Friday, December 16, 2011

Bronchitis and Its Effects

Infant Allergies

Bronchitis is a very common respiratory disease. It can accompany flu or cold and it occurs in people of all ages. Smokers and people with weak immune system are very exposed to developing chronic bronchitis and in some cases asthmatic bronchitis. Smoking is considered to be a serious factor of risk in the development of bronchitis and it can lead to complications such as pneumonia.

Infant Allergies

Bronchitis is mostly caused by viruses, in which case the illness clears on itself within days, without medical treatment. However, if the illness is caused by bacteria, medical treatment with antibiotics is required for overcoming bronchitis completely. Bronchitis can be either acute or chronic. The acute form of the illness generates intense symptoms, but if it caused by viruses, it usually clears up quickly. Acute bronchitis is very common in people of all ages and rarely requires medical treatment. Chronic bronchitis generates milder symptoms, which can aggravate in time. This form of illness is persistent and has a recidivating character. Chronic bronchitis needs continuous treatment until the illness is completely overcome, otherwise the symptoms will quickly reoccur. This form of bronchitis involves bacterial infection and needs specific, long-term medical treatment with antibiotics. Chronic bronchitis has a very high incidence in smokers and people with weak immune system.

Infant Allergies

Bronchitis generates symptoms such as cough, excess production of mucus, shortness of breath, chest pain, soreness and discomfort, wheezing, headache and fever. The presence of fever can point to bacterial infections and possible complications. Bronchitis is difficult to diagnose, considering the fact that its symptoms are also common to many other respiratory conditions (asthma, sinusitis). However, careful physical examinations and laboratory analyses can reveal the presence of bronchitis in most patients. Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory illnesses among chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Despite its high incidence in people with respiratory conditions, bronchitis is often misdiagnosed. A clinical examination of patients with bronchitis is sometimes insufficient in revealing the actual cause of illness. Bronchitis is often misdiagnosed and confused with asthma, sinusitis or allergies.

Infant Allergies

If bronchitis isn't caused by bacterial infections, the aim of medical treatments is to unblock the obstructed airways of the respiratory tract. Bronchitis causes inflammation of the mucous membrane, bronchial tubes and other organs and tissues involved in the process of breathing. When these fragile respiratory organs become inflamed and irritated, they produce excess mucus, in an attempt to protect themselves from external agents (dust particles, irritants). This excess of mucus clogs the airways and obstructs the access of air to the lungs, causing difficulty breathing, wheezing and cough. Medical treatments often include inhaled medicines which help unblock the airways of the respiratory tract. Such medicines are called bronchodilators and are mostly used in chronic bronchitis and asthmatic bronchitis.

Bronchitis needs appropriate treatment in order to be fully overcome. If you experience difficulty breathing or persistent cough, it is advised to seek medical help. Left untreated, bronchitis can aggravate and lead to serious complications.

Bronchitis and Its Effects

Infant Allergies

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Is The Best Humidifier For Baby

Infant Allergies

Buying a good quality humidifier for your baby is important especially if your baby is prone to allergies and cold and flu. According to statistics babies suffer from cold and flu as well as upper respiratory infections at least six to eight times a year. This is when a humidifier for baby comes in handy.

Infant Allergies

Humidifiers increase the moisture content in the air which in turn helps alleviate congestion and any other symptoms that are related to respiratory tract infections. However, you will need to decide which humidifier will best suit your baby's needs such as a cool or warm mist humidifier. The best humidifier for your baby will also depend on the climate condition you are living in.

Infant Allergies

For instance if you live in a hot climate a humidifier that produces cool mist is far safer, and virtually maintenance free and will keep the room cool as opposed to a warm mist humidifier. However, if you live in a cold climate then a warm mist humidifier for baby would be a better option as it will also keep the room warm.

Infant Allergies

When it comes to energy usage, humidifiers do not take up a large amount of energy. One can now also obtain humidifiers that will humidify the whole house should the entire family suffer from allergies. Allergies inevitably cause chest infections and asthma. A cool mist humidifier for instance produces less dust, and the water does not heat up, which means there is less risk of someone burning themselves.

However, a humidifier for baby that is cool mist does breed mold and bacteria if not maintained and cleaned properly. The warm mist humidifier on the other hand does not require filters, and does not collect bacteria or mold, as the heat kills germs. These types of humidifiers do not disperse minerals into the air which makes them cost effective to run.

What Is The Best Humidifier For Baby

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Treat Baby Eczema - 4 Things You Should Avoid When Treating Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

There's always a lot of people suggesting, offering advice, regarding treating baby eczema. Some of these well meaning advice can cause more confusion for the parents. However, from time to time, you have to know what you need to not do, what you should keep away from.

Infant Allergies

This short article can help you with what you need to avoid when treating your baby's eczema.. It can help not by telling you what you should do. It may help by instructing you on five things you will want to avoid if you really want to avoid when treating your baby's eczema.

Infant Allergies

Here then, are the 5 things you'll want to avoid:

Infant Allergies

1. Avoid allergens that cause irritation

There are particular reasons not to do this. The main one is these allergens, if not identify, can cause irritation to the baby skin and thus, causing the baby to scratch.. Instead of using irritants such as soap and bubble bath for your baby, why not choose something which is made of natural ingredients, such as palm oil. The same goes for choosing clothing for your baby. Avoid synthetic fabric and use only cotton which won't irritate the baby's skin..

2. Avoid chemical based lotions and creams.

The reasoning behind this is that a lot of these creams and lotions consists of mild steroids which may cause long term side effects if your baby uses it for a long time.. Alternatively, you could use a moisturizing lotions and creams which uses only organic and natural ingredients. Shea butter is one good alternative for moisturizing your baby's skin..

