Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Masked Allergies and Addiction

Infant Allergies

Dr William Philpott, one of the world leaders in the understanding of allergy related illness associates allergy conditions with the addictive process. In Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient Connection which he wrote with Dr Dwight K. Kalita, (published by Keats Publishing, Inc.), Dr Philpott says:

Infant Allergies

"One can say that allergy and its counterpart, addiction, along with nutritional deficiency and infection are the building blocks from which chronic diseases are built. It matters not with which one of these we start; the others will soon follow. Of these three, the most important beginning point of many illnesses, as far as our clinical evidence reveals, is that of allergy-addiction, with nutritional deficiency and infection following closely."

Infant Allergies

It is possible to eat a certain food every day, with no apparent problems and still be allergic to it. Instead of something obvious like coffee, it can be a food as innocent as eggs, wheat or chicken. Allergists refer to this situation as an 'addictive' or 'masked' allergy.

Infant Allergies

If you crave a particular food, and also suffer from recurring symptoms such as aching or abdominal swelling, it is most likely that you are allergic to it. The craving is often the only way of identifying the allergenic food, because the symptoms do not always occur immediately after eating the food or even in the same day.

In his book, Dr Mandell's Five Day Allergy Relief System, Dr Marshall Mandell found that the addictive form of allergy can go undetected.

"Unlike the better known forms of food allergy from which hives, coughing, itching, facial swelling, sneezing, nasal drip, nausea, vomiting, cramps or headaches result almost at once, the addictive form of allergy is much more subtle and is rarely suspected by its victims.
Instead of having an immediate adverse reaction to the offending food, the addicted person experiences a positive feeling. It's just like the relief a heroin addict feels. We do not yet fully understand why an addictive form of food allergy exists, but we know it does!"

As a result of addictive food allergies, many people suffer the effects of compulsive eating and drinking. The sufferers struggle through life, subjected to the agonies of their cravings and the instability of their moods. They do not understand what controls them and neither do their family or friends and the affect on their personal and family life can be devastating. Often they develop feelings of low self-esteem due to their inability to cope with the physical, mental and emotional disorders forced on them by the abnormal chemical reactions taking place in their bodies.

Masked Allergies and Addiction

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Discover the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Infant Allergies

Along with the satisfaction of doing what is best for your baby, the benefits of breastfeeding for your children should convince you that it is at least worth a good effort to try it!

Infant Allergies

According to the latest research, here are some of the many benefits of breastfeeding for your baby:

Infant Allergies

* Breastfed babies are not so sick! Research shows that breastfed infants have fewer and shorter episodes of illness.

Infant Allergies

* Human milk is best for human babies! Your breastmilk is the most natural food and most nutritious way to encourage your baby's optimal child development.

* You get a smarter kid! The nutrition provided by breastmilk benefits your baby's IQ. Breastfed babies have tested to have higher IQ scores throughout childhood and even into adulthood!

* Secure and happy baby. The skin-on-skin contact encouraged by breastfeeding offers babies greater sense of security and encourages bonding with their mother.

* Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of obesity--even into adulthood.

* Help from allergies. Breastfeeding helps protect against the development of allergies.

* Protection against disease. Breastfeeding helps the baby's immune system mature, protecting the baby in the meantime from viral, bacteria, and parasitic infections.

* Secure and happy baby. The skin-on-skin contact encouraged by breastfeeding offers babies greater sense of security and encourages bonding with their mother.

* Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of obesity--even into adulthood.

* Help from allergies. Breastfeeding helps protect against the development of allergies.

In addition, many of these benefits of breastfeeding appear to last for years even after the baby has been weaned.

So if you are considering breastfeeding, get some support and give it a try. You will have given your new child a great birthday gift!

Discover the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Infant Allergies

Friday, November 25, 2011

Organic Baby Food

Infant Allergies

Organic baby food is the perfect start to a long life of eating healthy. Our babies are so delicate that adding additives, preservatives, pesticides, and growth hormones in their diets is unacceptable. The things that are in our food today are making people question their health tremendously. Many of the ingredients we are exposed to over long periods of time are thought to lead to cancer, infertility, and other disorders and diseases. There is nothing better than the gift of organic that you can give to your new baby. When you begin feeding solids you are paving the way to how your child will live with food for the rest of your life.

Infant Allergies

Why Organic Is Better Than Non-Organic

Infant Allergies

When it comes to organic baby food, there is nothing better. Non-organic foods still add additives and preservatives to your baby's food. There is also too much added salt and even sugar. There is no guarantee that where your baby's food came from does not use growth hormones and/or pesticides. When you go organic you are promised that none of the chemicals in other types of baby food are present. What you see is what you get. No additives. No preservatives. No harsh chemicals or growth hormones that can harm your child in the future. We spend the first part of their life making sure that we nurture them in the womb and then feed them for the best start possible. Once they make the transition to solids they should also continue to get the best.

Infant Allergies

Jarred Verses Home Made

When it comes to baby food there are many ways to serve it up, organic or not. There are plenty of companies that make jarred organic baby food. While this choice does promise you a pesticide and hormone free meal for your little one, you are faces with additive and preservatives. With retail jarred foods you have to have these in them as they are out on the shelves for prolonged periods of time as well as your pantry. Making your own is the best way to be sure what is in or left out of your baby's food. The best thing about making your own is that you can simply puree the vegetable and fruits that you buy for yourself. This makes dining with baby extremely easy.

Best Way To Store Baby Food

There are several ways to store organic baby food. The best and easiest way is to freeze it in ice cube trays. Each cube can be a serving and as the baby gets older you can add cubes for more. This is makes serving and preparing baby food simple. You do not have to worry about what type of jars or containers to buy. Simply make your food, put it in the trays, and put it in the freezer. The amount will be used in a timely manner so that worrying about storage time is not an issue either.

