Sunday, November 20, 2011

3 Ways to Alleviate an Infant's Stuffy Nose

Infant Allergies

Babies who suffer from stuffy nose can be very difficult to handle. Your child can get finicky and restless when his nose is blocked. An infant's stuffy nose is something many parents would avoid if they can. However, you must face the fact that it is going to hit your child many times in his infanthood and childhood. Fortunately, there are things that can make the situation a little bit more comfortable for your infant.

Infant Allergies

For babies not older than three months, you should refrain from giving them medicine right away. If you have a newborn baby that is experiencing an infant stuffy nose because of a cold, as tempting as it is, do not let her take a regular children's cold medication for stuffy nose even in small dosage. It can be harmful to your baby and a cold medicine should never be causally given without seeking your baby's pediatrician's advice first. Here are 3 ways on how to alleviate infant stuffy nose:

Infant Allergies

1- Use Nasal saline drops.

Infant Allergies

One of the best solutions you can apply when your baby has stuffy nose is to use nasal saline drops. Nasal saline drops for infants come in a convenient bottle that features long muzzles to fit the drops perfectly inside your baby's small nostrils. A drop for every nostril can do the job efficiently. But make sure that you place a five-minute interval between dousing. If your baby lets you, massage the side of her nose right after administering the saline solution.

2- Use suction device.

It is a device that helps get rid of mucus from your baby's tiny nostrils. Suction devices are available at your local drugstore. You should buy the one-piece, rubber-bulb kind because the two-piece kind can easily acquire leaks and gives a poor performance. You can start using the suction device by squeezing it before placing the tube part inside the nose. To make it work more efficiently, gently push the other nostril shut when you release the bulb so more mucus will be sucked out. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

3- Use Q- tips.

If there are still stubborn bits that got stuck inside, use a Q-tip to wipe away the remaining obstruction. Do this as long as the bits are near the entrance of the nose. Don't let the Q-tips stay inside the nose for a long time since it can cause damage and might hurt your baby. When a stuffy nose is brought about by a cold or flu, give your baby a vapor bath. Bring her into the bathroom and close the door tight. The steam from the shower can help loosen phlegm and open up nasal passages.

A stuffy nose in infants can also be caused by allergies. Maybe your child has developed an allergy. Keep a hat on when you notice her nose is starting to get stuffy. This usually happens when the weather outside is cold. Allergies are very common among infants so bring it up the next time you visit her pediatrician so proper test can be done. When an allergy is identified, you will then be given by her doctor the most appropriate medication for a baby her age. Remember to not give your own brand of remedy without the doctor's approval.

3 Ways to Alleviate an Infant's Stuffy Nose

Infant Allergies

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