3. Avoid environmental triggers.

It is important to avoid your baby to come into contact with environmental trigger such as air pollution, pollen, dust mite, pet dander and air borne allergens. These are often overlooked as they are not obvious. Dust mites, for example, are responsible for a lot of child eczema cases, and they can't be seen with our naked eye.. And what you ought to be doing instead is making sure your home is free of all these possible eczema triggers. Invest in an air filter and humidifier for your home..

4. Avoid Over Elimination of Diet.

The key reason why this is a blunder is doctors tend to recommend allergy tests when a baby is diagnosed with eczema. And most of the results of these test is false positives resulting parents eliminate certain food groups in their baby's diet. Over doing this will cause the baby to deprived of certain nutrients which are essential for their formative years.. Instead you really ought to use your due diligence when it comes to elimination of diet.

Should you carefully avoid these 5 common errors and accept the suggestions offered for alternatives instead, your odds of success and your rewards received are going to be significantly better than they otherwise would.

How to Treat Baby Eczema - 4 Things You Should Avoid When Treating Baby Eczema

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Best For Sinus Disease - Baby Shampoo and Pulsatile Irrigation

Infant Allergies

Thirty seven million persons have sinus disease. This is despite the trained sinus specialists and excellent drugs. Therefore, it is time to get down to fixing this problem. Fortunately, the doctors at Univ of Pennsylvania have come up with a solution. It's Baby Shampoo.

Infant Allergies

This is the one that advertises "No Tears." These doctors were looking for a way to dislodge biofilm from the sinuses. They looked at baby shampoo. First, they figured if it was safe for the eyes, it was bound to be safe for the nose. Then they tested the shampoo with saline and found that at a certain concentration it didn't bother the normal movement of nasal cilia. Then they found that a one percent solution was safe for the nose and its cilia.

Infant Allergies

Baby shampoo is a type of "detergent" that disrupts the walls that bacteria erect called biofilm. In biofilm, certain bacteria get together and erect enclosures around themselves. Think of this as a cellophane cover. With biofilm, the bacteria are protected from the defender white cells of your body. This wall also defends the bacteria from antibiotics. The shell is sticky which makes it difficult to remove. Just as the baby shampoo lifts sticky stuff from the scalp, it does this for biofilm in the nose.

Infant Allergies

In the nose, you have a system whereby millions of tiny hairs called nasal cilia move a blanket of mucus out of the nose. Normally inhaled dust particles and bacteria are trapped in this blanket so they can't get to the lungs. Once they are trapped, the movement of the cilia acts like oars and moves the mucus out of the nose down the throat to the stomach where the stomach acid disposes of these invaders. Persons who have chronic sinus disease fail to have cilia moving rapidly enough to move the blanket. Instead of pulsing at the normal 14 pulses per second, they move too slowly. In such instances the bacteria remain in place and multiply and then you end with a sinus infection.

To properly move bacteria out of the nose and sinuses you need:

a. normal moving nasal cilia
b. mucus that is liquid enough to flow
c. a clear passageway for the mucus to travel to the throat.

Cilia can move too slowly for many reasons. Smog and diesel fumes slow cilia. Solvents and certain industrial fumes slow cilia. Certain bacteria are experts at producing toxins that knock out cilia action. Some patients have a condition called Empty Nose Syndrome. Here, too much nasal tissue called turbinates has been removed so that the number of cilia are too small to move mucus out of the nose. Laser can damage cilia too.

Some patients have PONSIS - postoperative nasal/sinus infection syndrome. After nasal/sinus surgery the nasal cilia are stunned and don't resume normal cilia movement for a while. During the time that the cilia don't move well, an infection can take place. A common cause of poor cilia function is reinfection of the nose and sinuses by irrigating with contaminated pots and bottles. Because these devices have backflow, contamination can be a cause of reinfection.

The sooner cilia return to normal speed the better. Cilia movement is best improved with pulsatile nasal saline irrigation. Here, a nasal tip attached to the pulsating source, is placed in one nostril and as the pulsating saline stream flows along the nose, the cilia are moved back and forth, like wave action, and then they fall into rhythm with that action. The idea is to use the correct rate of speed, in "harmony" to the cilia. It is like when soldiers march in step over a wooden bridge. At a certain rate of marching the bridge will vibrate and shake.

Mucus can thicken, and when thick, that liquid is too heavy to be moved by the cilia even with a normal rate of pulsation. In the condition, Cystic Fibrosis, the mucus gets to be too thick and therefore there are frequent infections

If you have had a nasal injury, you may have an anatomical blockage to mucus flow. For example, a deviated septum may block good drainage.

By adding baby shampoo to a saline solution, and using pulsatile irrigation, we get these advantages.

a. The "detergent" action lifts up and gets rid of biofilm.
b. The "detergent" action clears away thick mucus to allow the cilia to move the mucus blanket.
c. At the correct rate of pulsation this pulse action "harmonizes" the cilia to return the cilia to normal speed.
d. In many cases of chronic sinus disease, the normal sinus opening may be blocked due to accumulation of thick mucus. Actually, once the sinus is unblocked, that allows infected material to flow out of the sinus cavity and clean air to get in. The combination of shampoo and pulsation is best here for clearing the sinus blockage.
e. You do want the saline solution to fill the sinus cavity in order to displace the infected contents. The combination of regular flow, detergent action, and pulsation action acts to fill sinus cavities and displace infected contents.

A significant factor for healing is the actual removal of bacteria, lowering the the bacterial count whether in biofilm or other form. Once the number of bacteria is reduced, you have a best chance of the natural healing elements of the body to get rid of the bacteria that may be left behind. This avoids the use of excessive antibiotics that may cause a stomach upset. When a person heals naturally, his/her body is better prepared for other infections.

