lose their shape more easily.

Infant Allergies

New clothes should be washed before being worn. As new clothes can be stiff and irritates the adults are worse than children new clothes for infants and children. The same is true for any type of hand-me-down true. Mites and other irritating things cancollect on any type of clothing that was in storage.

Particular attention should be taken in all circumstances with a child, clothing and care is just one of them. Do so by following a few tips, skin irritation and other problems, one less thing to worry about, and children's clothes to stay looking good.

Baby Clothes Care

Infant Allergies

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mites, asthma, allergies and indoor allergens - Health and wellness begins at home

Infant Allergies

Why all the fuss mites

Infant Allergies

Dust mites are transparent with a sparkling light beige, and not bite people. They eat most widespread of human skin, among other things. There are several species of mites, including itching mites that bite people. Mite allergen producing a strong and very dangerous called guanine, all to varying degrees and for some people severely affected.

Infant Allergies

Guanine is an enzyme that is produced in the digestive system of aMites. The purpose of guanine to break hard to digest food. Practice coprophagy dust mites, which means that in lean times, have to eat their own feces. The stomach had strong qualities of guanine to break and kill living tissue.

Infant Allergies

In addition to the fecal pellets guanine is also present in secretions from the house dust mite, eggs, larvae, mussels skin (which changes every time they pass one of the six stages of life) and body parts in the dead mites. These particles allergensare so small (20 microns or less) can easily fly through the air and fly over a house for up to 2 hours before settling on everything in the house, including house dust mite resistant mattresses and bedding. If these particles are inhaled, guanine-protein binds to live cells on the walls of the lungs. This effectively stifled and eventually destroys healthy cells.

Asthma, asthma deaths (especially in children) and other respiratory diseases areincreased every year since 1980. The poor quality indoor air is the culprit.

Avoid aggressive marketing campaign supporting mite solutions

Mites (bugs and other creatures ... everything) are new times in the past 15 months. Billions of dollars are exchanged for each specialty car manufacturer claims the product, the "panacea" to the problem of mites is spent. But the truth is that theseThe products are just a "patch" or "cover" and not to attack the source.

Cheap mattress can be a barrier for mites adults is 300 microns (male) to 400 micrometers (females) in the range of sizes. However, the mattress, only as a "landing strip" for all the dust mites in the air, (DMA). Table air purifiers is a complete rip off and in many cases more harm than good ... mostly for people (allergies,Asthma, the chronically ill) who "sold on the benefits of" air purifiers by aggressive advertising campaigns. Medications may or may not provide temporary relief, even if they work, the source of allergens is not the answer.

Get some of the mites and indoor pollutants is well documented

About 95% of U.S. households, and dust mites from the port and 50% of them are interested.

The indoor air pollution is 2-5 times higher (sometimes100-500 times) than outdoor air pollution.

Those who can afford to breathe polluted air are the same people who spend more than 90% of their lives, such as infants, preschool children, the elderly and chronically ill.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAA) has proposed that 50% of all diseases are caused by or, worse air pollution.

The powder is the No. 1 source of indoor air pollutionand house dust mites (DMA) are the worst offenders.

Pollen is the No. 1 outdoor allergens, and is easy to carry inside.

In an apartment, most of our rooms contain allergens. Are accidentally transported into our homes our clothes, coats, hats, shoes and hair. Cozy and comfortable in our bed covers, and for ', emit heat and humidity, mattresses, living an ideal ecosystem in miniature that the mites thrive and multiply. Even in our mattresses are the pollen(Worn on the inside), mold, fungal spores, animal dander, insect parts, bacteria, viruses, and, of course, shed human skin.

The key to successfully fight against dust mites and allergens inside

Through knowledge and education of the general public recognizes the need to address the sources of allergens for the implementation of the cleaning practices, internal control household allergens are. Starting in the room, especially sleeping on mattresses start toilet "Improving healthand well-being "and the quality of your life.

Like the three best and most cost-effective in reducing allergic reactions are:

1). Knowledge and education

2). Source control (ie, prevention, reduction, elimination)

3). Ventilation

The EPA, in 2007, has a new website ( to the American public about the harmful effects of air pollution in closed environments, which now inform the No. 1 concern of the Agency ... much more than outdoor air pollution. The cause of the increaseAsthma, asthma deaths (especially in children) and respiratory diseases, which have increased every year since 1980.

Mites, asthma, allergies and indoor allergens - Health and wellness begins at home

Infant Allergies

A Natural Baby Eczema Cure You can now try to

Infant Allergies

If you are looking for a child to treat eczema, probably looking for the range of creams and ointments prescribed. As parents we want our children do not suffer unnecessarily, and always when they are covered with a red, itchy we are ready to go all the way to help. The problem with medication prescribed by a physician of the child is that they often contain harsh chemicals. If you do not feel these types of inventions your baby's sensitive skin, there is another waybe taken. Many children, you can find many of their eczema relief, after switching from cow's milk with soy milk.

Infant Allergies

Eczema is often irritated by allergies. Even small children can not all allergies and parents to recognize this fact. If your doctor has made this problem and so he suggested waiting to see if the baby is born the problem, you are not alone. Many people believe that, although the allergic eczema may be linked, it is better to take a wait state and seeApproach. The fact is that a great natural cure eczema baby is too easy to slowly wean the baby cow's milk and soy products.

Infant Allergies

Many children who have intestinal problems are put in soy milk early in life. It grows and grows to consume the same speed as the children milk and cow's milk. If you can see, eczema on the skin of your child tired and that makes you think he or she feels uncomfortable, try to heal this child's eczema. You might be surprised at howThe milk makes a difference to change the baby's skin.

Infant Allergies

A Natural Baby Eczema Cure You can now try to

Infant Allergies

Health prolonged breastfeeding

Infant Allergies

There is not much in the way that prolonged breastfeeding health information available in today mainstream. Most people have a hard enough food at all, or up to 12 months. What few know, the greatest benefits for breast health is not just a child under one year, but both children a year. The benefits of breastfeeding do not stop when a child encounters a year. The gift of breast milk continues to provide, as a mother andChild feel comfortable participating in the diet. While some babies wean quickly lead after their first birthday, either by choice or mother, will continue to keep many many years, if allowed. There are many incredible health and emotional benefits to allow your baby to breastfeed for as long as necessary.

Infant Allergies

The health benefits of breastfeeding over the past 12 months

Infant Allergies

There is much to extend the child health nurse. You provide your child with incredible properties of the immune systemproject and may contribute to the fight against many common diseases. Breastfed babies tend to get sick less often and if it is less than the duration. Often, children who breastfeed for more than a year has no problems with allergies, children were fed formula. If these children are not genetically predisposed to allergies, tend not be as bad as the family members. One of the main reasons for breastfeeding during child hood continue to do sowill not eat. Demanding syndrome begins in childhood and can last until a child is almost school age. Breastfeeding provides a baby in a fast and efficient all the vitamins, minerals and nutrition they need. More thoughts, if the child has enough to eat or drink to buy expensive meal replacement. Breast milk will give your child grows up with everything it needs, just as if they were children, have.

Infant Allergies

The bondProgress

Advanced breast health extends the emotional bond between mother and son. Most children do not want or do not understand the necessity of weaning at the age of three years. For a mother and her newborn baby is the leading provider of food and love. The chest is what the child when you are hungry and when they need comfort. Health of advanced breast allows the baby to wean this link and to minimize, if they are emotionally ready. This can be difficult for some mothers who are willing tohave their body in itself, or may be predominant breastfeeding a baby. However, the benefits for the baby led weaning emotionally poor. Children who are allowed to wean at the end, tend to a better understanding of what their needs are and how they are to contribute positively. Children continue to breastfeed until they are ready to trust those who care for them more than those who are forced to stop prematurely.