Organic Baby Food

Infant Allergies

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Simple Explanation to the Common and Confusing Word - Allergy

Infant Allergies

An allergy is nothing but the abnormal reaction of our immune system when a harmless substance or allergen comes into its contact either by inhaling, swallowing or touching. At least one out of three humans has some kind of allergy. Medical science is yet to figure out why a particular person is allergic to something and somebody else is not. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system assumes the harmless substance to be dangerous and starts working with extra enthusiasm to defend the body by releasing antibodies which attach themselves to cells commonly found in the airway who in turn release histamines which causes the allergic reaction. Histamines are nothing but chemicals released by the immune system cells to fight against bacteria.

Infant Allergies

Most common symptoms of allergies are itching, rashes, swelling, runny nose, sneezing and hives. The most difficult part of allergies is its diagnosis because most of the symptoms are common with other kind of diseases or disorders. For example a runny nose can be due to the common cold instead of an allergy.

Infant Allergies

Some common allergies are:

Infant Allergies

Hay fever is a common allergy in the United States. It is also known as pollen allergy. It usually occurs during the spring and summer season. Its main symptoms are runny nose and sneezing

Animal allergies are more common with people keeping pets. The allergic reaction here is due to the protein found in animal saliva. Animals keep licking themselves and saliva sticks to their fur which humans constantly come into contact with. Cockroaches are also a common cause of this type of allergy Some people do not react well with milk and peanut butter. Food allergies can cause rashes, itchiness etc. Some have allergies to drugs like penicillin Mold allergies Dust mite allergies Air borne allergies.

The number of treatments available is as varied as the allergies ranging from home remedies, natural or herbal products, and homeopathy to allopath. However the best way to start treatment is started by doing a few tests to determine what type of allergy a person has and accordingly one can try their best to avoid those particular allergens although with thousands of allergens it is a bit difficult.

A Simple Explanation to the Common and Confusing Word - Allergy

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tips for a Memorable Baby Shower

Infant Allergies

Baby showers give friends and family the perfect opportunity to help mum and dad with expensive baby items. The last trimester is the time when friends and family begin to plan the baby shower. If you are involved in the preparations of it your party planners need some ideas, here are a few to help get you started.

Infant Allergies

Discount party stores are just the right place to find invitations, decorations, and paper goods. When you send out invitations, be sure to let your guests know where they can access your baby registry. Showers are the perfect time to request those large items like strollers or car seats, where multiple party pool guests can pool their resources to purchase them.

Infant Allergies

When it comes to the party food, selecting a certain theme for the baby shower will make the food preparation easier. Whether it's a Mexican theme, a picnic lunch or just desserts as main theme, the choices are endless. Since baby showers often take place over a lunch hour, make sure to have a platter of fresh fruits or vegetables available in addition to your other party foods. Check with your guest ahead of time to see if anyone has allergies or a special diet. Shower guests might also enjoy a range of beverages such as punch, water, coffee, and tea. Baby showers are not just an opportunity to socialize, but to help moms feel supported.

Infant Allergies

Baby showers these days usually involve playing games. Everyone loves fun, competitive games where there are prizes given to winners. Make sure you have a few extra prizes ready to give away if there happens to have multiple winners of a game. Whoever is able to answer the most questions correctly wins the prize. You can also try playing memory games. Guests have to remember the baby items as many as they can. Place a tray out with small baby items such as diaper pin, pacifier, bottle, baby spoon, bib, leave they tray for 30 seconds, ask guest to write down as many items as possible. Guest who remembers the most items correctly is the winner.

Last but not least, a baby shower checklist will sure come in handy. It can be a lot of preparation so encourage friends and family to work together to divide up the responsibilities. In addition to the pre-party jobs, make sure you have a designated person to keep track of gifts and where to send those thank-you notes.

Tips for a Memorable Baby Shower

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Your Baby at 4 Months Old

Infant Allergies

Your baby is 4 months old, which means that a third of their first year has gone by. For you, this has probably been extremely fast, and you and your baby have seen a lot of changes. Your little one has evolved from being a tiny, rather sleepy being to an alert, small person with their own wants, needs, and desires.

Infant Allergies

A baby at 4 months goes through more developmental changes as they get even more used to and aware of the world around them. Let's take a look and see what your little one is either already doing or will soon start to do:

Infant Allergies

Baby Development at 4 Months

Infant Allergies

At this age we see more baby growth spurts as your little one continues to put on weight. With this weight gain, your baby will feed a little less frequently and will start to settle into more of a meal schedule, wanting to eat around three times a day like other children and adults.

At this age, babies get distracted by other stimuli during mealtimes. In fact, breastfeeding a four month baby can be quite annoying as they keep breaking off and turning their head to see what's going on. If you find that your baby won't eat because they are watching what their older siblings are doing and they get distracted by the noise, you may need to breastfeed in another, quieter room.

Just as your baby is attracted and stimulated by objects, they can now reach out to them and even grab them. Part of their exploration is to put the desired item in their mouths. At this time, you may notice that your baby is producing a lot of saliva. At this age, many babies start teething, but one does not usually see an actual tooth before six months.

Four months is a good time to start putting objects like a light rattle or a toy that makes a sound in front of your baby. A cradle gym is also a good idea, because your little one will start to learn to relate the sound to the toy. This will also stimulate your baby towards more activity and play.

Another important part of baby development at 4 months is that your little one will begin to play on their own. Sometimes, they don't need toys for stimulation because they have their own inbuilt playthings - their hands and feet. A baby at 4 months can lie there exploring their fingers and toes for quite a while. In fact, if you have twins, it can be quite amusing watching them putting each other's fingers in their mouths!

One of the most crucial changes in your baby's development is acquiring language skills. Your baby is not going to start talking just yet, but you will start to hear articulated sounds, such as "ma-ma." You may think that your little one is calling you by name, but in fact at this stage this is not yet true. A fun game to play with baby is to say, "Bah," or "Boo," to them and watch them try to say it back to you. You can also gently copy and parrot their faces and sounds, which the baby will find very funny and will also teach them the rudiments of conversation.

If you were careful about your baby's safety until now, never leaving them unattended on a sofa or a bed, you were 100 percent correct. However, this is going to become even more of a necessity now because this is the age when most babies learn to roll over. Your little one will also start pushing up the head and shoulders in more energetic push-ups. At first, your baby might get a little bewildered by such actions, so just be there with a few reassuring cuddles if there are some tears in the beginning.