The exact concentration of baby shampoo must be strictly adhered to. The pulsatile irrigator provides a special 500 ml basin that is plainly marked. Simply add one teaspoon of salt or enhanced salt and fill the basin to the 500 ml mark. Now add one teaspoon of baby shampoo. That makes a 1% solution. This is the concentration that has been tested and found that it works for biofilm and doesn't harm the nasal cilia. I have my patients irrigate the full 500 ml. You simply insert the nasal adapter attached to the pulsatile irrigator device in the right nostril, lean into the sink so you see the drain. Turn on the device. The solution enters right nasal chamber, bathes the right side, then exits out the left nostril into the sink. Change sides about every 30 seconds. Insert the nasal tip into the left nostril, lean well into the sink, and the solution will exit the right nostril.

Pulsatile irrigation with shampoo is continued daily, usually twice a day, until symptoms clear indicating that the cilia are functioning again. There is no advantage to continuing to irrigate then; once the cilia are normal they can defend the body without outside help.

Adding baby shampoo is fine for getting rid of a sinus infection. For other uses of pulsatile irrigation, adding the baby shampoo is not advantageous. For example in allergy, pulsatile irrigation is used to avoid medications. The irrigation removes the pollen that causes the allergy and the IgE from the nose that reacts to the pollen to cause the symptoms. If you are using this irrigation for allergy, you don't need the shampoo. Similarly, if you are using pulsatile irrigation to prevent the common cold by removing the ICAM-1 that the cold virus enters the body through, there is no advantage to using the shampoo.

If you are using pulsatile irrigation to restore sense of smell, adding the shampoo is best because that will aid the cilia being able to pulse the smell particles to the smell organs of the nose. Pulsatile irrigation is also used in Orthopedics to cleanse wounds, because it is 100x more effective than simple wash for biofilm removal. Now that so many bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance, this method of sinus treatment is a welcome method that anyone can use.

Caution: If you are using your pulsatile irrigator to deliver medication such as antibiotics directly to the sinuses -Gentamyicn, Amphotericin B, Cipro, or other-- do not add baby shampoo as it may affected the antibiotic potency.

Best For Sinus Disease - Baby Shampoo and Pulsatile Irrigation

Infant Allergies

Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Bad Breath

Infant Allergies

Most babies have sweet smelling breath, but occasionally baby bad breath does occur. It can be a particular problem upon waking, after the baby has been asleep for a few hours - like morning breath in adults. During sleep, the mouth is typically relaxed and motionless, there is decreased saliva production, and bacteria that live in the mouth cavity have an opportunity to multiply undisturbed. Some of these bacteria can produce the unpleasant odor we associate with bad breath, and when they multiply to sufficient numbers, the odor becomes detectable.

Infant Allergies

If you think that "morning breath" is causing bad breath in baby, try treating it by cleansing the mouth before putting baby down for a nap. If baby is very young and has no teeth, encourage a water rinse to flush traces of formula or bits of food out of cracks and crevices. If baby has teeth, a gentle brushing and a rinse should help. Rinsing and brushing upon waking can be helpful too. (Fluoridated toothpastes should be used very sparingly in young children, and brushing should always be supervised even when your child is old enough to begin brushing on her own.) If these measures relieve the baby bad breath, you needn't do more.

Infant Allergies

However, if bad breath in baby persists after brushing and cleansing, there may be another problem. Does baby use a soother or habitually suck on some other object like a blanket or stuffed toy? An object that is continually put into the mouth gets coated with saliva and oral bacteria and can develop an unpleasant odor. Though the smell may not be offensive to your child, it can contribute to lingering bad odors in the vicinity of baby, and to baby bad breath. The simple solution is to wash or replace the offending item regularly. Eventually, your child will give up the sucking habit and the problem will disappear on its own.

Infant Allergies

Occasionally bad breath in baby has a more sinister cause. If your efforts to solve the problem are fruitless, you should consult your pediatrician or family doctor. The physician will check for signs of throat or sinus infection, infection somewhere in the mouth, tooth decay, or a foreign object lodged in a nasal passage. Sinus congestion can contribute to baby bad breath as well, by causing baby to breathe through the mouth: dry mouth is a cause of breath odor in both children and adults because saliva is naturally antibacterial and, in a healthy mouth, it keeps the population of odor causing bacteria at a minimum.

Once again, baby bad breath is relatively unusual: if simple measures don't solve the problem, your child should be seen by a medical professional to rule out more serious problems.

Baby Bad Breath

Infant Allergies

Sunday, December 11, 2011

TEA for TWO, For BABY and YOU!

Infant Allergies

Baby Rooibos Tea is naturally good for your baby. It is an anti-allergic nutritional supplementary drink and is suitable for babies from birth. It can help relieve the following conditions:

Infant Allergies

Food Allergies
Stomach Cramps

Infant Allergies

Rooibos Tea has been a trusted solution for the above conditions for the last three decades amongst South African mothers and more recently, mothers worldwide.

Infant Allergies

Rooibos Tea contains the soothing and relaxing flavonoid quercetin with anti-spasmodic properties and luteolin an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. Rooibos tea has a dramatic calming and soothing effect when added to allergic babies' bottles and promotes good sleeping patterns.
Furthermore, Rooibos has anti-allergic properties because it contains the unique flavonoid aspalathin, which only occurs in the Rooibos plant.

Scientists have found that Rooibos Tea has the following properties:

- Anti-allergic
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-ageing
- Anti-spasmodic
- Anti-viral
- Anti-oxidant
- No caffeine
- Low tannin
- Rich in Minerals
- Anti-carcinogenic

Rooibos Baby Tea contains all the essential minerals and trace elements needed to give your baby the best start in life. Replace juice or water with Baby tea for a nutritional supplementary drink, you can even use Baby tea instead of water, when mixing baby's normal bottle-feed. The Tea does not replace baby's normal bottle or breastfeeding, but is a Nutritional, Anti-Allergic, Calming Supplementary drink. Because Rooibos Tea is low in tannin, it will not deplete baby's own natural iron reserves. Even better, no sweeteners are necessary. The Tea has a naturally sweet and fruity taste. The tea goes through strict pasteurisation and sterilisation processes to ensure it is up to baby's standards!