Health prolonged breastfeeding

Infant Allergies

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Asthma Allergy - Milk and dairy

Infant Allergies

Milk and dairy products are the most common causes related to food allergies that may cause the onset of your asthma. Asthma is one of the problems get worse in the world today. In reality, the situation is worsening at a pace that there are many medical and health care alarming. To make matters worse, it is very difficult to identify the cause or trigger asthma. If you are constantly with asthma, it isshould check and see if it could be a food allergy, which is the cause of his illness. One of the most common foods that many people are allergic to milk and dairy products.

Infant Allergies

The problem is that the powerful dairy industry and the advertising industry have conditioned since childhood, milk is the ideal food for humans at all. They brought the message, so strong that if he does not drink milk, which are at risk of osteoporosis and lowBone density in response to calcium. However, drinking milk regularly our body makes it sensitive to the place where he developed several reactions, one of them to asthma attacks. Milk causes the excessive production of mucus in the lungs of sensitive people and cause some breathing problems.

Infant Allergies

Try to eliminate dairy from the diet and see if his condition improves asthma. Their asthma symptoms should immediately improve and you will find that you canBreathing a lot easier if the lungs and breathing for the free passage. Research shows that more than half for infants and children with milk allergies unknown. When dairy products be withheld from his diet, his condition improved immediately. As your daily requirement of calcium, you can take calcium instead. There are many other sources of calcium such as dairy products.

Infant Allergies

Milk protein in milk is very likely to be the culprit for theMilk related to asthma. Some people may be allergic to milk itself, but may be allergic to an antibiotic, passing cows. If you or your child has asthma, you should eliminate dairy products and the food completely.

If you find that your asthma is usually triggered when you go to work, you can also find out if the work associated with asthma, which is another common cause of asthma.

Asthma Allergy - Milk and dairy

Infant Allergies

Saturday, September 24, 2011

14 steps to reduce your child's reflux

Infant Allergies

Many things are listed below with the child's discomfort and spitting, eliminating the need for medication to help.

Infant Allergies

POSITIONING measures to reduce reflux

Infant Allergies

Positioning during and after feedings

Infant Allergies

Keep your feet first child during and for at least 30 minutes after feeds can help keep reflux gravity to reduce the food in the belly of the book. Similarly, after the meal to try to keep as still as possible for at least 30 minutes afterFeed. Bottle-fed, a longer period since the formula is digested more slowly than breast milk.

A word about car seats

2 Some car seats position so that bent and folded, putting further pressure on the stomach may increase episodes of acid reflux. Looking for a car seat, the child will be adjusted simply do not mix, oblique enough that they are perfectly right allowed.

Sleep Position

With regard to the third positionBaby food and keeps resting during sleep is essential if you have reflux. It can help reduce painful reflux episodes and the risk of aspiration.

Supine and prone position (vs. Recto Verso)

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that quarter all children in the prone position (on back) to sleep because it has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS. E 'for children with reflux, maintained for so long that the child is safe at least 30%, we found the higher baby is restingbetter. However, many children with reflux prefer sleeping in the prone position (belly), is increased, and may have less reflux episodes in this position. Talk to your doctor and can help you decide if it is right, and how to secure the baby to sleep in the prone position. It 'very important to discuss with your doctor before trying as babies with reflux are already at increased risk of SIDS.


Try to make the child the fifth roundas possible in a child seat for the day. Carried babies tend to cry less and crying makes reflux worse, plus protects the baby in an upright position.

Clothing and reflux

Avoid tight clothing

6 tight clothing, especially clothing that is tight around the baby's stomach can reflux worse by increasing pressure on the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Make sure the child remains in the loose, elastic waist, as far as possible.



7 Breastfeeding is certainly the best for a child with reflux, because there are hypoallergenic formula and is digested twice as fast as formula. If breastfeeding is not possible or not chosen by the mother, formula changes can help some children. If the child has a milk allergy or lactose intolerance or give the baby food, milk begins, reflux can be worse. To learn more about the different types of formulas available to discuss this possibility withThe pediatrician.


8 Some children respond well to thickening reflux their diet with cereals. Thickening formula can help for some reason. The extra weight of the grain in the diet helps keep food from splashing around in the belly of the child and can help you hold it. Children who have problems, weight gain, may also benefit from added calories. In general, we recommend about a tablespoon of muesli to add to each ouncethe formula. If the formula is not thick enough, it will not work. In addition, some children can react badly to rice cereal is usually the first tried, so adding oatmeal instead may be better for some children. As always, ask your pediatrician before trying it.

Feeding time

9 When and how a child can be fed also affects their reflux. Smaller meals more frequently during the working day much better than larger, less frequent meals. Avoid feeding tooChild before bedtime, especially if the child is already poor sleep.


10 If you still can try to eliminate foods that make reflux worse. Dairy products are one of the main culprits, such as caffeine, fatty foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits. If the removal of these things seems to help, you can start slowly (about one per week) to introduce one thing at a time back in your diet and see the reactions of the child. This will contribute to an accuratemaking the reflux worse, so (hopefully) should not give up everything you love, only one or two things.


11 stops to burp baby frequently (at least after every ounce) can help during feeding.

Insert a lollipop

Sucking on a pacifier 12 ° or fictitious, can the flow of saliva production. Saliva is alkaline to help neutralize some acids, which may eventually come.

Avoid certain foods and liquids

More than 13 older children andChildren, there are certain foods proven to make reflux worse, are mentioned above. These should be avoided.


Infant Massage

14 Try infant massage, has been shown to improve digestion and helps to relax the child.

For more information, including salaries, as you know, if the necessary drugs, advice on child support and information about the various options available, visit

14 steps to reduce your child's reflux

Infant Allergies

Friday, September 23, 2011

EpiPen use - How to use it to control an allergic reaction

Infant Allergies

EpiPen (EpiPen or Jr.) is the first line of defense for every individual in the throes of a severe allergic reaction. This small bottle of an emergency injection of medication used to reduce or prevent a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Although each person is different, the signs and symptoms may indicate a serious allergic reaction, while everyone is usually caused by this list of crimes:

Infant Allergies

Exercise-induced allergies Drugs and pharmaceuticalsDrug Latex Allergy Food Allergies Environmental allergies Insect stings or bites

Infant Allergies

It is not uncommon for a person who is called a negative reaction not really in a position of their life-saving drugs, adrenaline, to manage due to the severity of their symptoms. And 'therefore essential that someone has to progress and the EpiPen. This gives the patient a little 'more, get emergency medical care for moreTreatment.

Infant Allergies

How to use EpiPen

Easy to follow instructions, it is very easy for anyone to come and take care of this situation.

But people are the biggest obstacle to overcome, and that is when a dose of adrenaline. Rule number one is simple. Do not ever hesitate to use the Epipen in case you see someone who needs their allergies. Every second, actually lost the loss of valuable timeIndividual.

If it really is not a real emergency, there is nothing that could harm the patient, have more. Not with the Epipen, if necessary, could also mean, it just took a life.

EpiPen (full dose) or EpiPen Jr. (small dose for children and babies) is a single dose of the injection tube that is injected into the outer edge of the upper limb (in the region of the thigh). In this position, the medicine is the best opportunity for maximumEfficiency in the shortest possible time. Often with only a few seconds to get the drug into the patient, this location offers the best location for a quick response.

