Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Treat Baby Eczema - 4 Things You Should Avoid When Treating Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

There's always a lot of people suggesting, offering advice, regarding treating baby eczema. Some of these well meaning advice can cause more confusion for the parents. However, from time to time, you have to know what you need to not do, what you should keep away from.

Infant Allergies

This short article can help you with what you need to avoid when treating your baby's eczema.. It can help not by telling you what you should do. It may help by instructing you on five things you will want to avoid if you really want to avoid when treating your baby's eczema.

Infant Allergies

Here then, are the 5 things you'll want to avoid:

Infant Allergies

1. Avoid allergens that cause irritation

There are particular reasons not to do this. The main one is these allergens, if not identify, can cause irritation to the baby skin and thus, causing the baby to scratch.. Instead of using irritants such as soap and bubble bath for your baby, why not choose something which is made of natural ingredients, such as palm oil. The same goes for choosing clothing for your baby. Avoid synthetic fabric and use only cotton which won't irritate the baby's skin..

2. Avoid chemical based lotions and creams.

The reasoning behind this is that a lot of these creams and lotions consists of mild steroids which may cause long term side effects if your baby uses it for a long time.. Alternatively, you could use a moisturizing lotions and creams which uses only organic and natural ingredients. Shea butter is one good alternative for moisturizing your baby's skin..

3. Avoid environmental triggers.

It is important to avoid your baby to come into contact with environmental trigger such as air pollution, pollen, dust mite, pet dander and air borne allergens. These are often overlooked as they are not obvious. Dust mites, for example, are responsible for a lot of child eczema cases, and they can't be seen with our naked eye.. And what you ought to be doing instead is making sure your home is free of all these possible eczema triggers. Invest in an air filter and humidifier for your home..

4. Avoid Over Elimination of Diet.

The key reason why this is a blunder is doctors tend to recommend allergy tests when a baby is diagnosed with eczema. And most of the results of these test is false positives resulting parents eliminate certain food groups in their baby's diet. Over doing this will cause the baby to deprived of certain nutrients which are essential for their formative years.. Instead you really ought to use your due diligence when it comes to elimination of diet.

Should you carefully avoid these 5 common errors and accept the suggestions offered for alternatives instead, your odds of success and your rewards received are going to be significantly better than they otherwise would.

How to Treat Baby Eczema - 4 Things You Should Avoid When Treating Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

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