Favoured by families worldwide, Rooibos Tea is highly regarded for its unique health benefits and has powerful rejuvenating and antioxidant properties.

Anti-oxidants help to reverse and prevent free radical damage to our bodies. The Rooibos plant contains a number of different flavonoids, which help to neutralise the effect of these free radicals. In combination with the tea's naturally high Vitamin C content (1,5mg/ml), they act as anti-oxidant compounds to protect your family against diseases like cancer.

The Japanese, who have studied Rooibos Tea extensively, and in particular its anti-ageing qualities, actually call Rooibos tea "Long Life Tea".

In 1968, Dr Annique Theron made the amazing discovery that Rooibos Tea not only alleviates allergies internally, but also externally. The Tea had such a calming and soothing effect on her own allergic baby daughter that she felt she wanted to share it with mothers all over the world. At that time, there was hardly any information available on the natural therapeutic properties of Rooibos Tea and Dr Theron set out to find out as much as she could about this remarkable plant through her own investigations. She strived to gain all the knowledge she could and to utilise the full potential of the plant's unique properties.

Dr Theron published a book: Allergies: an Amazing Discovery on the anti-allergic qualities of the Rooibos Plant.

Dr Theron received International Acclaim from the World Intellectual Property Organisation in 1997 and received the Woman Inventor of the Year Award for her discovery of the beneficial properties of the Rooibos Plant, Aspalathus linearis and for the application of her Patented Rooibos Extract in skin-and healthcare products.

Rooibos Tea is a healthy and nutritious drink for the whole family, from Baby to Grandma and Grandpa.

TEA for TWO, For BABY and YOU!

Infant Allergies

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Baby Bloomers For Your Child

Infant Allergies

Children's clothes can be really tough to decide and choose from, especially if you're a parent for the first time. Parents need to learn about what type of clothing suits their children's skin and what type creates allergies and rashes. One must always buy clothes that suit their children because comfort always comes before fashion. With baby bloomers parents can be sure that their children would be secure and safe while at the same time look fashionable and chubby.

Infant Allergies

Children's clothing has evolved substantially over the years, previously it used to be the colors that separated the genders, but today there is a wide range of options for parents to choose from for their baby's clothes. Baby diapers too have evolved and come a long way over the years. Previously plain white cloth diapers were used to drape children but today there is a wide range of colored and designed baby bloomers perfect to augment your child's beauty. Long ago, mothers used to prevent their children from bending down and showing their diapers as it caused social embarrassment. But not anymore, with the beautiful bloomers, pretty, embroidered, ruffled and brightly colored, every mother wants to show off their children to the public. It is all like a big fashion statement as the babies show off their clothes even at their infant age.

Infant Allergies

Baby bloomers can be of different types; you can opt for beautiful colors and checks or even get them ruffled. They can also have additional embroidery done or ornaments and embellishments attached to them. They are no longer the plain white diapers that they used to be but instead they are the most beautiful of bloomers that every parent wants their children to wear. Besides, these bloomers are not just for toddlers but can also be gotten in one piece for infants and older children. With various flowers, or bows attached to them, baby bloomers are a cloth of envy for every proud parent to have their children wear and show off.

Infant Allergies

If you want to give your child that comfort while wearing the diapers then you must opt for baby bloomers, as they are both comfortable and stylish. Babies are too small to worry about fashion and being presentable but you must be careful enough to make the right choice. Bloomers are sure to make your child look extremely charming and chubby all the time. You can also buy pretty baby bloomer covers to protect your child's diapers and make them look decorative.

You can easily buy baby bloomers online as shopping online is the easiest, fastest and cheapest method to make the best buy. Several online stores sell bloomers of a wide variety so you can easily go through such websites and choose the ones that you best like for your child. The prices are also affordable and you would have no hassles in getting delivery of the bloomers in time. So get going and give your little baby the best bloomers that they deserve.

Baby Bloomers For Your Child

Infant Allergies

Friday, December 9, 2011

10 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Is So Much Better For Your Baby

Infant Allergies

You've most likely heard every doctor and health care professional say that breastfeeding new babies is the best nutrition there is. Not only is it the natural way to feed your baby, but the health benefits are enormous. Here are a few great reasons to breastfeed your newborn baby.

Infant Allergies

1. Fat is vital to your newborn. Why? Because most all of the essential vitamins and nutrients that your baby needs, comes from fat. It gives vitamin A - D and E, and at the same time provides the necessary calories your baby requires. Breastfeeding gives your baby these vital nutrients to keep them healthy.

Infant Allergies

2. Milk from a cow can often times create an allergic reaction in a newborn infant. Breastfeeding reactions are extremely rare.

Infant Allergies

3. Milk from breastfeeding has many hormones and growth factors in it that assist your baby in growing and keeping healthy.

4. It's a fact that breastfeeding babies are healthier. They have lower risks of getting infections, illnesses and meningitis. Another important aspect is that a breast fed baby is 5-6 times less likely of getting childhood lymphoma. They are also much less likely to get ear infections than their bottle fed counterparts.

5. Another important reason for breastfeeding your baby has to do with staying fit. Research has been done and shows that breast fed babies are more fit and have a lower risk of becoming obese when they grow up. Why? It has been determined that bottle fed infants have much more insulin in their system which causes the fat cells to increase. We all know that obese children are more likely to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases as they grow older.

6. Breast fed babies have also shown to be healthier than formula fed babies. They have reduced rates of sickness, ear infections, allergies, and even hospital visits.