Do We Give a Baby Solids at 4 Months?

As you have probably noticed, certain aspects of baby care are very much the subject of debate and over the years opinions have changed. One of these issues is when to feed a baby solids. Many parents express an interest in starting baby on solids at 4 months. After all, this used to be a very common practise. In our grandparents' generation, many babies started eating solid food when they were even younger.

However, modern medical opinion leans towards keeping a baby exclusively on breast milk or formula until the age of 6 months. The reason for this is the immaturity of a baby's gut. Getting a baby to eat solids too early can pose a risk of developing food allergies. At this age, most babies do not yet have the mechanism to determine exactly when they are properly full, and according to some medical opinions, this can lead to the infant growing up to develop obesity in later life.

On the other hand, as this is one of the baby growth spurts that your infant will experience, you may find that around this period breast milk is no longer enough. Some women find that their supply begins to taper off. For this reason, there is an argument that if you have no other choice, you can start to give your baby very light, easy-to-digest solids at this point, such as baby rice cereal or a little mashed banana. Your baby will probably not eat more than about half a tablespoon, and most of this will probably dribble out of their mouth at the beginning.

Don't worry if your baby does dribble the food out or does not seem to want it. It could mean that they are not quite ready for solids at this time even if you initially thought so. If this is the case, then wait a few weeks and try again gently. There is no point in forcing an infant to eat solid baby foods, and especially not at this age when it is really not yet necessary.

In any case, if you think that your baby may need to start on solid food at the age of 4 months, you should ask your health care provider before you make a final decision. As we have stated above, it is not a good idea to start with solids until the baby is truly ready.

Your Baby at 4 Months Old

Infant Allergies

Monday, November 21, 2011

3 No-Cook Baby Food Recipes

Infant Allergies

Preparing homemade baby food for your little one is certainly best. Your child gets wholesome, unprocessed foods that truly nourishing him or her. But sometimes it can seem overwhelming to prepare your baby's food with all the cleaning, chopping, steaming, and blending that goes into it. Don't worry - there are a few homemade baby food recipes that don't require any cooking or a lot of effort to get to your baby's high chair tray.

Infant Allergies

Remember that all babies are different, and your baby may be ready for some foods sooner or later than another baby. Go by your baby readiness signs when you introduce any new foods to your child.

Infant Allergies

Good fats are wonderful for babies. Fats give energy and aid your baby's growth. They also boost your baby's brain grown and let your baby absorb more nutrients from everything else he or she eats. Nature did not intend for babies to eat a low-fat diet, so offer your child good fats.

Infant Allergies

Avocado is a food neatly packaged by nature and full of good fats. Most babies love the mild but rich flavor of avocado and they enjoy the creamy texture.

To prepare avocado for your baby simply slice the fruit in half and remove the pit. If you want to spoon-feed your baby, scoop avocado flesh out of one half of the avocado and place it into a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until it reaches the desired consistency and feed to your baby. If you want to give your baby finger food, slice the avocado halves. It's a bit slippery so your baby will probably find larger slices easier to pick up.

Yogurt is another healthy food that's easy for babies to eat and easy for you to serve. It packs in a lot of nutritional benefits for you child. Choose a whole-milk plain yogurt. Your child will get healthy fat and no sugar. Yogurts have live, active cultures of "good bacteria" that help your child to digest everything else he or she eats.

Just spoon yogurt into a bowl and serve to your little one. As your baby gets older you can add bits of fruit to the yogurt yourself to sweeten it.

Fish and coconut milk or cream cheese. Fish is a great food for older babies - if your family has no history of fish allergies pediatric medical boards state that fish is not only a good choice for your baby, but a great one. Fish gives your child healthy essential oils to grow. You can make a quick "fish pate" for your baby by mixing 1 cup leftover fish with 1/2 cup whole coconut milk (do not give your baby "lite" coconut milk!) A blender makes this easy. Or soften 4oz of cream cheese and mix with about a cup of canned salmon or sardines. Form the salmon dip into finger-food chunks for your baby to pick up.

All of these food ideas are easy for you to prepare and serve to your baby, and they're all packed with essential nutrients for your little one. Enjoy finding homemade baby food recipes that nourish your baby, and feel confident that you're giving him or her the best start in life.

3 No-Cook Baby Food Recipes

Infant Allergies

Sunday, November 20, 2011

3 Ways to Alleviate an Infant's Stuffy Nose

Infant Allergies

Babies who suffer from stuffy nose can be very difficult to handle. Your child can get finicky and restless when his nose is blocked. An infant's stuffy nose is something many parents would avoid if they can. However, you must face the fact that it is going to hit your child many times in his infanthood and childhood. Fortunately, there are things that can make the situation a little bit more comfortable for your infant.

Infant Allergies

For babies not older than three months, you should refrain from giving them medicine right away. If you have a newborn baby that is experiencing an infant stuffy nose because of a cold, as tempting as it is, do not let her take a regular children's cold medication for stuffy nose even in small dosage. It can be harmful to your baby and a cold medicine should never be causally given without seeking your baby's pediatrician's advice first. Here are 3 ways on how to alleviate infant stuffy nose:

Infant Allergies

1- Use Nasal saline drops.

Infant Allergies

One of the best solutions you can apply when your baby has stuffy nose is to use nasal saline drops. Nasal saline drops for infants come in a convenient bottle that features long muzzles to fit the drops perfectly inside your baby's small nostrils. A drop for every nostril can do the job efficiently. But make sure that you place a five-minute interval between dousing. If your baby lets you, massage the side of her nose right after administering the saline solution.

2- Use suction device.

It is a device that helps get rid of mucus from your baby's tiny nostrils. Suction devices are available at your local drugstore. You should buy the one-piece, rubber-bulb kind because the two-piece kind can easily acquire leaks and gives a poor performance. You can start using the suction device by squeezing it before placing the tube part inside the nose. To make it work more efficiently, gently push the other nostril shut when you release the bulb so more mucus will be sucked out. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

3- Use Q- tips.

