Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Food Allergy - The cry of the body using

Infant Allergies

If you often feel bloated, tired, or not so good after a meal; if you gave frequent have stomach pains, cramps, or bowel problems; if you have strong food cravings or food dislikes; if you experience a collection of symptoms that you just cannot explain, or sometimes become more anxious, irritable, or depressed f you may be suffering from food allergy.

Infant Allergies

Allergy has reached epidemic, proportions, and it has been estimated that at this rate, half of Europe will have Allergies in a few years. Food allergies are of particular importance, because they are now recognized as a factor in many health problems and diseases, especially in children.

Infant Allergies

Many scientists and doctors believe that a poor diet, and the enormous amount of toxins that are now present in our diet are important factors in this unprecedented increase in the number and severity of allergies in recent decades.

Infant Allergies

When power Harms Instead of helping,

Much of theour food is too much process and toxins all the way from production to sale. Instead it can be a great source of health and strength so that we eat our body's ability to fight effectively against the daily pressures and release toxins, the attacks undermined on all sides. No wonder most of our body to react with food allergies.

Food allergies are not only harmful to our body (and mind), but they also avoidedeat the derivation of all the nutritional benefits of healthy foods we do. Because of the damage to our digestive system, which can prevent the complete degradation of food nutrients, and destroy the body's ability to properly absorb the nutrients are available. This can lead to deficiencies and malnutrition, even if you eat a lot of good food.

Another problem is that food allergies can your ability, the food is necessary to limit the food. Avaried diet provides the highest level of safety that you are getting the nutrients you need, but if you live in fear of a reaction, you can restrict your diet, maybe even more than necessary. For example, a person with an allergy to spinach or chard remove all its food, if you really believe they can only respond to a particular chemical in the plants of the "carrot" of species. By eliminating all the green, that person loses a lot of health propertiesGreen, excellent sources of chlorophyll, calcium and magnesium.

Allergenic foods

Reactive or a food allergen is causing an allergic reaction such as hives, wheezing, stomach cramps or stuffy nose. Food allergens of which the majority (especially children) tend, are: wheat, corn sugar, coconut milk, eggs, soy.

Other highly reactive foods include: oats, baking powder, chocolate, seafood, beef and citrus.

However, you can develop a sensitivity, intoleranceor allergy to a food. The degree of sensitivity to a food depends on your food tolerance "threshold". You may be able to eat small amounts of food, but to deal with large quantities. Or some foods can be eaten from time to time without response, but not often.

In fact, you can not respond to specific foods, but on one or more ingredients of the food. It may surprise you to know that the most problematic substances, vitamins andMinerals in the diet. You may be happy to have allergic reactions to eating too much food, we have on a daily basis. Other important causes of food allergies are food additives, sulfur, pesticides, biotechnology and genetic engineering.

The symptoms of food allergy

There are many warning signs that you may have a food allergy, specify: dark circles under the eyes, frequent sneezing or coughing, irritability, mood swings, frequent fatigue or hyperactivity. Other charactersmay include headache, abdominal pain, intestinal problems, muscle aches, cough and shortness of breath, frequent respiratory or digestive diseases. Symptoms vary from person to person. Common signs of food allergy are:

Digestive problems - Reactions to food allergens can cause damage to the walls along the digestive tract, and also the balance of hormones and chemicals for proper digestion and elimination must be disturbing. This can cause problems such as leaky gut syndrome, which leadthe walls of the small intestine into the blood loss partially digested food. This can cause bloating, abdominal cramps and inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune diseases and immune deficiency and many other problems.

Suffocation - food allergens are responsible for the excess mucus in many allergy sufferers, leading to chronic stuffy nose and throat mucuosy - as well as ear infections. Children are very small upper airways and does not take much to block it.If allergens are eliminated from the diet, the drying of the mucus.

Ear infections - about 70% of children suffer from otitis media at one time or another, and occurs by many researchers from food allergies, especially milk and wheat. One study reported that 78% of children with allergies, ear, milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts and soybeans, and when these foods were eliminated from their diet showed that 86% experienced a significantImprovement.

Mental or emotional problems - food allergies are clearly on a series of mental and behavioral disorders such as autism and hyperactivity in children linked, anxiety, depression, inability to concentrate, mood swings, and "blurring".