7. Breastfeeding also creates a sense of security and bonding with their mother. No bottle fed baby gets this added sense of security. A baby gets a sense of comfort, safety and joy by being nursed from their mother.

8. A breastfeeding mother gets an added plus by being able to lose the extra pre-birth weight and regain their pre-pregnancy size. It's also great for fighting off the postpartum depression that can easily strike a new mom.

9. Breast milk is free. You can save your money by not having to buy formula. And it is readily available.

10. When breastfeeding your newborn, colostrum is what your baby will first feed on. It gives your baby all the nutrients and vitamins an infant needs. In addition, colostrum has the necessary amounts of immunoglobulins which keeps your baby from getting bacterial and viral infections.

Only you can determine is breastfeeding is right for you. I encourage you to take the time to seriously consider it. Learn all that you can and make a well informed decision that is in the best interests of you and your baby.

10 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Is So Much Better For Your Baby

Infant Allergies

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Medication For Babies Experiencing Baby Colic Symptoms

Infant Allergies

Baby colic symptoms can be recognized when a baby cries non-stop, and lifts their knees up to the stomach area, indicating that the baby is having some pain and discomfort.Colic that occurs in newborn babies has always and is still a mystery condition that pediatricians struggle with. In the years of study by specialists, no cure for colic in babies has ever been found. However, it is good to know that this condition will be outgrown. Some colic is found to be the cause of gastro esophageal reflux disease. This is commonly treated by Zantrax. However, not all baby colic is caused by gastro esophageal reflux disease.

Infant Allergies

The quest for finding medication for a colicky baby is not just because of the baby's pain but also its effect on the parents and even other people. The non-stop crying of babies, especially if you don't know what to do, will make you feel helpless if not useless. To other people, non-stop crying of babies is an irritant to the ear. Hence the quest for medication.

Infant Allergies

There are medications that are available in the market. Most of them are natural medications, such as herbal teas and peppermints. Although medications are available in the market, it is important to know that one medication that works for one baby will not necessarily work for all babies. It is best to understand at the beginning that not all types of medication will work for your baby. This is due to the fact that the cause of colic in babies is different, and therefore, can require different medications. Since the medications for a colic baby are natural, choose a variety of medication that might work effectively for your baby and see which one suits your baby the best.One more thing to bear in mind, is that, when you use medication for your colicky baby, to be sure to check it out with your pediatrician.

Infant Allergies

The search for baby colic medication is an indication of how people care for their children. Remember that your baby will outgrow baby colic in time and, most importantly, your baby needs to experience your love and comfort during the colic baby stage. The most common reason for the teenagers' rebellion is that they don't feel that they are loved. So it's better to start earlier in their life, demonstrating your love for your baby during this difficult time.

Medication For Babies Experiencing Baby Colic Symptoms

Infant Allergies

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The ABCs of Food Allergies

Infant Allergies

Approximately 8% of children and 2% of adults suffer from true food allergies. When the culprit food is eaten, most allergic reactions will occur within minutes. Skin symptoms (itching, urticaria, angioedema) are the most common, and occur during most food reactions. Other symptoms can include nasal (sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and eyes), gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, cramping, diarrhea), lung (shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness), and vascular (low blood pressure, light-headedness, rapid heart beat) symptoms. When severe, this reaction is called anaphylaxis, and can be life threatening.

Infant Allergies

Allergy or Intolerance?

Infant Allergies

Most reactions to food are probably not allergic in nature, but rather intolerance.

Infant Allergies

This means that there is no allergic antibody present against the food in the person. Intolerance can be classified as toxic and non-toxic. Toxic reactions would be expected to occur in most people if enough of the food was eaten, examples include alcohol, caffeine or in cases of food-poisoning. Non-toxic food intolerance occurs only in certain people, such as lactose intolerance, which is due to the deficiency of lactase, the enzyme which breaks down the sugar in milk and dairy foods. Patients with lactose intolerance experience bloating, cramping and diarrhea within minutes to hours after eating lactose-containing foods, but do not experience other symptoms of food allergies.

Non-allergic Immunologic Reactions

A less common form of non-allergic reactions to food involves the immune system, but there are no allergic antibodies present. This group includes celiac sprue and FPIES (food protein induced enteropathy syndromes). FPIES typically occurs in infants and young children, with gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, and weight loss) as the presenting signs. Milk, soy and cereal grains are the most common triggers in FPIES. Children typically outgrow FPIES by 2 to 3 years of age.

Common Childhood Food Allergies

Milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish compromise more than 90 percent of food allergies in children. Allergy to milk and egg are by far the most common, and are usually outgrown by age 5 years. Peanut, tree nut, fish and shellfish allergies are typically the more severe and potentially life-threatening, and frequently persist into adulthood.

Cross-Reactivity and Cross-Contamination

Cross-reactivity refers to a person having allergies to similar foods within a food group. For example, all shellfish are closely related; if a person is allergic to one shellfish, there is a strong chance that person is allergic to other shellfish. The same holds true for tree-nuts, such as almonds, cashews and walnuts.

Cross-contamination refers to a food contaminating another, unrelated food leading to a "hidden allergy". For example, peanuts and tree nuts are not related foods. Peanuts are legumes, and related to the bean family, while tree nuts are true nuts. There is no cross-reactivity between the two, but both can be found in candy shops and in a can of mixed nuts, for instance.

Diagnosing Food Allergies

The diagnosis is made with an appropriate history of a reaction to a specific food, along with a positive test for the allergic antibody against that food. Testing for the allergic antibody is typically accomplished with skin testing, although can be done with a blood test as well.

The blood test, called a RAST test, is not quite as good of a test as skin testing, but can be helpful in predicting if a person has outgrown a food allergy. This is especially true since in many cases the skin test can still be positive in children who have actually outgrown the food allergy.