If there are still stubborn bits that got stuck inside, use a Q-tip to wipe away the remaining obstruction. Do this as long as the bits are near the entrance of the nose. Don't let the Q-tips stay inside the nose for a long time since it can cause damage and might hurt your baby. When a stuffy nose is brought about by a cold or flu, give your baby a vapor bath. Bring her into the bathroom and close the door tight. The steam from the shower can help loosen phlegm and open up nasal passages.

A stuffy nose in infants can also be caused by allergies. Maybe your child has developed an allergy. Keep a hat on when you notice her nose is starting to get stuffy. This usually happens when the weather outside is cold. Allergies are very common among infants so bring it up the next time you visit her pediatrician so proper test can be done. When an allergy is identified, you will then be given by her doctor the most appropriate medication for a baby her age. Remember to not give your own brand of remedy without the doctor's approval.

3 Ways to Alleviate an Infant's Stuffy Nose

Infant Allergies

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Coed Baby Showers and Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Infant Allergies

Traditions are changing as more men are getting involved in parenting, and even before the babies are brought in by the stork, the men are already doing their daddy roles. So there are some adjustments to observe when you are giving a baby shower and baby shower gift to match.

Infant Allergies

Coed Baby Showers?

Infant Allergies

The tradition baby shower was hosted for the expectant mom having her first baby. It is usually held on the 8th month or third trimester of the pregnancy. This is practical and expectant moms feel like moms-to-be when their baby bumps are very pronounced. But today's baby showers are going coed. Daddies-to-be are also excited to get into the act and are equally eager to gush over those gaily wrapped baby shower gift packages.

Infant Allergies

If you are hosting a coed baby shower for an expectant couple, discuss the shower details with them. Let them go over your guest list. Aside from the usual bumper crop of guests of best friends and family, make sure that the grandparents on both sides are invited as special guests to the baby shower. Ask them if they are registered for any baby gear so you can include the baby shower gift suggestions in your invitation

The advantage of also having coed baby showers is providing the expectant couple time to enjoy the celebration together and with their dearest and closest friends and family members.

Invitations, Food, Gifts, and Favors

You can collaborate with the expectant couple or surprise them with the party. But it's best to let the couple into the plans so you'll know what to prepare and the couple will know what to expect. You can get more ideas for your party theme, invitation, menu, and games.

It is still nice to have a simple invitation indicating the date, time, and place of the baby shower. An RSVP is required so you will know how many to expect for the party. If the couple are registered for baby gear you can guide the guests in the selection of their baby shower gift surprises.

Since you are the one hosting the baby shower and you'll be inviting most of your closest friends you can recommend some baby shower gift items for those who do not have the time to shop. Suggest baby gift baskets and if you already know the gender of the baby recommend pink or blue wagons filled with practical baby things.

Cook the usual party favorites for the brunch or tea party and don't forget to place more emphasis on fruits and vegetables. Ask the expectant mother about her preferences or food allergies and make sure that all meats and fish are thoroughly cooked.

For your shower favors, opt for the beautifully wrapped sunflower seeds your guests can plant when they get home. Another must-have party favor is the elegant champagne bucket timer, which would surely tickle everybody's interests.

Meaningful Games

Give the expectant couple a special game like 20 wishes (depending on the number of guests). It would be fun if you have the same number of beautiful wands (you can make these yourself) for the guests who will make a wish for the baby. This would make a nice warm up before the baby shower gift packs are unwrapped before the party happily winds up for the day.

Coed Baby Showers and Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Infant Allergies

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What is the Best Brand of Baby Mattress?

Infant Allergies

We know Sealy, Serta, Simmons, Stearns and foster, Tempurpedic and many more as the best mattress brands today. But what is not yet absolute is the best brand of baby mattress. We still do not know which one is really the best.

Infant Allergies

In this case, we would have to take the word of the parents who have bought baby mattresses so we can identify the best one.

Infant Allergies

Colgate Beddings For Babies

Infant Allergies

Colgate is one of the few mattress companies that specialize in baby beddings. They offer various beds, cribs, cots and many more for babies, toddlers and older children. Because they are a specialty company, we can be assured that they know what they are doing. They know what is good for children.

What can settle the score here are the numerous awards given to this company because of their superbly crafted mattress for babies. Also, the reviews given to it commend this mattress for the comfort and support it provides for their young ones and its durability. They also offer hypoallergenic and non-allergenic mattresses safe for children to use.

Sealy Posturepedic For Babies

If you think Sealy is just a good mattress for adults, think again. There is still a debte on whether or not Sealy is the best. But when it comes to their baby mattresses, it is absolute. Their mattresses have heavy gauge steel border rods to ensure that the edges are firm and promote security to your baby.

The vertical supports included inside the mattress supports the key areas in your baby's body. Also, this helps distribute their weight evenly so they can find comfort even when they are just in bed half of the time.

American Baby Company

This company also designs well-thought out mattresses for babies. They feature water-proof mattresses for your convenience and for the comfort of your little one. You will find their products reliable and dependable to use.

Naturpedic Mattresses

They offer organic and chemical-free mattresses. I believe most parents today understands the need for naturally manufactured mattresses. A bed with a lot of chemicals can trigger allergies. Having this mattress assures you that your precious one can have nights of undisturbed sleep sans the threats of allergies.

These brands of baby mattresses have been deemed the best. If you want only the best for your baby, why not check these brands out and sift through the product models they are offering. If other parents have found them ideal, you too will find them exceptional.

What is the Best Brand of Baby Mattress?

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to Tell the Difference Between a Cold and Allergies

Infant Allergies

Seasonal allergies are something that many people suffer from. These will occur during the beginning of one or all seasons as the pollen from various plants is released into the air. It is possible for people to go years without knowing that they suffer from these allergies and confusing it with the cold.

Infant Allergies

The symptoms experienced between these two conditions are so similar and is why we confuse the two together. They both induce a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, congestion, and a cough. However, each one are induce in contrasting ways and although they are the same they are also different.