Food Addiction - If you're a food junkie, you're probably allergic to it. This is due to allergic reactions in the body of the trigger release of certain chemicals, including opioids, may bewell. If you're lucky, if you feel the food, you can develop a dependency on them.

Types of food allergies

If you are allergic to a food, you may experience an immediate or a delayed reaction to food. The model of immediate response is called the type of food allergy, I immediately or shortly after eating the food, the symptoms clear and often dramatic. If you are allergic to mold, you can develop stomach cramps within an hour after eatingMushroom sauce. A child with type 1 diabetes might itching reaction to kiwi fruit in the mouth or vomiting within 15 minutes to eat a kiwi experience.

The most dangerous type of reaction is called anaphylaxis l - a severe reaction that can be fatal within minutes. If you or your child experiences dizziness), swelling, swollen tongue or throat, shortness of breath, fainting, or a face immediately after eating, seek emergency care immediately.

The type of powerAllergies are easy to diagnose. React to allergy skin tests, blood tests and show of, because they are in an excess of IgE antibodies. For many doctors, is the only kind of true food allergy. Recent estimates show that this type occur between food allergies L 3-5% (sometimes up to 8%) children, and 1-2% of adults.

Food allergies of type II is not IgE antibodies. In contrast, IgA, IgG and IgM are produced. ThisModel response is associated with the release of inflammatory substances by the immune system. Food allergies are a lot of this type, so they are not allergy testing standards that proves the rule only for the IgE antibody test.

Some reactive units are "hidden". Models of delayed food allergy (called a type III food allergy) often unrecognized because the symptoms are usually not obvious, and can occur days after the food isate. Moreover, since it does not show it to no more than the production of IgE antibodies, delayed allergic reactions to skin tests or IgE antibody test. Rather, they tend to appear as a group of physical difficulties, behavioral and learning systems at once.

You may experience an allergy type III as a combination of persistent or recurrent symptoms such as shortness of breath, frequent cleaning of the throat, episodes of hyperactivity and emotionalHypersensitivity, chronic nasal congestion, and frequent flu-like symptoms. Another person may be recurrent headaches, frequent itching of the eyes, abdominal pain, fatigue, depression, insomnia and swelling of the lymph nodes. This pattern of delayed reaction food allergies are difficult to diagnose. But according to many doctors, who represent the majority of food allergies, especially in children.

In food allergies, in fact,so often - so often diagnosed yet - you should aim for an indefinite period all diseases, symptoms and various physical symptoms including, as a sign of food allergy to assume until proven otherwise.


Previously, it was recognized that children grow their food allergies and adults at some point in the same report, but now we need to develop allergies and that change over time. For example, allergies to milk or eggs develop respiratoryAllergies or other health problems as different. For true healing can occur, are treated as underlying allergies.

The most common treatment for food allergies is to avoid. This will help to relieve discomfort and prevent further damage, but can mean a life of restrictive diets.

There is some evidence that eating organic food can reduce the incidence or severity of allergic reactions to foods to reduce and may also protect against allergies Reactions. Organic foods offer more nutritional value needed to strengthen the immune system, which is still low in people with allergies. During treatment with a diet rich in organic foods, the chances of developing allergies to food additives and pesticides, and can reduce the 'incidence of allergies.

However, if you have food allergies, the damage they have caused to be corrected.

The best solution for the food Allergy desensitization. "There are several treatment options available, some of the body of immunization with extracts of allergens under the tongue or injections taken. Acupuncture has also been shown effective in treating some allergies. The problem is that these therapies can not access to health problems, such as nutrient deficiency, excess toxins and stress that cause food allergies in the first place.

For a real solution to the food> Allergies, choose a program that includes detoxification, the body of toxins that contribute to allergies, clear, correct other underlying health problems and desensitization of the allergens about you.

Once food allergies are controlled or eliminated, it is important that you get a sound nutritional advice can help you build and the health of your immune system. If you do not eat enough good foods, or eating too badFood, are at risk of developing new allergies or other problems. Good nutrition is always the best protection.

Food Allergy - The cry of the body using

Infant Allergies

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