If the diagnosis of food allergy is in question despite testing, an allergist may decide to perform an oral food challenge for the patient. This involves having the person eat increasing amounts of food over many hours under medical supervision. Since the potential for life-threatening anaphylaxis exists, this procedure should only be performed by a physician experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. An oral food challenge is the only way to truly remove a diagnosis of food allergy in a patient.

Managing Food Allergies

Treat the reaction: If a reaction to the food is present, the person should seek immediate emergency medical care. Most patients with food allergies should carry a self-injectable form of epinephrine, or adrenaline (such as an Epi-pen®, with them at all times. These medications can be prescribed by a physician and the patient should know how to use this device before an allergic reaction occurs.

Avoid the food: This is the main way to prevent future reactions to the culprit foods, although can be difficult in cases of common foods such as milk, egg, soy, wheat and peanut. Organizations such as the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network offer help and support to patients and parents of children with food allergies.

Allergy physicians can also offer additional information and advice on avoidance.

Read food labels: Since accidental exposure to the allergic food is common, reading labels on foods and asking questions about ingredients at restaurants is important and recommended.

Be prepared: Patients with food allergies should always be prepared to recognize and treat their reaction, should one occur. Remember, since exposures to the allergic foods are frequently accidental, being prepared to treat the reaction with epinephrine is paramount. Emergency medical care should always be sought if an allergic reaction to food occurs, whether or not epinephrine is used.

Communicate with others:Communication with family members, friends, and school staff about the patient's medical condition and knowledge of how to administer epinephrine is also important. It is also recommended that the patient wear a medical alert bracelet (such as a Medic-Alert® bracelet) detailing their food allergies and use of injectable epinephrine, in the case the patient is unable to communicate during a reaction.

The ABCs of Food Allergies

Infant Allergies

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Fabric is Best For Your Baby Bedding?

Infant Allergies

While you are shopping for your toddler bedding, it is quite important to know what to look for in the fabric used for making the baby bedding? Before making a purchase, parents should be aware about the kind of baby bedding material, which they are looking for, and which component they should avoid while selecting bedding crib set.

Infant Allergies

The skin of a baby is tender and soft. It is delicate and is highly prone to allergies and infections. One of the reasons for rashes and infections on a baby's skin is the usage of bedding made out of synthetic fabric that is laden with harmful substances that trigger allergic responses on a baby's skin. In order to avoid this problem and to help to keep the baby happy and protected from all sorts of allergies and infections, organic bedding and cotton bedding are highly recommended. Organic bedding is made from natural materials such as cotton and bamboo, without the use of any kind of chemicals and poisonous acids. No harm in the form of allergies and reactions are caused to the baby as there are no harmful chemicals and acids in the bedding. Cotton baby bedding is not only soft for the baby but is also safe. Such bedding is prepared after passing the baby bedding through several processes in which any kinds of germs and bacteria present in the bedding are removed. Such kind of materials helps to absorb the moisture from the body of the baby. All natural materials which are used in the making of organic baby bedding act as natural comforters and help in the regulation of body temperature. It is also said that such kind of bedding help in preventing the growth of dust mites in the bedding. Thus organic bedding are considered to be best for your baby.

Infant Allergies

If you think that on using organic bedding or cotton bedding you will have to make a compromise on designs, patterns and styles - you are completely wrong! In fact, all trendy and stylish patterns are available in cotton and organic baby bedding. All designer bedding's are now available in cotton and organic materials. You will get themed bedding in lighter shades, in various patterns and in matching styles to suit all your requirements. Satin baby bedding is quite luxurious and looks rich and elegant when used in baby bedding crib set. It is also used in case of themed baby bedding. However, satin bedding is not recommended for the soft skin of the body because it is often made from silk, polyester and nylon which is not good for the tender skin of the baby.

Infant Allergies

While you are buying baby crib set do not forget to check out details about the fabric which includes the material of the fabric, dye of the fabric, color and also the style. It is best to choose any fabric which is resistive, long lasting and also which does not fade even after several washes. Baby bedding needs to be washed and cleaned almost everyday, hence it is important to choose a highly resistant material which does not fade away easily.

What Fabric is Best For Your Baby Bedding?

Infant Allergies

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gestational Diabetes And Baby Shower Foods

Infant Allergies

The baby shower menu is arguably one of the most important aspects of the shower, but setting out the wrong foods can be a disaster for both the mom-to-be and the hostesses. It's tempting to want the entire process to be a surprise, right down to the menu.

Infant Allergies

But if you provide food that mom can't eat, everyone will feel bad, so start your planning after co-ordinating with mum. Gestational diabetes is a common problem during pregnancy and many women face the rigors of establishing and maintaining very strict diet requirements during those months.

Infant Allergies

The disease can harm both baby and mother so it's best not to tempt mom with sweets that she's not allowed to have during this time. Because a baby shower could very well be considered a special occasion, many pregnant women with gestational diabetes could be tempted to drop the diet requirements for the few hours, undoing weeks or months of careful maintenance.

Infant Allergies

Before you start planning your food menu, be sure that the traditional baby shower foods - including the cake -are going to meet your mom's diet requirements.

Not all diet issues are related to diabetes and your mom-to-be could very well have some food allergies. Nuts are one traditional menu item that is off limits to some people. While the mom-to-be can easily avoid a bowl of nuts set out for guests to snack on, it'll be more difficult to avoid the black walnuts in walnut ice cream.

Again, simply talking to the mom-to-be before choosing the baby shower foods can save the party.
There are some very traditional foods that are included in almost every shower. Cake, punch, ice cream, nuts and mints are often offered, but remember that baby showers are a time for the friends and family of the mom-to-be to gather for fun.