Infant Allergies

The first thing to think about when distinguishing between the two is when they begin. If it is allergies then the symptoms will usually come all at one time during a particular season. If it is the cold then the symptoms will come in waves. Usually it will begin with a sore throat before the runny nose begins and then a fever.

Infant Allergies

How long do the symptoms last? People who suffer from the allergies will experience them for as long as they are being exposed to the allergy. When it comes to the cold it will usually only last for a week maybe two.

I know it sounds gross but try to examine the mucous coming from you runny nose. This is an easier way to differentiate between allergies and the cold. If it is yellow then you have the cold. If it is clear then it is only allergies.

How to Tell the Difference Between a Cold and Allergies

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby Care And Feeding

Infant Allergies

Welcome to motherhood. It is a sense of pride and privilege for you to have a bundle of joy in your arms. Those nine months are over, but here begins a new journey for you and your baby. If it is your first time, make sure you have all your questions answered. Do not feel embarrassed or wonder what you should ask or if complain about a pain. Give it out whatever it is.

Infant Allergies

Care taken during pregnancy is known as prenatal care. Once you know you are pregnant consult a doctor immediately. The prenatal care advice is given by the doctor, midwife or the consultant. Once you know you are pregnant consult the doctor immediately so that the right medication begins.

Infant Allergies

Make sure you attend all the classes structured for your prenatal visits, even at the time when you are feeling fine. Because it is very important to know your internal condition and the growth of the baby. When you are pregnant you will experience constipation, morning nausea, headaches, heartburn and stretch marks. Frequent urination also occurs as there is tremendous pressure on the bladder by the uterus. Even though the bladder is empty the pressure causes the feeling of urination. Do not control yourself, give in whenever you feel like urinating.

Infant Allergies

Once the baby is delivered it is the decision of the parents to breastfeed or bottle feed. Make a choice to benefit the baby and you. It is observed that those who breastfeed, their babies have less risk for developing diarrhea, asthma, diabetes, allergies, respiratory infections and leukaemia. To the mother, breastfeeding helps in faster recovery, faster reduction of weight and reduces the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.

Before you feed your baby look for signs telling you that your baby is hungry. Mouth wide open like a yawn with the tongue sticking a bit out, constant flutter in the eyes even though they are closed, lip smacking are a few of the signs telling you the baby is hungry. Crying is a later indication when the baby is a bit older. When your baby cries it is very important to calm him or her down and then feed.

It is important to burp your baby when feeding is done. Often air goes in as the baby is feeding and hence it is important to remove the air out. You can keep the baby over the shoulder and pat the back slowly. You can also keep the baby in a sitting position and support him or her with your hand and pat the back is another way. If your baby does not burp you can continue feeding. But always consult your doctor before you make your own remedies.

Baby Care And Feeding

Infant Allergies

Monday, November 7, 2011

Baby Shower Recipes - Some Samples to Choose From

Infant Allergies

A baby shower is a kind of party that celebrates and welcomes a new member to the family. In this tradition, expectant parents usually receive gifts or money for their expected child, which, in a way, supports the parents by helping them get the things that they need for their baby (or the things that they may not be able to afford).

Infant Allergies

Baby showers are generally held in the later stages of pregnancy (in the last 2 months, for instance). There are, however, certain cultural beliefs that make people purposefully wait for the baby to arrive before having a baby shower. Adoptive parents, at times, wait until after the adoption is final and the baby has arrived in their home.

Infant Allergies

Baby showers are generally organized by close friends, relatives, or co-workers of the expectant parents (because baby showers center on gift-giving, it is considered inappropriate for a family member to host such events).

Infant Allergies

In its early form, baby showers were held exclusively for mothers-to-be, and only women were invited to attend the party. In addition, baby showers were traditionally held only for the first child. Today, however, many people arrange baby showers for both parents, and they can now be also arranged for every succeeding children (even children who have been adopted).

Activities in a baby shower typically include games, special activities, presents, and, most especially, food.

Below are some of the most common baby shower recipes:

· Pizza Sandwiches

Pizza sauce (can be store-bought or homemade)
Cottage cheese (low fat)
English muffins
Parmesan cheese

1. Mix 2-3 tbsp of pizza sauce with 2-3 tbsp of cottage cheese.

2. Spread the mixture onto one half of the English muffin.

3. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

4. Broil for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve.

· Creamy Tomato Soup

1 tsp vegetable oil
1 can tomato soup (condensed)
1 tbsp basil
Mozarella or croutons (for toppings)

1. Heat vegetable oil in a medium saucepan.

2. Add the tomato soup.

3. Add milk (approximately the same amount as that of the tomato soup).

4. Add basil and cook slowly on low heat (do not boil).

5. Top with a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella and croutons. Serve.

· Cheese Balls

½ lb cheese (cheddar or grated)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 pack cream cheese
4 oz Tabasco sauce
2 tsp onion
Chopped nuts
2 tsp catsup or chili sauce

1. Mix all ingredients together using a mixer or a food processor (the cheese should be at room temperature).

2. Empty mixed ingredients on small bowls lined with plastic wrap.

3. Refrigerate overnight.

4. To serve, remove wrap and sprinkle with nuts. Serve with assorted crackers.

· Chicken Puffs

4 tbsp butter
½ cup boiling water
½ cup flour
2 eggs
½ cup shredded cheese
2 cups cooked chicken
2 tbsp olives
2 tbsp wine
¼ cup mayonnaise

1. Melt butter in boiling water.

2. Add flour.

3. Stir vigorously until mixture forms a ball.

4. Remove from heat and cool slightly.

5. Add egg and beat briskly until smooth.

6. Stir in cheese.

7. Scoop 1 tsp dough into a greased baking sheet.

8. Preheat oven to 400°F.

9. Bake the puffs for 20 minutes. Remove from oven, cool, and split.

10. Combine the remaining ingredients with the finely chopped cooked chicken, pimiento, and olives.

11. Fill each puff with 2 tsp of the mixture. Serve.

There are just some of the baby shower recipes, there are numerous others to choose from - from sandwiches & finger foods, to snacks and dips and sweets - appetizing, yet simple and very easy to prepare.

