Monday, August 22, 2011

Food allergies in infants and young children

Infant Allergies

Allergies are very common and can cause severe reactions. The digestive system and immune system of a child must be sufficiently developed before solid foods are introduced. The introduction of solid foods too early or foods that can cause problems for the child's immature stress systems early. When introducing solid foods, you should discuss the possibility of allergic reactions. This article describes the symptoms of allergic reactions and to minimizethese children.

Infant Allergies

In recent years, a growing awareness of the number of diseases and disorders that may be caused or facilitated by the presence of allergies. Allergies are very common. Conservative estimates are that twenty percent of the population is allergic to something. If, however, can be considered small fever, fever, allergies, eczema and food allergies children, the true incidence of allergies and intolerances, or to be goodmuch higher. It is believed that changes in the Western diet in recent years 100-200 - In particular, the refinement of foods, the use of food additives and the increased consumption of animal products and the presence of pollution, helped the spread of all forms of allergic diseases.

Infant Allergies

What is an allergy?

Infant Allergies

The word means "altered reaction" and an allergic person suffers from physical symptoms (like headaches andHeadache, vomiting, skin rashes, asthma) when he or she is sensitive to contact with substances that react. Substance causing the reaction is an allergen and can house dust, cat and dog fur, food / s, a chemical / s or bacteria - to name a few. In this article we will focus on food allergies.

Is presented as a solid food, a child may have "allergic reaction" to the sample of wheat, and diarrhea, colic, irritability, runny noseNose, or even a slight ear infection, asthma or eczema. The cause of these symptoms often go unnoticed and can also be treated as a transient infection if the problem is a runny nose or ear infection. The food in question will continue to be offered and the child usually recovered from acute symptoms, even if it continues, could be relatively mild symptoms. At some point later in time (days, months, years later), or after periods of stress or infection, or simply by a progressive Failure to stay healthy, develop symptoms.

When deprived of food, the symptoms usually clear within three to five days, although sometimes, especially in children, can take up to three weeks. It can also be withdrawal symptoms, which are now clearly marked.

When introducing new foods for infants and children, you must be aware of allergic symptoms. This is particularly true if the parents or other family members need to eat> Allergies.

What is the meaning of a food allergy as a small child?

Symptoms associated with food allergies can Legion and a number of different clinical conditions mimic. It depends on the baby. To develop some symptoms of infants and young children are as follows:

a mouth and throat, itching, Skin rashes, eczema and urticaria, Cramps and colic Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhea or constipation; Wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, unusual crying, Shortness of breath, Hyperactivity Insomnia.

In extreme cases, a child with a fatal disease called anaphylactic shock. Severe symptoms or reactions to allergens require immediate medical attention.

What are the most common causes of food allergies?

The foods that cause allergies are more likely to include:

Wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize (corn) Cow's milk and other dairy products, Hen eggs and poultry meat, Sugar cane and sugar beets, Fish and seafood Peanuts, Color and preservatives, Yeast Pork Chocolate Citrus.

What can you do?

Here are two things you can do as parents, the sensitivity of the child's allergies and reduce the severity of food allergies:

Wait until the child is at least 6 months to introduce solids. Apply the rule to wait four days during theIntroduction of new foods to your baby.

Wait until the baby is 6 months

Children are not born with the digestive system of adults, and can not digest food properly, and not until their digestive systems have matured, aged about 4 to 6 months. Before that you should only breast milk or formula. Wait until the baby is 6 months for the solid food is the best chance of digestion digestion actually able to eat and goodreduces the risk of allergies.

The rule to wait 4 days

If you start feeding your baby solids, you must be sure that the food does not cause a reaction. Sometimes it takes three or four days to submit a response.

Keep a food at a time and then wait four days before introducing another food.

It is worth keeping a food diary, noting that the food is introduced and when. This information can be useful later when the child develops a sort ofthe reaction, which could be an infection or upset, or wind or whatever the cause, although it may in fact be a reaction to food components. If you notice, even if particular problems begin, it is often possible to identify the offending food, and the child does not eat, and have a healthy, happy child.

If there is a family history of food intolerance, so it is recommended to avoid the introduction of cow's milk or wheat, until the child is 12 months or more. (If you introduce these foodsat all - but that's another topic).

Allergies are very common and can cause severe reactions. The digestive system and immune system of a child must be sufficiently developed before solid foods are introduced. The introduction of solid foods too early or foods that can cause problems for the child's immature stress systems early. When introducing solid foods, you should discuss the possibility of allergic reactions and need to stop for a reaction to be affectedgive them food and allow time for the child to mature. Although the details of the above are generally useful and educational institutions, should not be considered as a substitute for personal advice of a doctor. You should seek professional help if your child has allergies, the sudden, extreme, prolonged, or do not improve.


Bland, J. 1996, Contemporary Nutrition. J & B Associates

Davies, S. and A. Stewart, 1997 supplementsMedicine. Pan.

Elliot, N. 2004, Green Peace. Parents practical.

Holden, S., Hudson, K., Tilman, J. & D. Wolf, 2003: The Ultimate Guide to Health from Nature. Asrolog publication.

Pressman, A. and S. Buff, 2000, The Complete Guide Idiot of vitamins and minerals. (2nd ed.) Alpha Books.

Soothill, R. 1996, A guide to selection of vitamins and minerals. A publication of the book of choice.

Sullivan, K. 2002, vitamins and minerals: a practical approach to health and nutritionSecurity supplements. Harper Collins.

Food allergies in infants and young children

Infant Allergies

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