Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Signs and symptoms of infant acid reflux

Infant Allergies

Every baby spits up. But if it happens, and if it is accompanied by crying, drops of blood in the sputum, the curvature of the spine, might be a case of infant GERD. Although many of these cases of acid reflux be corrected within two years after birth, some children continue to develop these symptoms for many years of experience, or other chronic illnesses such as ear infections, gastroesophageal reflux disease, low weight, esophagitis and stenosis.

Infant Allergies

SymptomsReflux baby> are the same as in adults, but some symptoms such as vomiting and aspiration of reflux-induced asthma or chronic lung infections resulted in children are common, while symptoms of other adults, such as chest pain, are rare in children. Particular curve of the neck and breast, and ear infections are also symptoms that are common in children.

Infant Allergies

Signs and symptoms of acid reflux are often shared by other conditions. The most common symptomssuffered by infants with acid reflux include vomiting, chronic cough, food refusal and difficulty swallowing. However, the same symptoms of other conditions, including food allergies, metabolic disorders and structural abnormalities such as esophageal atresia, a condition where the esophagus is not fully formed and, finally, in addition to dividing the stomach. Even something as simple as a child accidentally put your fingers or hands to far into the pharynx and the initiation of a gag reflex can cause vomiting.

Infant Allergies

The causes of child mortality experience of reflux are different from those of adults. Young children do not wear tight clothing or smoke. Take spicy food or alcohol. Instead, infants usually experience temporary relaxation of the LES may be due to a neurological reaction developed. Mature than their voluntary and involuntary reflexes during the first year and beyond, most> Children with symptoms of reflux, a decrease or disappearance of symptoms, the age of two years. However, a small number of children continue to fight the signs and symptoms of acid reflux in this period.

Signs and symptoms of infant acid reflux

Infant Allergies

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