Baby Shower Recipes - Some Samples to Choose From

Infant Allergies

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tips to Clear Up Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

Dermatitis or eczema is a skin disease where there is an irritation or inflammation in the epidermis of the skin leading to skin thickening, itching, flaking and blistering. It is common in babies and children but adults can also have it. It is unbearable for parents to see their baby struggling from the itch and pain of eczema. It is important to know the best ways to clear up baby eczema to end the dilemma of your baby.

Infant Allergies

Here are some useful tips to clear up baby eczema:

Infant Allergies

Regular bathing. To get rid of the itching and clear up baby eczema, parents should bathe their babies regularly. Once or twice a day bathing is very helpful not only in moisturizing the skin but it reduces eczema symptoms like itching and prevents the build up of dirt and bacteria that can aggravate the condition of your child. Use warm water or the right temperature of water for your child. Use mild gentle soap and unscented natural baby bath products.

Infant Allergies

Regular moisturizing. It is important to moisturize the skin of your child because dry skin can cause eczema flare ups. Moisturize your baby right after bathing. Ask your doctor about the best moisturizing creams or ointments suitable for the skin of your baby.

Use soft natural fabrics. Rough and unnatural fabrics for clothing and bedding promote itching and sweating that can worsen eczema. It is best to use soft fabrics like 100% cotton to prevent itching and allow the skin to breathe. To clear up baby eczema avoid harsh fabrics that can cause skin irritation.

Eczema can be a stubborn skin problem because it has a tendency to reappear. It is best to stop eczema right from its source to get rid of it for good.

Tips to Clear Up Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

Aging Baby Boomers, All About Your Life

Infant Allergies

First of all, baby boomers are people who were born within the post World War II era and before the Vietnam War. This is because of the increased birth rate during this period. In the United States, there are about 76 million in total baby boomer population. Even George Bush, the current President of the United States is part of the baby boomer population.

Infant Allergies

Today, they are in the ages between 40 years old to 50 years old. This means that they are already aging. It is important for you to know that as a part of the baby boomer population, you should know where you stand on trends, and also your rights as a citizen of the United States of America.

Infant Allergies

Today, these people experiences age discrimination in the workplace. Some are qualified to do the job are not accepted by companies and some are laid off from their current job just because of their age. It is important for you to know that this is a violation of the ADEA or the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. It is also important for you to know that when you experience age discrimination in the workplace, you have somewhere to complain to, which is the EEOC or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Infant Allergies

You of all people should know about this because as a part of the baby boomer population, you came of age during the time where people were fighting for their civil rights in the United States. Chances are, you were part of those people who were fighting for civil rights, which include equal employment opportunities.

This generation is the generation where rock and roll started and where hippies were popping out to protest the Vietnam War and their rights as a citizen of a democratic country.

Health is also an issue. It was found that there was a significant increase of hospital and doctor visits. In fact, in 1992 there were only about 42 percent of people visiting the doctor at the age of 45. In 2002, the numbers increased to 53 percent. Most suffer from different ailments, such as diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

This is because of the diet and lack of exercise experienced during their era. Because of this, many people are now more health conscious than the era of baby boomers. Some even considered losing weight and getting active to prevent or at least minimize the effect of the mentioned diseases.

New drugs are now also available for preventive care. With the technology available today, aging baby boomers are now able to seek the medical attention they need. They can also benefit from the different government and private organization offers, such as free medical check ups and free hospitalization.

With all the benefits of today's medical technology, it is expected they will likely live longer than previous generations of Americans. In fact, of the 3.4 million people born in 1946, 2.8 million are still alive and will get the benefit of living longer than their predecessors because of the advancement in medical technology.

This means that you can expect to live longer than ever before.

26 percent of the American population is made up of baby boomers. This means that in the coming years, Medicare will be much more in demand than ever before. You can expect that there will be a need for more hospitals and there will also be a need for more professional caregivers around the United States.

However, because of the latest medical technology, they will not only expect to live longer than previous Americans, but they will also enjoy better health condition. More and more today are now health conscious and are staying as active as they can in order to prevent serious diseases such as diabetes and heart related diseases.

Aging Baby Boomers, All About Your Life

Infant Allergies

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wheat and Gluten - What's the Difference Between Allergies and Intolerances?

Infant Allergies

Food allergies happen when an ingredient in food is mistaken as something harmful by the body. As you ingest a food that you're allergic to, the body mistakenly believes it has to defend itself from this 'attacker'. Much as the body defends itself from pollen, the body's own immune system will start releasing antibodies to fight off this 'harmful' invader.

Infant Allergies

A food intolerance is different. A food intolerance is caused by the digestive system itself responding to an irritating food, as opposed to the response of the whole immune system as happens with an allergy. In the case of intolerance, the digestive system is simply unable to properly digest or breakdown the food. Many people who say they have a milk allergy are actually lactose intolerant - their body has an inability to process the lactose in milk.

Infant Allergies

Symptoms of a wheat or gluten allergy can include itchy skin - sometimes with rashes or hives, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, eczema, joint and muscle aches and pains, shortness of breath and respiratory distress, chest pain, swelling of the airways, and anaphylaxis. Allergic reactions to food can be life threatening, and may require immediate medical care and treatment with antihistimines.

Infant Allergies

On the other hand, symptoms of wheat or gluten intolerance may include stomach pain, nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches, irritability, and an unexplained runny nose or itchy eyes. A food intolerance is not usually considered life threatening, although the digestive disorders can cause problems with child growth and development by preventing proper absorption of nutrients.

Apart from the severity of symptoms, another difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance is the amount of food needed to trigger a reaction. Allergies can be triggered by very small amounts of the food allergen. Food intolerance, on the other hand, is affected by the quantity of the food consumed. Eating the occasional small amount of the offending food might not cause a problem, but eating a large amount or eating it frequently may produce symptoms.