There are only three simple steps to remember when Epipen.

Keep the nozzle in hand with the low, like someone stabbed with a knife. Remove the protective cap on the tube. Keep the tube of approximately 6-12 "from the patient's leg and swing the tube in the direction of the legs. Permissionsthe tip to push in the leg. A spring cap is opened, there is an audible click when the drug is ready for injection. Keep them slightly on the leg for about 10 seconds while the medication is dispensed all. It is not necessary to go beyond the removal of clothing or something of the care sector. Maintain a constant pressure on the leg and the drug is still to abstain from all levels. Remove the hose from the leg after 10 seconds and 911.Get the transport to hospital or doctor.

You're done!

After injection, the patient should be a significant improvement in a few seconds. You should have the person:

improved with less shortness of breath or some relief is visible from shortness of breath the person's blood pressure begins to rise again, increasing your heart rate. Often you will notice that the patient has a fast rate of heart problems at first, the symptoms begin to stabilize theShould reduce the itching, hives and swelling or bruising, especially around the face, lips and mouth begin You may find that your patient has extreme or excessive sweating, tremors, but it will happen, how to stabilize

Rarely, some patients can lead a multiple dose that was prescribed by your doctor. If your doctor thinks that there is a greater likelihood of a severe reaction or the possibility that medical intervention can lead to great lengths to get to the emergency room, aWith multiple-dose injector called Twinject necessary for these people, if a multiple dose may be required.

Again, it's just a guess on your part of your observations of the hand. In 5-15 minutes after the first dose, and if you think your patient is still under stress of an emergency situation, repeat the process with the second spindle.

Techniques for the storage and disposal

Reach the ideal temperature for storage is necessary to maintain the effectiveness ofDrugs.

Not always refrigerate or freeze injection pens. Also keep the pins away from sources of extreme heat. This means that, summer or winter, you can not store the pen in the car for easy transportation and proximity.

The ideal temperature is about halfway between 59 and 86 degrees. Try to hold the pen at any time in the mid-sixties, for maximum efficiency. If you have been suspended for any reason, the pins for all types of extreme temperatures, high or low, then theUnits with immediately and a replacement for security reasons.

For the elimination of the pen after use, or for out-of-date medications you use the same procedure. Connect the device to the doctor or hospital for damages.

To remain calm, act responsibly, but in a hurry, and you will be rewarded with the knowledge that only another human being's life was saved.

EpiPen use - How to use it to control an allergic reaction

Infant Allergies

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Food allergies and digestive enzymes - What You Should Know

Infant Allergies

An allergy is an immune system response of the human body to certain substances. These substances are called allergens. Allergens can be anything from food to drugs and dust. Different people are allergic to various substances.

Infant Allergies

Food intolerance or "allergy" are common, affecting over 70% of the population in the UP For many of these people assume that food allergies, something that must simply be tolerated anywheretheir lives. However, this is simply not true. You can take steps to control allergies.

Infant Allergies

For example, food allergies and intolerances can be very serious for people whose body does not produce enough digestive enzymes products. Enzymes are proteins that help digest food. They are mainly composed of proteins and a specific three-dimensional structure. The human body produces 22 different types of enzymes to digest carbohydrates and fatsProteins.

Infant Allergies

If your body does not produce enough enzymes you need to eat foods rich in enzymes. Raw fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of enzymes. In contrast, excess cooked food is bad for us. Why? Enzymes are destroyed by over-cooking. Digestion of cooked food is difficult, especially because it lacks value of metabolic enzymes. For this reason, it is much more energy to digest cooked foods, raw foods if they have spent in comparison. (Never seen very tired after eating?)

All theseFactors that may lead to why there is a strong link between food allergies and digestive enzymes. A lack of digestive enzymes to large amounts of undigested food molecules are stacked inside the body, including bringing in the intestinal wall. The undigested food can actually feed the bacteria in the gut, so the bacteria to multiply, eventually leading to allergies or other health problems.

Most food allergies caused by protein not to kill it altogether.This partial breakdown of proteins in the blood and act as allergens. Low levels of stomach acid can cause incomplete digestion of proteins, which leads to the problem of food intolerance.

It should be clear by now that one way to treat food allergies is to take supplements of digestive enzymes. Please note, the product of an enzyme that is used. It should include the following elements, caring for your body - lipase, amylase and protease, and are made with natural ingredients. OfOf course, another way, this problem can be treated to a large number of first, eating raw foods. Can detect fruits, vegetables, sprouted seeds and grains, very useful.

Food allergies and digestive enzymes - What You Should Know

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Detailed information on food allergies

Infant Allergies

Food is the building in which the body depends on nutrition. Imagine, if you do not eat for a day, as he went down and feel emaciated. Can eat together in many allergic reactions. A person may, in addition to allergic reactions to food. In the majority of food allergies, the patient is usually aware of what food caused the damage. After the foods are potent causal factors in the development of allergies in somePeople, but not all.

Infant Allergies

Fish allergy: seafood are the causes of allergies, where the fish is the most common allergy Some people can not stand the smell of fish and even the sight of the fish can cause allergies .. urticaria - Formation of skin eruptions is a common finding, although some people might vomiting or nausea. People who are allergic to fish should avoid them, even among the products of the sea.

Infant Allergies

Egg allergy: Again, part of the egg white andSmell of eggs is the usual cause of allergy. Allergic reaction to eggs is sometimes severe, which may lead to collapse and shock, and vomiting in some people.

Infant Allergies

Allergy to dairy products. Check secondary food allergies, milk allergy, a common cause of allergies in children allergy when breast milk is replaced by the condensed milk can, milk a cow or buffalo This allergy is manifested in the form of upset stomach;Vomiting or abdominal pain. When milk is removed from a child's diet a few days, and if it feels better than milk allergy, can be easily identified. In some people, condensed milk, cottage cheese, whey, cream, cheese, etc. can also cause stomach upset and allergies led / or vomiting. When the milk or its products can be triggered allergic reactions, it is advisable to remove these items from the menu.

Allergy to fruits and vegetables: the twoFruits and vegetables are an essential part of every day. The allergy can be detected when the fruit or vegetables cause abdominal colic, flatulence, vomiting, nausea, rash, constipation or loose motions. In most cases, a patient is usually aware of the problem of food that caused the anger of the sort. Spinach, tomatoes, menthol, ginger, garlic, mangoes, oranges, potatoes, allergies in some patients. Some people salivation, burning sensation in your mouth,Stomatitis, partial / complete loss or alteration of taste and language can get washed. Even some dried vegetables, fruit juices and vegetables, the application of herbal creams orally, lotions, perfumes advice of some foods (such as ginger, onion, garlic, etc.) may be causing allergic reactions. The symptoms of food allergy can appear immediately or several hours after ingestion of food there.

Sometimes food allergies are relatively short, while inIf some reactions after several hours. Treatment should be directed to the elimination of the offending foods that have a long and arduous process is addressed. In any case, the identification of the offending food is necessary, otherwise the patient may produce food allergies years of experience.

Detailed information on food allergies

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Relief for dry skin, eczema itches May to come from Chinese herbs

Infant Allergies

If you are burning with the itching and eczema treatment know only too well how uncomfortable. However, a solution can be found in the form of Chinese medicinal herbs.

Infant Allergies

Three new studies at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology suggest that the treatments presented traditional Chinese herbal can be useful for children and adults.

