Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Children Yeast Infection - How can my child get a yeast infection?

Infant Allergies

One might ask how or why the child has developed a yeast infection. And 'dangerous?

Infant Allergies

Child yeast infection - Candida: 101

Infant Allergies

First, here is some basic information about yeast. Our adult bodies are home to a variety of good and bad bacteria .. and something called Candida albicans or yeast. Candida albicans is one of more than 200 species of Candida fungi live in our bodies. This species is abundant in our mouth and gastrointestinalIntestinal tract.

Infant Allergies

Antibiotics are usually the cause of yeast infections in children. Antibiotics are used to treat viral infections, in order to destroy the "good" bacteria that keep yeast in check throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to an overgrowth of yeast.

A child, the yeast infection of the relatively poor and redistribute, surfactants, such as thrush or vaginal secretions and the area of ​​diaper rash, systemic yeast infection more dangerous.

Systemic YeastThe infection moves into the blood and organs of the gastrointestinal tract from injury. It is not common in healthy children, but can be very dangerous in people with weakened immune systems.

Oral thrush

When children are in the womb, their immune systems are not yet enabled. During their journey through the birth canal - where, of course, live yeast - can detect the fungus in the mouth. Without a fully developed immune system to control Candidaresults may be thrush.

Thrush is a fungal infection of the esophagus like - the mouth and throat. The symptoms are similar to white paste, such as patches and can be found inside the mouth, tongue and the back of the throat. It is not dangerous and can be easily treated with an antifungal antibiotic called Nystatin.

Doctors often treat the child with yeast infection nystatin. And 'composed of yeasts and soil bacteria. It keeps the yeast infection to enterblood and systemic infections.

Nappy rash

Thrush can travel through the digestive system of a child, leading to vaginal yeast infection or diaper rash. With an anti-fungal cream, and keep the area clean and dry with frequent diaper changes can help eliminate the problem.

Children Yeast Infection - How can my child get a yeast infection?

Infant Allergies

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