Friday, August 19, 2011

Breastfeeding - the best option for your child

Infant Allergies

If you have a child, breastfeeding is to eat in all cases the best way. It has many advantages over the bottle and none of the disadvantages. More than 1 million children die each year because of the formula fed!

Infant Allergies

Breast milk is the perfect nutrients your child needs, and also protects against the disease. Studies have shown that breastfed infants less ear infections, skin rashes, diarrhea, allergies, hospitalizations andother health problems than babies who were fed formula.

Infant Allergies

Formula based on cow's milk, but the problem is that there is another type of protein than breast milk does not contain or contains the nutrients that children need. The human children have difficulty in digesting this protein and, therefore, are usually much more often than breastfed babies. Breast milk has at least 100 ingredients not found in formula.

Infant Allergies

If a mother breastfeedstheir baby, the antibodies are also transferred to the child. This protects the child against illness and diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, botulism, influenza, staph infections, measles and ear infections. About eighty percent of the cells in breast milk are cells that kill viruses, bacteria and fungi!

Unlike bottle feeding, breastfeeding is a mother cuddling her baby close several times a day. The child will feel safe from this andform a better connection with her mother. Nursing is a source of comfort and warmth for a child.

Also, if you are breastfeeding, you need not buy expensive formulas. If your baby starts to cry do not go to heat a bottle, because the food is ready at any time. Breastfeeding burns calories, even in the mother that makes it much easier to lose weight after pregnancy.

There are some cases where there is no need to breastfeed. If you have HIV should not breastfeedHer baby because the virus passes through breast milk. Some other diseases that can be transferred to your child, hepatitis, herpes, sore throat and beta. If one of those diseases that you talk with your doctor before breast-feeding.

If you are breastfeeding, you should be aware that it can be painful if you do it the first time. You too can your nipples sore, cracked or clogged. You will need to keep your breasts regularly, or get very uncomfortableBecause it is so full. They are linked much more to your child that the mother fed the formula.

Once you have your baby, you should breastfeed as soon as possible, preferably within one hour of birth. You will not even milk, but you get the colostrum, which contains a liquid, antibodies to the disease. Infants must be maintained at least every two hours. As soon as age will be at regular intervals.

If you're a new parent, it isSurely you want your child in the best possible way. Breast milk is how to do it. It contains everything your baby needs, and makes him much happier and healthier.

Breastfeeding - the best option for your child

Infant Allergies

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