If there are other foods that will better suit the mood or the needs of the day, don't be afraid to be creative. If the mom has craved spicy food during the pregnancy, set up a Tex-Mex bar with all the fixings for tacos. Order pizza delivery or set up a cookie decorating area. The only rules when it comes to shower foods is that the baby shower menu should be set up with mom in mind. After that, your imagination and budget are the only limits.

Gestational Diabetes And Baby Shower Foods

Infant Allergies

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Choosing Baby Formula to Supplement Breast Milk

Infant Allergies

For some new mothers, breast feeding is a challenge and in some cases, it can seem to be almost impossible. Stress, illness and previous surgeries are just a few of the reasons that a new mother may under-produce breast milk. If you have recently given birth and discover that, in spite of your best efforts, you are not producing enough breast milk, you should talk to your pediatrician about supplementing your breastfeeding with baby formula. It can be a bitter pill but if, like me, you find that your baby is still hungry at the end of a feeding, deciding to supplement is actually a complete no-brainer.

Infant Allergies

If your baby is not showing any obvious signs of allergies or sensitivities (gas, diarrhea and the like) you can start with any cow's milk based brand that appeals to you. Remember that all formulas sold in the US are governed by the FDA so you can be sure the nutrition guidelines are similar from brand to brand. Similac, Enfamil, Nestle or (and I wish this had been available when I was supplementing my baby) organic brands like Horizon are all fine places to start. We used powdered formula and bottles with disposable inserts for mixing but you can also buy formula in super convenient ready to use bottles and concentrated liquid formulas that you can mix quickly with water. Obviously, work within your economics and hectic schedule but once your baby is established on formula, you can switch between these different types as you need to.

Infant Allergies

Once you pick a formula, it won't take long to see if your baby doesn't like it or if it doesn't agree with her system. She will tell you unequivocally with fussing, crying, turning her head away from the bottle, spitting up, vomiting or with some truly awful diapers and gas. Definitely consult your doctor on this but you may need to switch to a formula with low or no lactose or one made with soy milk. In any case, never, ever attempt to feed your baby regular cow's milk or soy milk... they are simply not nutritionally complete enough for a developing baby.

Infant Allergies

If you can, you should definitely continue to let your baby breastfeed before offering a bottle. For me, it worked something like this: I would make up a bottle first, then sit down with my baby to breast feed. When he lost interest in breastfeeding, I would offer him the bottle and, if he took it right away, I would let him drink as much of that bottle as he wanted. Be aware that sucking formula from a bottle is so much easier than getting it from your breast that your baby might become "lazy" about breastfeeding so always breastfeed first and be absolutely sure they are making an effort before you offer the bottle.

Finally, how do you know if your baby is getting enough formula? Not surprisingly, you will know if you are feeding your baby enough formula by looking for the same signs of satiation that you do with breast feeding: sleepiness, falling off the bottle and what every mother might call slight "intoxication."

In the end, the very best thing you can do is trust your instincts and not worry too much, anyway. After all, we're talking about our babies!

Choosing Baby Formula to Supplement Breast Milk

Infant Allergies

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How To Prevent Baby From Getting Dry Skin

Infant Allergies

It seems like more and more babies are struggling with eczema,
or really dry skin. As a mother, I have had to deal with my
child's struggle with really dry skin. Ever since my son's
birth, he has been getting rough, dry patches on his skin. If
you haven't noticed, your baby's skin probably gets drier in the
winter than in the summer. These are just some tips that have
helped my baby's skin stay "soft as a babies butt" all year

Infant Allergies

If your baby's skin is extremely dry, cut down on
baths--depending on how old your baby is. When your baby starts
crawling, you will notice that he gets dirtier. Giving your baby
a bath every other day instead of every day will be sufficient
to keep your baby clean. Too much water can strip moisture from
the skin.

Infant Allergies

Put lotion on within a couple minutes of your baby getting out
of the bath. Because he was just in warm water, your baby's
pores are open and will absorb more moisture. I have noticed
that when I put lotion on right away, my baby's skin just eats
it up. If I add a little more lotion to his skin at this point, my baby's skin seems to stay moist all day long.

Infant Allergies

Use a lotion that is made for sensitive skin. I like using
Huggies extra sensitive lotion. It's fragrance free,
hypoallergenic, and dye free. It really moisturizes and uses
mild gentle ingredients that won't irritate baby's skin.

Use plenty of lotion--really put it on. It may take a minute to
rub it all in, but it's worth it. I have noticed that when I
really do a good job of rubbing the lotion in, my baby's skin
stays soft and the moisture lasts until the next day.

Turn down the heat. The hotter the house is, the drier the air.
If your baby seems cold, add clothes instead of turning up the

Cut down on the soap. If baby's skin is dry, using a bubble
bath can make it worse. Only use soap on the body parts that
need it, i.e. the diaper area. Also, use a gentle soap.

If your baby's skin is really dry, up his fluid intake. Babies,
as well as adults, get moisture from inside the body.

Add moisture in your baby's room with a humidifier. This will
put moisture in the air and help hydrate your baby's skin.

As always, if your baby's skin is extremely dry go visit your
doctor. But the best medicine is always preventative, so try to
prevent your baby's skin from being dry by following the above

How To Prevent Baby From Getting Dry Skin

Infant Allergies

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dog Allergy Remedies

Infant Allergies

What is the first thing most doctors recommend for treatment of dog allergies? The unthinkable-they want you to give up your best friend. Anyone with a pet can understand just how devastating this could be. Many people love their dog or cat more than almost anyone else. I know I would never consider giving up my fur baby, and I suffer from horrible allergies. There are many other dog allergy remedies you can try so that you never have to consider giving up your beloved pet.