And how about Celiac Disease; how does it figure into all this? Celiac (or coeliac) is symptom to a gluten intolerance, however the outcome is more severe. In CD, the small intestine reacts badly to gluten, which is present in wheat and some other grains. The small intestine becomes inflamed which leads to reduced absorption of nutrients passing through during digestion. Eventually, signs of malnourishment can appear as a result of the nutrients not being properly absorbed by the small intestine.

Wheat and Gluten - What's the Difference Between Allergies and Intolerances?

Infant Allergies

Friday, November 4, 2011

Starting Baby On Solids - Signs Of Readiness

Infant Allergies

Starting baby on solids seems to be something that people rush into, as the age in which solids are introduced gets younger and younger. These days many people introduce solids to their child at 4 months and some even as young as 3 months. This however is not what the World Healthy Organisation recommends. They recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed until at least 6 months of age. Before 6 months they do not recommend that children be given solids. This is simply too early and their digestive system is not ready to take on solids before 6 months old.

Infant Allergies

Sometimes it is even recommended delaying solids until a child is at least one year if there is a history of allergies and a few decades ago it was common for a woman to breastfeed their child exclusively until age one.

Infant Allergies

Of course though some babies are just not interested or ready at 6 months. Many babies don't really have an interest for solids on a regular basis until their second year.

Infant Allergies

As stated above the digestive system needs to be ready in order for a child to be ok eating solids. Of course though we can't observe this but research suggests that the 6-month mark and beyond is ok and the ideal time to avoid allergies

What can be observed though is a baby's developmental readiness. This is a good indication of when your baby is ready to handle food digestively as baby really does know best when it comes to their eating habits. Generally babies show developmental readiness between 6 and 8 months but don't panic if your child does. All babies are different and this is evident in the fact some walk early, others don't as well as the same when it comes to talking.

Developmental signs that baby is ready for solids

Signs Your Baby Is Developmentally Ready Baby is eager to be a part of mealtime and may try to grab food from your plate to put in their mouth. Baby doesn't automatically push solids out of their mouth with their tongue. Baby can sit up on their own without support. Baby is willing to chew and wants to. Baby is developing the ability to grasp things between his thumb and forefinger.

The most obvious sign here is the grabbing of food to try themselves. This is something my son did fairly early. He grabbed my banana out of my hand and started chomping on it.

Despite this eagerness, generally a child will try solids every so often but may have days when they are totally uninterested. Its unrealistic to expect a child to be on three meals a day overnight, although many parents tend to try to force this on their child. Increasing solids is something that is gradual and breast milk is still usually the primary source of nutrition for the first year. Some babies will thrive on breastmilk well into the second year without too much solids and some babies may not even show very much interest in solids until well into their first year. My son's interest really started to take off around 14 months old.

Starting Baby On Solids - Signs Of Readiness

Infant Allergies

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Breastfeeding Your Baby - The Best Way to Feed Your Baby

Infant Allergies

After childbirth, another job is waiting for you. This is the time to breastfeed your newborn baby. You may ask why you have to breastfeed your newborn. The best way to provide the best nutrition for your newborn is through breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can create a bond between the mother and her baby. Besides, breastfeeding can protect your baby against illnesses.

Infant Allergies

Though your baby can get nutrition through bottle feeding, still the best way to feed your baby is through breastfeeding. There are many reasons why you should breastfeed your newborn. After childbirth, the breasts will make yellow, watery pre milk known as colostrum. Colostrum can help the digestive system of your newborn baby grow and function.

Infant Allergies

It is said that your baby will have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, allergies and colic when it is breastfed. Besides, breast milk has antibodies. This is important to protect your baby against illnesses. The protein and fat found in breast milk are better than those that are found in formula. In spite of giving some benefits to your baby, you can also take an advantage from breastfeeding.

Infant Allergies

It is said that breastfeeding can reposition the uterus and reduce bleeding after childbirth. While you are breastfeeding, your body releases the hormone oxytocin which can reposition the uterus and eliminate bleeding. This can eliminate the risk of having a tilted uterus after childbirth, though in some case the uterus can return to its normal position.

After childbirth, the uterus can move forward or even backward toward the back of the pelvis. The normal position of the uterus should be in a straight vertical position. Therefore, you can consider breastfeeding your baby to return the uterus to its normal position after delivery.

It is also believed that breastfeeding can eliminate the risk of cancer and other diseases. Additionally, it can help you lose some weight you gained during pregnancy. The most important thing is that you do not need to spend much money since breastfeeding is free. It is recommended that you breastfeed your baby for at least six months without supplementation.

You may breastfeed your baby very often as much as 8-12 times in 24 hours during your baby's first weeks of life. The most important thing is to recognize the time when your baby is hungry. Do not wait until the baby cries since it is a late sign of hunger.

Commonly, the baby will nuzzle against your breast as it feels hungry. Or, it will make sucking motions and even put their hands to their mouths. As soon as you see the sign, cup one of your breasts in your hand and stroke the baby's lower lip with your nipple. You can ask your doctor about the techniques of breastfeeding if it is necessary.

Breastfeeding Your Baby - The Best Way to Feed Your Baby

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flowers and Allergies

Infant Allergies

Flowers are beautiful. They brighten up a room and make everything in it seem more beautiful, more cheerful. For most people a vase of flowers on the table signifies that that room is a happy one, a comfortable place to be. For allergy sufferers, however, a vase of flowers is far from inviting- it's treacherous. If you're one of those unlucky people who enjoys fresh flowers but has to consider the effect they'll have on your allergies, plastic flowers are not your only option. You just have to know which types of flowers are dangerous. Of the huge variety of flowers that you can plant or buy, many types of flowers will affect your allergies very little- or even not at all.

Infant Allergies

Dangerous Flowers for Allergy Sufferers

Infant Allergies

Truth is, if your allergies are particularly severe, most flowers are going to affect you negatively. In general, the more dangerous flowers are the ones with more pollen. So a good guideline when decorating with flowers to avoid those ones that have visible pollen.

Infant Allergies

One type of flower that is particularly bad for allergy sufferers is tree flowers. If creating a flower arrangement, be careful not to include almond, cherry, orange, or any other kind of tree blossom. Though they are beautiful flowers, they're some of the most powerfully allergy-causing.

