Thursday, July 28, 2011

Five Natural Remedies for Nasal Allergies

Infant Allergies

Breathing is essential to life, and allergies are a terrible intrusion into the simple, regular, deep breathing, we all need to stay active and healthy. Fortunately, there are many ways to breathe easier, despite the nasal allergy without expensive sedative drugs against allergies.

Infant Allergies

Here are my top 5

Infant Allergies

The first use of steroid nasal sprays sparingly, if at all. Yes, work is really, but have serious side effects.

Infant Allergies

Beconase AQ (beclomethasone), Flonase(Fluticasone), Nasacort AQ (triamcinolone), Nasarel (flunisolie), Nasonex (mometasone) and Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide) offer the benefits of steroids to control allergies without risks, namely hypertension, impaired growth in children, osteoporosis in older adults, and a long list of other possible complications.

The problem with these nasal sprays, except for the fact that they are very expensive, is that in rare cases can cause nasalDrilling (in total between the nostrils) and very often cause burning, irritation, sore throat, headaches, nosebleeds, dry sinus and in fact intended to prevent.

According to your food, instead of antihistamines.

Instead of antihistamines such as Benadryl pharmaceuticals (diphyenhydramine) and Dimetane Dimetapp (Brompheniramine), Chlor-Trimeton (chlorpheniramine), Allegra (frexofenadine) Clarniex (desloratadine), or Zyrtec (certirizine), considertheir natural alternatives.

Quercetin, a plant substance that you eat an apple and grapefruit can reach the shell, is chemically similar NasalCrom (cromolyn sodium), in fact, the active ingredient in NasalCrom was the first bishop of the Weeds, a herb that is rich in quercetin found. British studies have found that eating an apple only reduces the incidence of allergies weeks.

You can also get some relief from allergies, vitamin C, but quickly adds. Thereto get a better 3-4 doses of 500 mg or less all day like a dose of 1000 mg to 2000 to get it all at once.

3-stop-nasal allergy to the source.

If you have poison ivy every week, it would be wise to get the prescription prednisone for six months or maybe poison ivy? The same principle applies to a runny nose, allergies at home. It makes no sense to take medication all the time, when you stop to allergies to the source. HEPAFilter to remove mold and dust mites and cat dander and pollen almost everyone. Even better, a HEPA filter combined with a dehumidifier. The combination reduces mold spores.

4 And if you can not afford to stop allergies to the source using an expensive HEPA filter, a HEPA filter to prove economical.

The disadvantage of HEPA filtration is that you probably will not move, and it is expensive. Your next best method to clean the air we breathe at home is aThe electronic air filters. You do not need an ozone generator since ozone is harmful to the lungs. And if you can not afford both a HEPA filter or an electronic air purifier, keep a do-it-yourself 3M Filtrete air filters for the U.S. dollar around 25. You can integrate the system, the air flow instead of the old filter that can be distributed.

Not only will your fifth clean air, clean the floors (and especially the carpet).

Clean air is only half the battle.You also need to clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner. What do you want to avoid when choosing a vacuum cleaner is still that sucks dust through one end and sends the exhaust through the other. In the vacuum with its own small HEPA filters are much more expensive, but go a long way towards the air filter in your home.

Five Natural Remedies for Nasal Allergies

Infant Allergies

1 comment:

  1. Thanks this article was perfect to me because I want to cure my nasal allergy. I think those natural remedy are very effective.

    allergy natural remedies