Infant Allergies

Eczema is the name of a wide range of skin inflammation (dermatitis) and used can happenat any age, although his eczema more common in children. three years disappeared in half of the children, others are stuck with the embarrassing condition for life.

Infant Allergies

Up to 20% of children and 1-2% of adults, it is assumed that these skin problems very unpleasant and often embarrassing to have.

No one knows exactly what he does when a problem with the immune system might be to blame ... especially in atopic dermatitis

Another formeczema, contact dermatitis are known to occur, as can be, when your skin comes into contact with something for the environment as soap, clothes, detergents, cosmetics or jewelry (including sweat), which caused a skin reaction .

Eczema has also been known to explode due to changes in temperature or humidity, or stress, even psychological.

When it comes to treatment, the doctor looks at the patient's age, overall health, and involved the type of eczema. Creams and ointments are often used toKeep the skin hydrated and avoid over-bathing and other lifestyle changes to stay away from triggers are important to keep this condition under control.

There are over-the-counter antihistamines that are used to control the itching. Sometimes a short course of oral corticosteroids is used to manage an acute outbreak.

Tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel): A couple of topical medications have been approved by the FDA in the United States. However, the FDA warning in 2005 aboutdrugs mentioned animal studies, have led some types of cancer. For this reason, the doctor will use this drug only as the therapeutic use of second line - after receiving no response from other forms of treatment. Although these drugs are given, you just take it for a short period.

Perhaps due to the need of relief is not reached by traditional treatments, prescribed to 30% of eczema patients with traditional Chinese medicine, although it remainsIf you work non-Western approach, and it is safe.

In an attempt to address these concerns, the researchers looked at Julia Wisniewski, MD, Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, 14 children who had persistent eczema and treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, between August 2006 and May 2008.

All the children drank tea Erka Shizheng twice a day, in a herbal bath to soak for at least 20 minutes, and the application of a cream herbal skin several timesDay.

They also had acupuncture treatments. At the beginning of the study had more than half of children develop severe symptoms after 8 months of this regime, most had mild symptoms. Participants need less medication (corticosteroids, antihistamines and antibiotics) will be processed after only three months.

The herbal treatment is safe and did not cause liver or kidney.

When it comes to adults with atopic dermatitis, a team of Japanese researchers has found that adults can alsoEnjoy traditional Chinese medicine.

This research involved 274 men and women who are treated with eczema at an average of 12 years. Approximately one third have symptoms that were classified as serious or very serious, with patches of chronically dry, itching, inflammation of the skin for more than ten percent of the body.

After three minutes, four months of treatment with medicinal plants, which were selected and administered to the subject of symptoms, 87% were asymptomatic. Another 12% weregreatly improved. One patient in the study had minor abnormalities of liver function, which resolved after treatment based on herbs.

The third study sought to find a team of researchers at the University of Cincinnati, the risk factors for developing childhood asthma, eczema, 636 children of parents with allergies, do.

At 4 years, had children with parents who had twice the risk of eczema of the skin conditions of other children. BabysWho tested positive for egg allergy (a fairly well known to eczema) at age 1, were four times more likely to have eczema at the age of four years.

Those who tested positive for cat allergies (and had a cat) has been tested at the age of 1, 2 or 3, more than 13 times more likely to have eczema at age four other children. The pollen has also been shown to be a risk factor for atopic dermatitis - children who had tested positive for allergy elm tree at the age of 1, 2 or 3 is about three times more likelyEczema at the age of four years.

So, if your child has eczema and a cat (dogs seem to offer a protective effect), or you live in a wooded area, you might consider allergy testing.

In all areas, while other jobs are needed, these three studies provide encouraging results and suggest, if you suffer from eczema, or know someone, then you can give them answers for Chinese medicinal herbs, or TCM.

Relief for dry skin, eczema itches May to come from Chinese herbs

Infant Allergies

Monday, September 19, 2011

Milk and milk allergies

Infant Allergies

As a boy, I followed the advice of the school and the government-run food and drink my 6-8 glasses of milk per day. As a teenager, I also drank the substance, in the hope of bigger and stronger. I never seemed to put on muscles well, despite the amount of juice I shot a cow. I was also struggling with colds and allergies for most of my teenage life.

Infant Allergies

At times during my adolescence I was told that the older men were not designed to consume dairy products.Part of the explanation was that the majority of lactic acid bacteria to digest their animals' lose lactase after early childhood. It is a survival mechanism, that the staff of child care is not guaranteed as the new baby to begin breastfeeding.

Infant Allergies

If you consider the nutrition of Asia, South America, Africa and parts of Europe, you do not see a lot of milk consumption. Cow's milk was invisible in the Arctic, until someone in the north.

Infant Allergies

Of course, there were exceptional athletes like Olympic swimmer MarkSpitz and the wrestler Gama to India, he drank a quart of milk. But rest assured, people usually only get an average of bloating and gas from the undigested lactose, which moves in his colon.

There is a strong belief that milk is a good source of calcium. Contains calcium, magnesium, mineral balance, but is bad for the human body. Magnesium promotes the absorption of other minerals in the bones. Without sufficient magnesium, a person will develop mildBones and teeth, regardless of the amount of milk they drink. Worse, it ends the excess calcium is deposited in the kidneys and arteries.

I remember some friends whose parents used to give them fresh milk from the farm. The trick is rich in cream and tasted like a milkshake. He made the water taste like regular flavored milk. Fresh cream contains natural pearls that are too large to pass through the intestinal wall into the blood. Most store-bought milk has beenhomogenized, the mixture of milk fat is fine with the rest of the milk. Homogenized milk has reduced the fat globules so that they are small enough to pass into the bloodstream and collect around the heart. Countries that have consumed homogenized milk have higher rates of heart disease and mortality than non-homogenized milk. Processed milk run the risk of contamination with antibiotics, copper and infections.

At the age of 20 years, I stopped drinking milk and I noticedan immediate reduction in allergies, colds and stomach problems. Curiously, this lack of milk, I began to gain muscle weight of my training. I also felt better and my mind was clear. Since then I have reduced my water consumption to a minimum.

If the reader of this article really doubt that they could not avoid milk for 5 days and see how they feel. This in itself can put the milk diet all theories to rest.

Milk and milk allergies

Infant Allergies

What you should know the symptoms of allergies to wheat

Infant Allergies

People who suffer from wheat allergies to know what to be aware of the symptoms of allergies and how to avoid wheat. Can a person allergic to wheat for chest pain, dizziness, vomiting or nausea, skin rashes, and flatulence. Mood swings, arthritis, swollen tongue or throat, eye irritation and coughing and stuffy nose are also symptoms of allergy to wheat. Symptoms of wheat allergy can also be aRegistration of another disease. You should consult a doctor before self-diagnosis of the symptoms you might have at the moment.

Infant Allergies

With so many symptoms to look for if you have an allergy to wheat, you might even consider having an allergy. Arthritis seems to be a problem for allergy sufferers. One wonders how wheat allergy can cause the disease. It was said that the wheat products cause changes in bowel Structure, which in turn promotes the development of arthritis in people who are sensitive. There are many studies to more relevant information about the effects of wheat allergies, and arthritis continued to find the problem.

Infant Allergies

What are the symptoms of wheat allergy to be aware that cause serious health problems? The answer is your chest pain. Constant pain in the chest by an allergy to wheat could be misdiagnosed asAllergy> instead of a heart problem. This is alarming and requires more of a professional diagnosis. A doctor will more than likely some tests to rule out heart disease or allergies to inform you before treatment. If you are on a wheat allergy is the cause of chest pain, you need to avoid wheat and wheat products to relieve pain.

