Monday, August 1, 2011

Are you allergic to cigarette smoke?

Infant Allergies

It's just a hint of smoke enough to ruin your day? Once lit, the person next to you, is the first thing you think of unpleasant memories of your last meeting with the smoke of tobacco and a runny nose, sneezing and congestion that followed. For some, the response to cigarette smoke is similar to an allergic reaction, they think of "smoke allergies" LED.

Infant Allergies

There are a lot of "smoke allergies" are actually mythsdifficult to adequately treat his condition. This article will tell you if you say, if you "smoke allergies" and what you can do to better protect themselves against diseases associated with passive smoking affected.

Infant Allergies

Myth 1: "allergic to smoke"

Infant Allergies

No one is really allergic to smoke. Many people insist that they are allergic to smoke cigarettes or cigars, but the truth is that I'm allergicother diseases. To understand why, as you can in allergy attack, like when a smoker is the key to understanding how it feels to prevent the symptoms of the future.

Why do I say that there is no such thing as an allergy to smoke, because smoking is not technically an allergen - but it is a nuisance. This small difference explains why most people do not experience relief when taking medication antihistamine allergy after exposure to tobacco smoke. The key to avoidingThe problems caused by cigarette smoking, which determines the type of sensitivity you have and how best to deal with.

Who is vulnerable to "smoke allergies"?
Children and babies Elderly People with a history of allergy (each with allergies, asthma, eczema, etc.) People who smoke high for a long period

Sometimes people who are sensitive to tobacco smoke, even when they encounter a strong allergic symptomsOdors, smells, changes in climate or temperature.

The symptoms of sensitivity to cigarette

For some people, exposure to tobacco smoke causes a list of symptoms:
Sneeze Cough Watery, burning eyes Cold Retronasal Jam Breathlessness Headache

These symptoms occur immediately after exposure to cigarette smoke and last for hours. In addition to these symptoms, people who are in smoke-filled rooms, on a daily basislikely to have constant respiratory infections as sinusitis and bronchitis, as well as the development of wheezing and asthma.

Tobacco smoke

A lit cigarette is able to release more than 4,000 different chemicals in the air (of which 80 are known or suspected carcinogens). Sometimes, to avoid situations where people smoke is almost impossible. Often a family member smoking in rooms or in a public place like a bar or restaurant that allows smoking.Depending on the severity of your reaction, just the smell of smoke on the clothes of someone or in a room where someone had been smoking cause irritation. So even if the avoidance of tobacco smoke is the best way to prevent "smoke allergies" can not be a viable solution.

Basically two types of smoke-sensitive

The best way to treat your "allergy" to smoke, to begin to identify what kind of sensitivity occur. There are two types of smokeSensitivity:
The basis of aggravating allergies Smoke: Your body is weakened by the smoke and begins to react all the bits of pollen, dust and hair, which normally would not be a problem. Vasomotor rhinitis: This is a condition that has exactly the same symptoms as allergic rhinitis (nose allergy), but can not be treated with antihistamine allergy medicine.
Smoking aggravated allergies:
An allergen is a small particle that is builtprotein that the body mistakes for a dangerous invader like a virus or other germs. Tar smoke contains tiny particles of ash (You can see these particles generated in the form of a white cloud from the burning of tobacco). But the ash particles from coal tar are not the same as a true allergen, because they are based on proteins, but a form of carbon.

Instead labeled smoke particles are classified as irritating allergens. Irritants can worsen a lot of discomfort, diseases such asAsthma and allergies, and cause other serious health problems. So, in medical terms, no one can really be allergic to smoke, but can be complicated, the suffering of their existing allergies or other illnesses.

If you have allergies or asthma, smoking can trigger an allergic reaction, because it puts additional pressure on the body and the immune system. Drift cat dander in the air instead, which generally do not have a violent reaction, butwith the addition of tobacco smoke, your body can not handle the allergens. Asthma is dangerous when combined with exposure to tobacco smoke and even mix some 'fatal.

They may be complications, allergies, if the experience:
You know I'm allergic to things like pollen dust mites, pets, mold or dust. You have eczema and food allergies.

Avoid situations that you can see where you are exposed to smoke. See an allergistTo optimize existing treatment for allergies, or if you have developed new allergies. Run an air purifier to reduce the number of allergens in the air. Even a small portable air cleaner smoke eater like a house is effective in removing allergens in the bedrooms of family members to smoke.
Vasomotor rhinitis:
Vasomotor rhinitis is a form of irritation and inflammation of the nose and throat and eyes. Seasonal allergies or coveredreferred to as "allergic rhinitis". This condition differs from allergic, because they are not caused by allergens. For this reason, vasomotor rhinitis, sometimes called "non-allergic rhinitis." It causes many symptoms that would be a similar reaction, but is caused by high sensitivity or excessive amounts of blood vessels in the delicate tissue of the breast area. The symptoms occur are caused by the nervous system, such as allergens.

This means that while another person may be able to smoke cigarettes, a person suffering from vasomotor rhinitis are a lot of discomfort with the same amount of experience to tolerate the smoke. So do not over-react when they complain even small amounts of smoke - those are really small affect stronger than those around you.

In addition to cigarette smoke, strong odors are often also cause symptoms or time, so you can see that many aspects of your environment to find the cause> Allergy-like symptoms. Some people even have allergic and vasomotor rhinitis simultaneously.

She is probably a vasomotor rhinitis, if:
They are very sensitive to other factors such as perfume, strong odors, climate change, changes in temperature or spicy foods, even. Walk a little 'hot (or cold) space makes a runny nose or closed, sorry. Antihistamines may relieve symptoms.

Avoid situations that manypossible, where your condition can be aggravated. These include smoking, vasomotor rhinitis and some other triggers such as perfume worn, scented candles, etc. Talk to your doctor about treatment options. Some drugs, such as oral decongestants and saline nasal sprays can alleviate. Some drugs that have proven effective antihistamine nasal spray (as opposed to oral antihistamines, in general, no influence on the opposite sidevasomotor rhinitis), anti-drip anticholinergic nasal sprays and nasal spray corticosteroids. Limit exposure to smoke and the smell of smoke, as this is often the cause of many cases of vasomotor rhinitis. Use an air filter to reduce these pollutants from the smoke of a house-eating air.
A note for allergy sufferers:

The inhalation of even small amounts of smoke for a long period of time can actually cause the development of new allergies or even asthma. In young childreninhalation of environmental tobacco smoke increases the risk of developing allergies when they get older. If you live with a smoker, you will probably have more cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections and other respiratory diseases.
The best thing you can do to make your living space a zero-tolerance smoking area. If this is not an option, consider an air purifier as an investment in your health.

Some ofThe symptoms of sinusitis (sinus infection) can be described very similar vasomotor rhinitis and allergic rhinitis in this article. Be sure to visit your doctor to help diagnose her illness, when tobacco smoke is a feeling over time.

Remember: Always be sure to talk with your doctor or allergist about your symptoms and treatment.

Are you allergic to cigarette smoke?

Infant Allergies

1 comment:

  1. Allergies have a tendency to feed off of each other, and those who are experiencing reactions to pet dander (or other substances I recently stopped smoking
