Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby thrush, autism, allergies and asthma - is there a link?

Infant Allergies

Thrush in infants is common fungal infection of the mouth, which occurs in young children. Disturbing new findings suggest that the yeast infection early can help to serious health problems down the line, including asthma, allergies and even autism .

Infant Allergies

What Child thrush? Child Oral thrush fungal infection, where yeast cells grow out of control, the tissue penetration of the mouth of your child. Breastfeeding mothers may also develop yeast infectionsThe symptoms on their breasts and nipples as part of their chains. This disease can be frustrating and painful for mothers and children.

Infant Allergies

While most doctors thrush infant health perceived as an annoying but fairly mild, health experts see little cut, with many fungal infections, chronic health conditions that may be related, including:

Infant Allergies

* Asthma
* Allergies
* Chronic fatigue
* Fibromyalgia
* The irritable bowelSyndrome
* Arthritis
* Migraine
* A reduction of immunity.

One might ask what is the connection? The problem is that virtually all children thrush treatments, both natural and pharmaceutical, are designed to kill the yeast that is present. However, the yeast is everywhere, without correcting the underlying imbalance that allowed the yeast to grow out of control, first, the yeast still present and is almost certain to be present at higher levelsWhat is healthy. Once you (or your child) to take drugs or grass to avoid the yeast to grow, in many cases will simply grow back.

Even if the obvious signs (such as patches of thrush in the baby's mouth) are not present, the yeast can be hidden in the body of the growing child. The yeast Candida albicans between the quantity of toxic organic chemicals, including small amounts of yeast can cause serious health problems. This toxic overload can contribute to any number of healthConditions, including autism, learning and behavior, a weakened immune system, etc. In fact, many alternative practitioners now Anti-yeast protocol as the main part of the program of these health problems and a great success with this approach.

Recent clinical studies show that autism is probably not toxic by an event (such as a vaccine), but caused by a combination of exposure to toxic substances - which means it is crucial to get the complete yeastunder control before they can contribute to a serious problem on the board of directors.

Yeast cells can also enter the tissues of the intestine (leaky gut syndrome), leading to larger particles to pass through the intestinal wall. This contributes to the development of asthma, allergies and other inflammatory diseases.

For these reasons, it is important for the parents of a child with thrush in a safe, non-toxic, anti-yeast program that heals the underlying imbalance that allowedyeast to grow out of control in the first place. And 'the only way to ensure that the yeast can not continue to grow the parasite in the body of your child, if an obvious problem or not. And 'ideal for breastfeeding mothers should be treated as well to prevent yeast and forth between mother and son.

Baby thrush, autism, allergies and asthma - is there a link?

Infant Allergies

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