Infant Allergies

Symptoms of wheat allergy can be mild or severe depending on the tolerance of wheat. VeryPeople have a low tolerance for wheat, while others suffer from severe symptoms of allergy to wheat. You must also remember that if you have a low tolerance for wheat products, you can not just stop the consumption of grain and then start eating A few years later, new grain products. You will not have a low tolerance, you have an allergy to wheat. It 's something that everyone should consider when it comes to problems of allergy to wheat.

What you should know the symptoms of allergies to wheat

Infant Allergies

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The fish oil should be given to children?

Infant Allergies

I recently received some questions about the benefits of fish oil for children. The issues likely to come from studies on the reduction of the health problems of children that we saw, where the contribution of parent omega-3 fatty acids, in particular DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid is sufficient. It 's always best to consult your doctor, but here are some of the recommendations of the standard.

Infant Allergies

The World Health Organization, and other important public healthOrganizations have recommended that breast milk for the first six months of life. If breastfeeding is not possible, infant formula produced properly is the best solution. Many brands are now with the DHA, which has been the need to remove the fish oil for children.

Infant Allergies

Most of the health problems of children caused by poor diet, poor dietary intake or the mother during pregnancy or food intake caused insignificant during the first year of life. When Mom gets allnutrition it needs, then the mother's milk contains everything your baby needs. If the mother is low intake of nutrients, there may be one or two things.

Infant Allergies

First of all, the mothers are extremely low blood levels of DHA immediately before and after childbirth. Nutrients for normal brain development, conveyed to the child. After delivery, breastfeeding is the child's needs first. It 'easy, the mother of symptoms, pain related to poor diet, one ofCommon is postpartum depression.

One of the most common problems of children's health (more than one in five children in developing countries) is caused by inadequate food intake during pregnancy, low birth weight. In developed countries, the problem is less common, but not impossible, especially when prenatal care or advice is not followed. Most gynecologists, midwives and nurses to prescribe prenatal vitamins. Many began to recommend omega-3And complement.

So while no one recommends omega-3 fish oil for children, they are recommended to supplement for pregnant women and lactating mothers. Research has shown that omega-3 intake good during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it can prevent a number of children and child health problems, including:

O Allergies
or asthma
or poor visibility
or low birth weight
or attention deficit disorder
or learning and behavioral problemsIssues

Pediatricians are generally not recommended for infants, fish oil, because it is useless. But after the first year, nutritional supplements are often recommended. If you are worried about the intake of nutrients for your child, consult your pediatrician. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and you are in child health problems resulting from poor nutrition affected should consider a supplement of omega-3. Just be sure, a good selection.

There is concernContamination and oxidation. Some manufacturers carefully address these concerns, both from natural triglycerides for purity or good cleaning methods such as molecular distillation evaluated. Verify that the certificate of analysis to be sure.

If you have questions, visit the fish oil for children, tell your doctor. Good nutrition in early childhood is a good basis for health in the future.

And now, please visitXtendFishOil website below for updated information on fish oil for children.

The fish oil should be given to children?

Infant Allergies

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pediatric GERD - All You Ever Need to know

Infant Allergies

Pediatric GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, as it is sometimes called can be a serious problem in children if not properly diagnosed and treated. It was felt that all children, seven hours 55 percent are the symptoms associated with GERD children in their early years.

Infant Allergies

In general, the symptoms of GERD in children usually include heartburn, but can not be correctly diagnosed in children in many cases because of their inability todescribed, can be as good as adults. One of the most important ways for children diagnosed as GERD is a doctor or a doctor to perform a series of tests, which may include one or more of the following cases:

Infant Allergies

A pH probe has entered the body through the nose down the esophagus, the monitor, see if the reflux of stomach acid, so if a problem for the child or the patient is tested.

Infant Allergies

Technetium gastric emptyingStudio, which combines a solution of a radioactive substance very low in milk, then in progress to identify by a special camera, as long waits for food and beverages in the stomach before being digested and also used, followed, if he is late in places is not, for example, lung and other areas of reflux.

Endoscopies will be using a tiny camera inserted into the throat of the patient is used to verify the age of pediatric GERD, ifThe signs of irritation or inflammation that could have been caused by the same Pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Most of the drugs for children with gastroesophageal reflux disease should be avoided, if possible, to ensure that the child has no side effects and more in terms of lifestyle changes recommended to ensure the problem and the symptoms return to its future.

These are basic steps such as raising the upper body of the child to be taken to ensure thatnot entirely flat, while sleeping, to ensure a strong year and tired, too, that some small adjustments to their eating habits.

Drugs for children with gastroesophageal reflux disease should be closely monitored by the doctor while they are being processed and to ensure that they do not suffer adverse reactions and also to ensure that the treatment is working.

Pediatric GERD - All You Ever Need to know

Infant Allergies

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Allergies and genetics

Infant Allergies

Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body of an allergen and its external symptoms can vary in intensity among different individuals. While some people may not notice these symptoms, while others are the reactions of the immune system so strong it can even threaten the life or lead to many complications. What causes this difference in intensity of the symptoms of allergy is genetic.

Infant Allergies

This means that the individual more susceptible to a hyperactiveReaction or response to allergens. Allergens are substances that are normally harmless considered safe for others, but very harmful to the person who is allergic. If your parents suffered from allergies, then it is very likely that children develop allergies or tend to do more.

Infant Allergies

Although genetics plays a role in allergies, there are many choices and lifestyles that are adopted to increase the body's immune systemSystem.

Infant Allergies

That the condition runs in your family has been directly inherited from your parents, it remains necessary to develop a strong and healthy immune system to fight the symptoms of many meanings.

Depending on allergies and their severity, there are a variety of treatment plans that are adopted and used it. Your doctor may prescribe to the same individual treatment plans to address a specific allergic reaction, but alsotaking into account the overall situation of the health history, age and medical status of patient and family.

It 'absolutely necessary to note, however, that all allergies are treatable. In fact, allergies are generally treated rather than cure. Infants and children with allergies, however, could help develop a healthy immune system over time, the course of healing of these allergies.

The best treatment plan for allergies, whether genetic orIf not, is prevention. If you have a family history of allergies to certain allergens such as dust mites, pollen, etc. then it is highly recommended to avoid contact with these substances. Make a habit of wearing a mask before his resignation from the house or in places that are too windy and dusty. Also, do not get rid of carpets in the house. Carpets and other substances, small dust particles tend to trap, are a complete disaster for people with a family history ofallergic reactions.

We already know that the individual is an opportunity for the development of allergic reactions is narrow genetic and environmental conditions. How they interact, different genes, combinations of allergies is positive and sometimes negative emotions. These reactions are negative, which can only be achieved in exactly the same way or in response to allergens accurate, but the trend is likely to be transmitted, and the body canreact negatively to some other allergens.

Allergies and genetics

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Acute respiratory infections in children

Infant Allergies

Acute respiratory infections, nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and alveoli of a common cause of morbidity in children. Although deaths are due to become rare because of acute respiratory infections, the availability of powerful antibiotics and good supportive care, many children suffer from serious illness, hospitalization is required. Air enters the body through the nose, where the humidification and filtration occur in the lungs through the trachea (windpipe). The tracheain both arms of each item of a lung is divided into the cavity of the chest. The bronchi of division and subdivision until they end up in the small bag like structures called alveoli, where absorption of the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide removal, where to go.

