Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Colic Remedies - 3 Effective Treatments for colic the house!

Infant Allergies

A baby with colic is a normal process. Most babies tend to suffer from colic. New parents need to understand that her baby may cry for a variety of reasons, any hypothesis that the child is normal or a disease. You should also understand that most of the time, because the baby has colic.

Infant Allergies

Colic usually begins within 2-3 weeks after the birth of the child and can continue until the child is about 2-4 monthsof age. The most recent was 8 months, as it is for some children. There is no medicine for treatment of this disease, but there are some home remedies for them.

Infant Allergies

Dealing with a colicky baby can be very difficult for young parents. They tend to be the reason why the baby cries constantly worry about. Always crying that can sometimes go for 3-5 hours, the child ends up with red cheeks. First, parents need to find the real cause for the baby cries. If the reasonColic is one that can help some of the home remedies below:

Infant Allergies

- It can cause one of the most common reasons for colic could be the type of food that the mother can be consumed. If the mother eats all kinds of food, gas or any other type of food that may cause an allergic reaction, will be transferred to the baby through breast milk. And require the mother of concern for the food he eats to make. This is one of the easiest to treat colic.

- Try to relax, baby. This can be done playingsoft music or rocking the baby, or even wear it. The lollipop is a good place.

- A small and gentle massage with very slight movements of the hand in a circular action is also alleviated the pain in the belly of the child. This massage helps the baby to a movement that is also a measure of pain relief. Trying to learn this technique a couple of good books, or even a website.

The best and simplest of these deal with colic is the care and warmth of the same motherYou should always remember to burp the baby between meals and after meals. This may be the baby upright for some time and will be a nice pat on the back so that the air is released in the stomach.

Colic Remedies - 3 Effective Treatments for colic the house!

Infant Allergies

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