Saturday, July 16, 2011

Infants with allergies to dairy products - How to recognize and address the problem

Infant Allergies

Many children suffer needlessly from allergies to milk, just because their parents can not recognize there is a problem. It can be frustrating for parents and potentially deadly for infants.

Infant Allergies

Dairy allergies in children are the most common causes of cow's milk. Although some children are allergic to soy milk. A parent can know whether breastfed or bottle, what you need to save time, money and unnecessarySuffering.

Infant Allergies

How do you know if your child has allergies to dairy products

Infant Allergies

A child with milk allergy can be a lot of pain. And 'therefore particularly important to diagnose and treat the problem as soon as possible. Here are some common symptoms to look for when you think your child has allergies to dairy products:

Abnormalities of the skin: may include urticaria (associated with diaper rash) and eczema.

RespiratoryProblems: asthma and / or respiratory problems are common.

Gastrointestinal symptoms: diarrhea, stool, vomiting, bloating and sometimes bloody are the outward signs. If your baby cries a lot, he or she will experience, and stomach pain.

Many parents may recognize the constant crying of colic or other form of discomfort. This makes the diagnosis of milk allergy in children so difficult. Finally, he can not say what is happening with their childrenBody.

As a rule excluding normal kid problems and allergies to dairy products

Her child, even if he or she can not speak, is the best information broker. Watch for recurrent symptoms like those above, especially if they occur frequently after feedings.

Because pain can not see, it is important to note when the child cries findings show that "feel" they're just in pain. Most parents are matched with their childrenShe cries. This is the "wet and I want to cry will change", the "I do not want to go to sleep crying," and that ". The pain I cry"

Not a minute after your instincts. If you think something is wrong, call your doctor and relay your symptoms, your concerns and why you think it's valid.

How are the Dairy Treat allergies in infants

Once the problem is recognized, must be corrected relatively homogeneous. There is a sure-fire "cure" for baby milkAllergies: Avoid milk.

If you are breastfeeding, you must eliminate all dairy from your diet. If bottle feeding, you must first dairy.

Infants with allergies to dairy products - How to recognize and address the problem

Infant Allergies

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