Infant Allergies

Respiratory infections lead to a swelling of the lining of the airways. Because the airways are narrower than in children, even a slight swelling may lead to a significant reduction in respiratory and breathing difficulties. Respiratory Infectionsare classified as upper and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract infections are more common but less serious infections of the nose, throat and ear. The usual manifestations of cough, runny nose and fever. Sometimes nasal block can be very annoying.

Infant Allergies

Viral infections are more common bacteria. Antibiotics are useless when there is no sign of bacterial infection. The fever can be controlled with paracetamol, which are administered every six hours if necessary.Antitussives (cough suppressants drugs) may be given if the cough is dry to older children. Nasal sprays can be given watery nasal discharge. Inhalation of vapors medicine is very useful when it comes to blocking the nose. Capsules with liquid medications are available. A capsule may be punctured and squeezed on the pillow medicine or clothing of children. The vapor of the drug has a calming effect. The middle ear infection is very painful and children crycontinuously, while older children will complain of ear pain. If not treated promptly can tear the eardrum due to an increase in pressure in the ear suppuration.

Infant Allergies

Lower respiratory tract infections affect the epiglottis (a cover, such as facilities, food prevents the penetration of wind-pipe), trachea (windpipe), its divisions and alveoli. They are dangerous and even deadly. Epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis) is a severe and potentially fatalbecause the swelling can lead to obstruction in the lungs. The condition is characterized by fever, salivation and a sound when the child is in (stridor) is breathing. The condition requires hospitalization and intravenous medications. Sometimes it may be necessary to put a tube into the trachea (intubation), so the child can breathe.

The term refers to an infection in the lungs of pneumonia affects a significant portion of the lung. In X-rays of the affected partwill be seen as a white spot, while the normal lung appears dark. This is a serious disease, but fortunately, fatalities are rare because of the availability of powerful antibiotics. Children with pneumonia usually require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics. You may also need oxygen, intravenous fluids, if they are unable to take oral medications and the thick secretions in the lungs to liquefy, so that it can be coughed slightly. If the drugs to suppress the cough treatment can not be given to children with pneumonia, remains infected secretions in the lungs, instead of being excluded and may also cause an abscess (pus).

Indications for immediate vote

Children less than three months during which the respiratory infection can progress rapidly to severe illness

High fever of 39 degrees Celsius or more

Fast breathing difficulties and power in the respiratory rate is> Infants and young children, and if the baby breathes faster than usual seems to show an important disease. If breathing becomes faster, the child will be difficult to get food.

Retraction of the chest in infants and small children: when constructing the lungs usually caused by diseases of the breast when the baby is breathing low, because the vacuum created in the chest, the soft and flexible chest wall to cave in children

OftenVomiting-Any disease caused vomiting in children. If the child vomits often unable to take anything by mouth and is dehydrated, which causes the depletion of the secretion in the lungs and worsening of the disease.

Acute respiratory infections in children

Infant Allergies

Monday, September 12, 2011

Understanding food allergies in young

Infant Allergies

Did you know that 8% of children under 3 have food allergies? Or that 10% of Americans and 15 shows an intolerance to gluten? What is the difference between food allergy and intolerance?

Infant Allergies

Food allergies are reactions that are sudden and severe. They involve the immune system and can be fatal. Food allergies can be detected by a blood test. Typical symptoms include skin problems, hives, swelling, difficulty breathingProblems (most severe anaphylaxis).

Infant Allergies

On the other hand, food intolerances tend to have late effects that are subtle and variable in nature. Food intolerance to conditions such as nasal congestion and constipation, headache, fatigue, skin rashes, stomach aches, hyperactivity and behavior problems result. Food intolerances can be tested with an ELISA blood test. These conditions will not kill you, but certainly get the quality of life.

Infant Allergies

Allergy to eggsMilk, soy, wheat, peanuts and walnuts for 90% of all food allergies in children. Some food allergies are generally beyond infancy in the early years of childhood, but others, such as peanuts and shellfish, tend to remain in adulthood. Food intolerances such as gluten (celiac disease), autoimmune diseases can be inherited that affect the intestines and reduce absorption of nutrients in the body. These inconsistencies should be treated with removal offood food indicted for Life. Otherwise, osteoporosis, infertility, neurological disorders and in rare cases lead to cancer.

The facts of food allergies in children:


Approximately 2.5 percent of all children show an allergy to cow's milk, and the group itself may respond to other types of milk of animals. The reaction is usually related to milk protein, casein and whey. The sugar in milk,Lactose does not cause allergies, but can lead to inconsistency.

With five years, most children too big for their milk allergy (85%) but increases the risk of developing food allergies milk allergy.


Egg is the most common food allergy in children with almost 3%. Children may be allergic to white, yellow, or both. Many overcome egg allergy by age 5. In addition, the Existence of an egg allergy during infancy increases the risk of nasal allergies and asthma later.

The influence is not given to children with egg allergy.


About 0.3 percent of children allergic to soybean, a legume related to peanuts. These allergies in early childhood is usually passed at a young age. Because soy is a common food allergy and can occur in children allergic to milk, Formula> with hydrolysed proteins are the best for the children show an allergy to cow's milk.


Allergy to wheat is usually passed at an early age, and it is rare that children with wheat allergy are also allergic to other cereals such as rice, oats and barley.


0.6% of all people show an allergic reaction to peanuts, one of the most severe forms of food allergy. PeanutAllergies> can cause anaphylaxis and is definitely classified as potentially fatal, especially in children with asthma. Allergy to peanuts is the most common food allergy in adults exist, since only about 20% of children born of peanut allergy in children.

0.5 percent of people have an allergy to nuts, peanuts are completely independent.


Includes allergic to fish and shellfish and crustaceanscan be severe and potentially fatal. a known allergy to any of these foods is less likely to be exceeded, it is common in adults.

What are the symptoms of food allergy?

Food allergy should be suspected if the child develops one or more of the following symptoms after eating a particular food, including:

· Hives
• trouble breathing
· Angioedema (swelling of the tongue or swelling around the eyes and lips, etc.)
·Itching in a child's mouth or throat
· Vomiting
• diarrhea
• In stomach pain
· Blood pressure low
• Loss of consciousness

Understanding food allergies in young

Infant Allergies

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Allergies in children - congenital or acquired?

Infant Allergies

Allergies in children are more likely today than they were 50 years ago, when you wonder if allergies are acquired or inherited. Although most doctors believe that heredity is the most important factor in a child's allergies, new research shows that there are parents of actions to reduce the risk of allergies in children.

Infant Allergies

One of the reasons for the increase of children with allergies is the drastic reduction in the amount ofbreastfed babies. Breastfeeding boosts immunity against allergens, something that no formula can. Although breast-fed babies may continue to develop allergies, the probability is much lower than the formula babies. Studies also show that the more a child is breastfed, the greater the risk. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics has changed its policy is that breastfeeding is recommended for at least a year, and more, if desired. It also shows that exclusiveBreastfeeding for at least six months is optimal. This means that the breast-feeding, without food or formula, or other nutritional supplements.

Infant Allergies

Another factor in the increase in allergies among children is the early introduction of solid foods in their diet. If an infant fed solids before their digestive system is fully developed, it weakens the immune system, because the body must work harder to digest food. This has been shown to causeAllergies, especially food.

Infant Allergies

It 'possible that the grandmother can solve allergies have gone through the bloodlines, the good news is that there are still steps you can take to reduce or prevent allergies in your bundle of joy.

Allergies in children - congenital or acquired?

