Thursday, August 4, 2011

Allergies and symptoms

Infant Allergies

Before discussing the symptoms and allergies, it might be useful to have some basic knowledge. An allergy is a specific reaction of the immune system's body to a normally harmless substance, one that does not bother many people. These are people who deal with allergies are often sensitive to more than one substance.

Infant Allergies

Common allergies

Infant Allergies

There are several types of allergies. The most common areseasonal allergies, which lead from certain trees, plants or pollen (birch, ragweed, rye grass and timothy grass) in the air at certain times of the year. About 35 million Americans are allergic to pollen (also known as hay fever). Pollen is a powder of flowers and trees. Although most people think of the pollen season in spring, rather, pollen in the air can, in spring, summer and autumn, depending on the type of tree, grass orWeeds.

Infant Allergies

It may also be allergic to certain foods, including peanuts, shellfish, milk, fish, wheat and soybeans. If you are unsure of the cause of food allergy problems, it can be a visit to your doctor or allergy culprits guilty. An allergist can perform tests to identify and isolate a particular sensitivity that you may have, if they are related to food, and the severity of your sensitivity. In addition, because some allergies can be fatal, theAllergists can be life-saving measures taken with the instructions in the event of a severe allergy.

Other common allergies include pet dander (animal hair, cockroach calyx), insect stings (bee venom, wasp sting), dust mites, mold, drugs (penicillin, salicylates, local anesthetics, sulfonamides), and latex .

The most common symptoms

The symptoms of allergies are ranked in order of severity, including mild, moderateand severe allergic reactions. Most people experience relatively mild symptoms such as watery eyes, itching, runny nose, cough, and urticaria. This type of allergy symptoms can usually be controlled by an antihistamine. There are several over-the-counter antihistamines, like others, you can get a prescription. You might also consider a shot allergy.

For other patients, the allergic reaction is moderate. In these cases, theReaction spreads to other parts of the body. For example, trouble breathing. Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and immunotherapy can take all effective remedies.

Although very rare, there have been serious allergic reactions. These are usually the result of food allergies. Peanuts, milk and eggs are the most common. Symptoms include swelling of the face, abdominal pain, cramps, hives and angioedema, hives in my throat. Call your doctor immediatelyfor the symptoms of a serious allergic reaction requested. Often a stroke is to contribute to the reaction.

Although there is no cure for the common allergic symptoms (sores, rashes, hives, etc.) can be treated. The best treatment for everyone, of course, is only one factor that (easier said than done) to trigger an allergy attack to avoid.

Allergies and symptoms

Infant Allergies

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