Monday, July 11, 2011

Recognize allergies in children

Infant Allergies

As with adults, children have allergies to allergens that cause when grouped. The three different inhalation allergens, food and surroundings. Because children do not articulate the expressive abilities as a case of an allergy attack, more inconsolable crying, and can also bring a roll, especially when you feel the need to scratch feel. Some telltale signs that the guards must be carefullyfor increases, rash, hives, flaking skin, eczema, runny nose, watery eyes, shortness of breath or swelling in any part of the body. If these symptoms occur, the guardian must be identified as an allergic reaction and seek medical attention for the child.

Infant Allergies

Children's allergies, which appear on the skin of children increases can easily be mistaken for mosquito bites. However, a careful observer can easily distinguish them fromMosquito bites through their representation in the areas covered in the body as the child's back or abdomen. Hives on the other side can be caused by environmental influences, in this case appear at the point of contact caused. In infants, urticaria may occur if the child develops an allergy to a food is absorbed by the nursing mother. Eczema is another symptom that the child may already be present in an allergic reaction. Eczema usually borne allergensappears behind the ears, and scalp. allergies that manifest as eczema are usually difficult to identify because a goalkeeper error can easily be used as cradle cap (if it appears on the skin hair) or the dirt behind the ears have been paid.

Infant Allergies

Identify some of the symptoms of allergy easier for the child are the ones that cause the child on the face, lips, or swelling of the eyes. Doctors usually parents and carers advice, consult a physician for symptomsimmediately, because the swelling can cause an inflammation of the throat causing blockage of the airway passage. If the latter is the case, the child may develop an anaphylactic shock and may die. Some of the most difficult to detect child allergies, on the other side are those who present with symptoms such as watery eyes and runny nose. Symptoms such as frequent colds or blocked tear ducts can easily, in this case the child is treated unfairly be confused withAntihistamines or nasal drops. For these reasons, parents and coaches always have a qualified pediatrician, and we must avoid self-medication, especially in children younger than two years.

Infant Allergies

Infants exclusively breast-fed baby may be allergic to, in this case, the child may suffer from bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Other children may show symptoms such as vomiting after feeding and may increase the frequency of spitting. In some cases,Food allergies during breastfeeding of children, colic can be confusing. However, a strong, experienced pediatrician to quickly recover from the symptoms as signs of allergy.

Regardless, responsible for allergic reactions of the allergic children, parents and caregivers are always looking for symptoms such as excessive sneezing, dry cough, irritability, stuffy or runny nose, eczema, diarrhea and vomiting, because they can be death.

Recognize allergies in children

Infant Allergies

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