Infant Allergies

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Milk Allergy

Infant Allergies

Milk allergy concerns side effects that include one or more proteins in the milk, if the group of protein or casein. This allergy is one of the most common problems of children, because cow's milk is usually the first substance a child. Some other sources of protein can also cause this allergy, if the child grows.

Infant Allergies

The most common symptoms are fever, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, eczema or hay and other skin problems andVomiting.

Infant Allergies

Or a doctor allergist has distinct symptoms of milk allergy in three unique types. In the first type of symptoms that are experienced by the patient very quickly after ingestion of small amounts of cow's milk. Theses symptoms on the skin, like eczema or hives. The symptoms with or without respiratory symptoms and gastrointestinal tract.

Infant Allergies

The second type of symptoms the patient experience in which they are not following the consumption of cow's milk and the amountlarge, but sufficient. In the second type of the most common symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting.

In the third type of symptoms, the experiences of patients allergic to a lot of milk consumption. In this patient with diarrhea or without respiratory symptoms and skin reactions.

The treatment and diagnosis of allergy to milk

Allergist or physician first to determine milk allergy through various tests on the basis of skin tests andLaboratory tests, including blood tests. To determine the allergy doctor to try to correct the traffic of a product at one time recognized as the main cause of the problem.

As part of the treatment, whether medical, major cause of allergy to milk is milk, cow kids to stop recording, especially if the allergic symptoms.

Sometimes, you can easily find out this allergy to adults or older children when an adult, soon after symptomsEating foods made from milk. But the diagnosis in adults and older children is difficult to say that eating foods made from milk and beverages in general with other types of food.

As part of treatment for groped, all products that may be causing the problem should be avoided. But avoiding dairy products can be difficult because some foods have hidden milk proteins. These drugs do not cure allergies with this condition. As important as the monitoring of a nutritionistTreatment.

Milk Allergy

Infant Allergies

Friday, September 9, 2011

You can also higher, and grow up healthy, if you are allergic or intolerant to lactose and gluten?

Infant Allergies

Carefully planned vegetarian diet can provide the style, which requires the cultivation of the highest health and well. It takes commitment. But if we understand that smart vegetarian takes to grow taller, it costs more than any other approach is to eat smart. One of the priorities of energy balance: calories used to compensate for the calories. Vegetarian food is not necessarily lower in calories. energy balance. Build meals around protein sources that are naturally rich in nutrients,such as beans and lentils. Do not overload the high-fat cheeses to replace meat and more growth. Make meat or poultry, vegetarian: pasta primavera, Veggie pizza, lasagna with vegetables, tofu, sautéed vegetables, here's my vegetables, grilled vegetables and bean burritos and tacos. For vegans to reliable sources of vitamin B12, such as breakfast cereals and fortified soy beverages and vitamin D, especially if sun exposure is limited.

Infant Allergies

Enlarge for good health during growth, followed byCouncil of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the program higher intelligence to vegetarian and vegetarian 4 no meaning. See our knowledge of the supermarket group amounts.Today 's recommended sell all the food necessary for a healthy vegetarian diet for fat, and vegetarian dishes. You do not need to buy elsewhere, but the stores may carry rare items (such as textured soy protein, quinoa, kosher gelatin and wheat gluten).

Infant Allergies

FoodSensitivity or an adverse reaction to food can not be overlooked as a health problem and prevent us from growing. It can seriously affect and disrupt the quality of life and can even be fatal. The causes of these complaints are many, and perhaps more complicated than you think. The types of food allergies: food sensitivity or reaction to a food, can not be overlooked as a health problem.

Infant Allergies

It can seriously impair and interfere with the process of growth and increasedthe quality of your life, and can even be fatal. The causes of these complaints are many, and perhaps more complicated than you think. The types of food intolerance.

To act in a close combat demonstrations against food allergy diseases (immune) system, making it unpleasant, sometimes serious symptoms. In other words, the immune system begins to operate, but not the person is sick. Because symptoms occur.

The psychological reasons. Feeling of discomfort afterFood can also be rich in emotion. Even if it is greater than any physical reason why they should not grow, just think of a food that can be associated with an unpleasant experience, may make some people feel bad!

If a certain food seems to care, go to the temptation to diagnose. Instead, check with your doctor. For example, a reaction to milk intolerance, rather than a food allergy, tell your doctor diagnose the symptoms. This chapter canHelp for possible causes. Be aware that a side effect may be food poisoning, the disease can damage and disrupt. For a closer look at the identification and prevention of foodborne illnesses, allergies, and should push the eighth-most intelligent book on the program 4.

With food intolerance, physical reactions to food, to grow mainly by faulty metabolism. The body can not digest a certain component of a particular food. Perhapsas a digestive enzyme is deficient. Substances that are part of the natural chemicals in foods, such as theobromine in coffee or tea, or serotonin in bananas or tomatoes are negative reactions, too.

Do you like milk in order to grow, but I think that milk does not? Then, lactose intolerant and not allergic to milk. The good news is: A serving of milk can be "friendly" than you think!

A milk allergy is very different. It is an allergic reaction to the proteinComponents such as casein, milk. People who have a milk allergy must avoid all dairy products in general. People with lactose intolerance can consume milk products in different quantities, because lactose intolerance is a matter of degree. If you suspect lactose intolerance, avoid self-diagnosis. Instead, you consult your physician for medical diagnosis, symptoms may be caused by another disease. Lactose intolerance is diagnosed by different tests: a blood test, a breath test or hydrogenacidity stool examination for infants and children.

How many people are trying to grow low lactase? Americans between 30-50, but most of them have little or no symptoms. And many people who do not really think that lactose intolerance. Some ethnic and racial populations are more widely affected than others. In the United States, 80 percent of African Americans and 75 percent of Native Americans, 90 percent ofAsian Americans and 60 percent of Hispanics are lactose intolerant to some degree. The condition is less common in people of European descent of North, who maintain a sufficient level of lactose in their lives, because they tend to grow faster. Researchers have identified a genetic link with intolerance.Lactose Lactose intolerance is sometimes linked with other issues. For example, some drugs decrease the production of lactase in the body. Lactose intolerance can be a side effect of somediseases such as stomach or intestinal problems (abdominal) surgery. According to lactose intolerance because, in the short term and you can drink milk to grow later.

As a further option, to have grown more sophisticated foods for people with lactose intolerance. Some products are lactose reduced. Others contain lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar and is deficient to some extent in people with lactose intolerance.

Calcium is particularlyincreasingly important because of its increased role in the growth of bones bigger and stronger. An adequate calcium intake helps children and young people grow up healthy bones and prevent bone disease called osteoporosis thin. Dairy Milk and other supplies around 72 percent of calcium in the American diet. Without these foods can be a challenge to your needs for calcium. For additional information about football in a healthy diet.

Lactose intolerance is easy to manage. Most peopleIt can be difficult to digest lactose, dairy products and some other foods containing lactose in their meals and snacks to grow taller. In fact, most people can drink a cup of milk with a drop of lactase without discomfort.

If a non-dairy milk powder as possible for someone who is lactose intolerance should be replaced? What about non-fat milk powder? Non-dairy creams do not contain lactose. Check the label. The nutrient content of the cream and the milk is different. In a non-milk protein powderCultivate the quality and quantity of calcium and vitamins A and C are higher in low compared to milk. In terms of non-fat dry milk, remember that fat is not, the lactose is removed from milk.

For people with gluten intolerance are trying to push higher, is another matter, the consuming gluten damages the lining of small intestine, and the damage can not absorb nutrients and grow. For those who have an intolerance to gluten, the risk of malnutrition, especially among children,high.

