Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Masked Allergies and Addiction

Infant Allergies

Dr William Philpott, one of the world leaders in the understanding of allergy related illness associates allergy conditions with the addictive process. In Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient Connection which he wrote with Dr Dwight K. Kalita, (published by Keats Publishing, Inc.), Dr Philpott says:

Infant Allergies

"One can say that allergy and its counterpart, addiction, along with nutritional deficiency and infection are the building blocks from which chronic diseases are built. It matters not with which one of these we start; the others will soon follow. Of these three, the most important beginning point of many illnesses, as far as our clinical evidence reveals, is that of allergy-addiction, with nutritional deficiency and infection following closely."

Infant Allergies

It is possible to eat a certain food every day, with no apparent problems and still be allergic to it. Instead of something obvious like coffee, it can be a food as innocent as eggs, wheat or chicken. Allergists refer to this situation as an 'addictive' or 'masked' allergy.

Infant Allergies

If you crave a particular food, and also suffer from recurring symptoms such as aching or abdominal swelling, it is most likely that you are allergic to it. The craving is often the only way of identifying the allergenic food, because the symptoms do not always occur immediately after eating the food or even in the same day.

In his book, Dr Mandell's Five Day Allergy Relief System, Dr Marshall Mandell found that the addictive form of allergy can go undetected.

"Unlike the better known forms of food allergy from which hives, coughing, itching, facial swelling, sneezing, nasal drip, nausea, vomiting, cramps or headaches result almost at once, the addictive form of allergy is much more subtle and is rarely suspected by its victims.
Instead of having an immediate adverse reaction to the offending food, the addicted person experiences a positive feeling. It's just like the relief a heroin addict feels. We do not yet fully understand why an addictive form of food allergy exists, but we know it does!"

As a result of addictive food allergies, many people suffer the effects of compulsive eating and drinking. The sufferers struggle through life, subjected to the agonies of their cravings and the instability of their moods. They do not understand what controls them and neither do their family or friends and the affect on their personal and family life can be devastating. Often they develop feelings of low self-esteem due to their inability to cope with the physical, mental and emotional disorders forced on them by the abnormal chemical reactions taking place in their bodies.

Masked Allergies and Addiction

Infant Allergies

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