Lilies are some of the more dangerous flowers for allergy sufferers, as parts of them are covered in powdery orange pollen. Strangely enough, however, they can be a good choice for allergy sufferers, as it's easy to simply remove the stems of pollen from each flower. Just have a non-allergic friend or family member do this particular job, as it will probably have you sneezing in two seconds flat.

Good Flowers for Allergy Sufferers

There are several types of flowers that will affect allergy suffers less. One of these is possibly mums and daisies. While regular mums and daisies do have lots of pollen, an new hybrid type of daisy, called formal doubles, that do not have any pollen at all, and therefore won't aggravate allergies. Forma double flowers were bred so that the parts of the flower that used to produce pollen now produce petals. Watch out for regular mums and daisies, however, as they can be highly allergic. If in doubt, ask your florist.

Another great choice for the allergy sufferer is roses. Roses are some of the most beautiful and elegant flower you can find, and fortunately for allergy sufferers, they don't have much effect on allergies. The reason for this is that their pollen is too large in size to be able to become airborne and truly infiltrate the respiratory system. If in doubt, choose roses with little or no smell- the less smell, the less pollen.

Last but not least, one of the best kinds of flowers for allergy sufferers are orchids. Orchids are gorgeous and exotic flowers that come in an amazing variety of shapes and colors. Very few types of orchids cause any pollen-related allergies, and so are quite safe for those allergic to most flowers. It is important to note, though, that some orchids may cause a slight skin rash on sensitive individuals.

Flowers and Allergies

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dog Skin Allergies - Finding The Source

Infant Allergies

Some dog breeds are more susceptible to allergies than others. This may be because of small nasal passages, allergic reactions to flea bites, irritable stomachs that make digesting food difficult, or they may be allergic to their own hair and dander.

Infant Allergies

The most common signs of allergies include raw skin where the dog has scratched, patches of hair missing, red skin, hives, coughing, sneezing, excessive chewing and licking of paws, watery eyes, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Infant Allergies

If the symptoms go away after a day or two, keep monitoring to see if they return. If they do, then you should take your dog to see a vet. Sometimes changing the type of dog food or buying a flea collar or spray is enough to help eliminate your dog's allergy problems.

Infant Allergies

When a dog is suffering from allergies his or her mood will probably change. I often think of how I would feel with an itchy nose, rash on my tummy and streaming eyes. Not too happy with the world! They may become irritable, lethargic, clingy, or angry. My very skin-sensitive little Archie becomes nervous and depressed. He constantly chews his paws (even if that's not the area worrying him), lies on his bed, looks extremely glum and gets snappy with Loka. These days, if he chews a little too often, I check immediately to see if his grass allergy is about to flare up.

Your buddy is suffering. The best way to solve his or her problem is trying to isolate the cause of the allergy. Did it begin a day or so after that trip to a new park? Are there particular creepers or vines there he or she may be allergic too? Many dogs are very allergic to different types of ground creepers. Did you go for a run on the beach and he or she get bitten by sand mites? Have you checked his or her ears for ear mites? Have you fed your dog anything different? Changed foods? Have a think about anything different you've done in the last few days to a week.

You may need to keep a simple journal of unusual activities, when symptoms appear, and what they look like, as some may come and go. Then you have some information you can show your vet, to help isolate the cause.

Some breeds may have breathing issues as they age. This has a lot to do with the structure of their heads. Short-faced dogs often have breathing difficulties when stressed, extreme hot or cold weather, or if they're pushed too hard when exercising. They may also snore or drool.

While these aren't allergies as such, they can make your buddy more susceptible to hay fever allergies and nasal issues from grasses and seeds etc. I have two young Staffys, one who breathes quite well (Archie) and the other whose snoring wakes people at the other side of the house (Loka)! Seriously. She's only two years old and is very fit and healthy. However, her breathing issues will probably become a problem as she gets older, and my aim is to ensure we are ready for them early.

The best you can do to start with, is keep their sleeping area clean, vacuum often, and wash their dog coats/vests/blankets with an anti-allergy or sensitive skin washing powder or liquid very regularly. My son is prone to mild eczema, so I just use the same powder I do for him. I've actually changed everyone in the house to an anti-allergy powder, for simplicity's sake. Make sure clothes, blankets and towels are rinsed really well. Hanging on the line in the sunshine is much better for killing dust mites etc than a clothes dryer.

If you notice that your dog has fleas or has been bitten by fleas, you should bathe him or her using a shampoo that will kill fleas and their eggs. If you have a dog with sensitive skin, some of these shampoos can make problems worse.

Carpet spray may help, and you may have to use a flea "bomb" in all rooms of the house. At worst, an exterminator who has a good track record of using non-toxic products and is happy to discuss with you what is used, why, and impacts on you, your dogs and children.

Once the fleas are gone, you should spray your dog every time the dog goes outside. This can prevent new attacks from occurring. If your dog has open bites, wounds or rashes from scratching, do wait for them to heal before using a spray or shampoo on your dog.

Vomiting can happen if your dog is allergic to the food he or she is eating. Food allergies also cause skin issues, just like they do with humans. Visit your vet to see if the problem isn't internal. He or she may recommend a new food, which should stop the vomiting and diarrhea.

When our little black Staffy Loka came to us from a dog rescue center recently, she had a huge bare patch on her tail, no hair around either of her eyes, and little bits of hair missing around her body. Her coat was very dull. She scratched a lot, but didn't have fleas. She had also been vomiting up the dried food she had been given by her previous family. She was allergic to all the grains in the dry food, and had a creeper skin allergy.

I've almost solved her problems in just over a month. It involved a simple but targeted combination of the right nutrition and clean bedding. She had steroid cream, but as she seemed to be doing well without it, I monitored her and persisted with the right food and simple exercise. Her coat is already gorgeously shiny now, her hair is growing back around her eyes, no body skin patches, and her tail hair has grown back. And she's gained half a kilo (a pound) We're all very happy!

Dog Skin Allergies - Finding The Source

Infant Allergies