Other potential risks: early osteoporosis, cancer, autoimmune diseases (including thyroid disorders and diabetes type 1), arthritis, miscarriage and birth at risk defects.Who?

As a genetic disease, gluten intolerance is more common in people with European roots. The true incidence in the United States is unknown, but may work up to 1 in 133 Americans. The challenge is that gluten intolerance is often misdiagnosed and symptoms often mimic their differentother health problems. And 'often undetected until other stresses caused by the body, perhaps surgery, viral infection or pregnancy.

Symptoms? Vary. Weakness, anorexia, weight loss, chronic diarrhea and abdominal cramps and bloating are common, some experience a painful skin rash, muscle cramps or joint pain. Among women, intolerance to gluten can interfere with the menstrual cycle. For children of gluten intolerance is especially risky. Unless properly managed intolerance to gluten,can affect a child's behavior and ability to grow and learn. The chronic irritability is a warning signal. Growth and development for children that require energy and nutritional needs of high-enough food to grow faster.

Gluten intolerance can occur at any age. Symptoms can occur during childhood for the cereal is started. Most cases are diagnosed in adulthood, often 10 years after the first symptoms. Temporary lactose intolerance may accompany celiac disease, at least until theThe condition is under control and treat the small intestine. Recovery can take months or years.

The primary treatment for gluten intolerance is a life, the strict diet, a gluten-free diet is a "must". Once gluten is eliminated, the small intestine to heal. Improves nutrient absorption, then the symptoms disappear. Those with gluten intolerance can be a long and healthy life. If you think you have an intolerance to gluten, ask your doctor for a diagnosis.

Ingredients containing glutenThey can cause more damage in the growth process can be difficult to detect because they appear with a different name or other ingredients. The Food and Drug Administration of the United States labeling of work to enable consumers to easily identify gluten-free products. Gluten is able to identify the "important information for food manufacturers. Technically," to use gluten-free ingredients, "describes the protein component of grains. Although rice and corn contain gluten,is in a different form, so it is not harmful. Avoiding gluten in barley, rye, wheat, oats, whole wheat, and perhaps even help you grow.

They grow familiar with the composition of origin, and preparation of ingredients that you eat later. For example, the chips are sprinkled with flavored ingredient, corn. Since the amount is less than 2 percent by weight, the active ingredient may not be listed on the label. Another example: the vinegar, distilled from corn, are in order, except maltVinegar in the United States. Malt vinegar is a problem because, by definition of malt barley in the United States, you can add or produce as a starting point for mashed malt vinegar. The ingredients in ready meals, will be used as marinades and barbecue sauce, malt vinegar can.

... This is an allergy to wheat is the same as gluten intolerance (celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy)?

No, they are two different conditions: different physiological responses to the Treatyin different ways. Be avoided with an allergy to wheat grain needs of food and grain products. If you are allergic to wheat, the wheat you can have it replaced, including oats, rye, and barley grow.

You can also higher, and grow up healthy, if you are allergic or intolerant to lactose and gluten?

Infant Allergies

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Types of Hernia - Overview

Infant Allergies

Hernia is very common disease, is influenced by everyone from infants to the elderly. We have seen this kind of problem, such as swelling of the abdominal wall, but we do not know what are the different types of hernias. There are many kinds of reality, which is due to the infected part of the abdomen. Here are the different types of hernias, in which they occur and what causes it.

Infant Allergies

Hernia - otherwise known as a herniated or develop commonand the second in adults to infants or children. This panel will develop in the abdomen or groin or lower Myopectineal. As a result of a visible swelling and pain will be felt in this part, because the bowels of the club opening. This type of hernia can be congenital, but exacerbate the pain and the impact growth. They can be purchased from too much pressure on the abdomen and highlights some or injury that is experienced.

Infant Allergies

Umbilical and para-umbilical -appears in the navel, the navel and the Navy. This can be hereditary and can occur even in adulthood. The vessels of a fetus or baby's cord in the left abdominal wall muscles. Even if the cable is disappearing, growing conditions within the body to deteriorate further. An obvious symptom is pain in the sea where the operation is unfortunately necessary.

Infant Allergies

Called engraving or otherwiseventral - can be in the field of surgical incision experiences occur. This can range from small to begin with complex situations.

Femoral - even in the groin area are located, but should appear in a ratio of 1 to 5, between men and women. To avoid complications the deterioration and is strongly recommended that the treatment received.

Epigastric - occurs in the middle of the upper abdomen from the bottom of the breastbone to the navel. This is verypinch and can therefore more sensitive to extreme pain. The remedy for this type of hernia is stress-free method.

Spigelian or crescent-shaped - appears on the outside of the rectus muscle or "Six Pack" muscles. They are often women and aged about 50 years.

Types of Hernia - Overview

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby Eczema - What do you look for and how to prevent childhood eczema

Infant Allergies

Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin, and it seems that a large class, it is good. Inflammation may be mild discomfort of blisters too bad you wonder if you're hot. And the causes are equally diverse, ranging from its assets to any food, air, sunlight, artificial products, natural substances, and little else.

Infant Allergies

If the dermatitis on the stage where you see cracks can grow and oozing, it isusually diagnosed as a type of eczema. But whatever you call it, itching, skin inflammation, something that everyone wants to avoid.

Infant Allergies

Childhood eczema

Infant Allergies

Some people start, rash in childhood, with outbreaks may continue off and on throughout life. Atopic eczema is called, this eruption is probably the children's parents or other ancestors who have passed along the genes inherited. Epidemics can occur anywhere on the body, but the most commonPoints of poverty are the common areas like the inside of the elbows or knees.

Childhood eczema, another name for atopic eczema in children's lives more. The victims of this type of skin disease dry skin in general. With it, children are very susceptible to irritation. With it, other atopic diseases such as hay fever spread allergies and asthma.


After some research and studies, we can not yet identifythe main cause of eczema in children. Researchers can only employees that the majority of children with eczema whose parents or relatives who hay fever, allergies or asthma.


Eczema in children usually appear during the second and last before the baby is only 5 years.

After the diagnosis, health professionals identify the early signs of the disease. But for parents who can not be distinguished from simple rashes of eczema is hereA list of possible symptoms that could indicate as dermatitis eczema.

First Prickly red inflammation on the cheeks.

Normally, children with eczema rash red faces that were run up to the neck. The itching may also occur on the legs and arms.

2 Dry Skin

The rash is usually dry naturally. But, as children quickly get to the surface so that it irritates the skin more sensitive to infection scratches. Onceis infected, the rash will never dry, but may produce pus.

Once this condition is present, it is important that you bring your child to the doctor immediately. The presence of pus is an alarming state of seeking immediate medical attention.

Third rash around the wrists, neck, arms and ankles

As the child grows, the fluctuations are even more problems after a while '. Old when the child reaches the age of 1 ½ to 2 years, the pattern of symptomslonger identifiable.


Prevention of eczema is the key to development in children with no itching. Therefore, when a patch of eczema begins, the child is always new, scratches and damage the skin and makes the eczema worse, killing more than anything else. Once the eczema is out of control like that, everything is under control much more difficult, especially if it has to do with children.

Also remember that even though the main cause of the diseasestill recognizable, there are about 65 000 different substances, irritating the skin can cause contact dermatitis in a child.

Therefore, it would be better, more baby-friendly products possible irritation that can lead to eczema avoided.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, so do not start that could irritate your baby's skin.

Baby Eczema - What do you look for and how to prevent childhood eczema

Infant Allergies