Infant Allergies

Dog Allergy Symptoms

Infant Allergies

When people are allergic to their dog or cat, it is their immune system overreacting to pet dander, saliva or urine. When the body comes into contact with one of these allergens, it overreacts causing an immune system response which triggers many unwanted symptoms. Dog allergy symptoms can include red or itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, stuffy nose, posts nasal drip or a skin rash. The severity of the symptoms will depend on the severity of your body's reaction.

Infant Allergies

Remedies for Dog Allergies

The best way to treat a dog or cat allergy-aside from giving up your pet-is to make changes in your home environment. Your doctor or allergy specialist may recommend keeping your cat or dog outside as an alternative to giving them up. Another option would be to keep your dog or cat in one room or area of the house. These still may not be options you want to consider. Other changes you could make would include installing an air filter in your house to try and catch as many airborne particles as possible. You could also be sure to frequently wash your dog's bed or a favorite blanket. Trying cleanup as much dog hair as possible. Basically, the natural allergy treatment would be to clean much more frequently. Better yet, have a family member who does not suffer from dog allergies clean the area for you, as it could stir up any settled dander or allergens which would aggravate your allergies.

Allergy medications are another alternative to having to give up your pet. Allergy OTC (over the counter) options include antihistamines, and decongestants, eye drops, Claritin and nasal sprays. Most of these medications provide symptomatic the allergy relief. Allergy shots are the only allergy remedy option that tries to reduce allergies over the long term. Allergy shots try to build up your body's tolerance to allergens, making your immune response much smaller in the future.

Dog Allergy Remedies

Infant Allergies

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Natural Treatment of Baby Eczema - Fewer Bath Products and Better Nutrition May Be the Answer

Infant Allergies

Steroid creams and ointments commonly prescribed for eczema can cause adrenal damage in infants and children

Infant Allergies

Steroid creams and ointments are the most commonly prescribed treatment for eczema, but can have dangerous side effects, especially for infants. Steroids are easily absorbed through the skin, and children can absorb a high percentage of the drugs because their skin is thin and they have more skin in relation to their body size. Even short courses of treatment with steroids can cause damage to the adrenal glands, which regulate the body's hormones.

Infant Allergies

Steroids work by interfering with the chemicals the body uses to signal inflammation. They turn off the inflammation response and cause tiny blood vessels called capillaries to constrict, reducing redness and swelling. Topical steroids also suppress the body's immune system and can lead to an increased susceptibility to fungal or bacterial infections of the skin.

Infant Allergies

Before using a steroid medicine, caregivers should work with a pediatrician to see if the baby's skin condition is caused by a nutritional deficiency, a food allergy, or irritation from soaps or moisturizers.

What causes baby eczema?

According to the National Institutes of Health, eczema affects up to 20% of infants and children in the United States. The rate of eczema has been rising for years, and is highest in industrialized countries. Hundreds of studies have been undertaken, linking eczema to food allergies, atopy (a triad of conditions including allergy, asthma and eczema), heredity (a child is more likely to get eczema if a parent has an atopic condition), household income (the rate of eczema seems to increase with higher income), houses that are too clean (the "hygiene hypothesis"), houses that are too dirty (dust mite allergy), urban upbringing vs. rural upbringing (kids who grow up on farms have the lowest rates of all atopic conditions)... the list goes on and on.

As eczema is a sign of an underlying condition and not an illness, the answer is probably "all of the above." Eczema can be triggered by food allergies, by contact allergies (contact with irritating substances), by nutritional deficiencies, and as a side effect of other diseases like insulin resistance and diabetes. The eczema trigger is different for each person--and may depend a lot on genetics.

Early bathing may irritate newborn skin

Bathing routines and products we take for granted may interfere with the development of healthy infant skin. Babies are born with sterile skin, which is covered by a thick, creamy substance called vernix caseosa. Vernix has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that protect the baby's skin in the womb and after birth, when the baby first comes into contact with bacteria in the outside world. World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for newborn care specify that, to protect the baby, vernix should not be removed for at least six hours. Unfortunately, in modern societies this protective substance is immediately washed off in the hospital, leaving the baby's skin vulnerable to colonization by bacteria and fungi.

Newborn skin is very thin and loses moisture rapidly. It takes a few weeks for infant skin to develop the "acid mantle," a slightly acidic (pH about 5.5) mixture of sebum, sweat and "friendly" bacteria. (By adulthood, skin may be colonized by nearly two hundred different species of bacteria.) Ideally, over the first few weeks of life, a baby's skin is colonized by beneficial bacteria picked up from close contact with the mother and family. These bacteria perform an important function: they keep skin healthy by preventing colonization by disease-causing microorganisms. If this important step is compromised, skin can be colonized by harmful bacteria. The skin of people with eczema tends to carry a high concentration of Staphylococcus aureus, bacteria which cause skin infections, pneumonia, and even Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Excessive bathing, soap, and moisturizer use can interfere with development of healthy skin

Infant skin will naturally develop a healthy acid mantle and strong immune defenses if it's allowed to. But again, bathing routines and products we take for granted, including soaps and moisturizing lotions, can interfere with this process.

Infant skin is so delicate that even exposure to plain water disturbs it enough to dry it out. Soap accelerates this process by raising the skin's pH and removing beneficial oils, resulting in impaired skin protection for hours after bathing.

Fragrance and preservative chemicals in soaps and moisturizers irritate skin further, and can actually affect the way skin develops. What's worse, these chemicals can be absorbed through an infant's skin into the bloodstream, potentially affecting the baby's developing hormonal system.

A healthier way to care for infant skin

Babies' skin doesn't get very dirty for the first few weeks of life, so generally the less it's interfered with, the healthier it will be. Adding a half-teaspoon of lemon juice--to reduce the water's pH and add skin-friendly ascorbic acid--and a teaspoon of sunflower or safflower oil to the bathwater will keep baby clean without harming skin. If a moisturizer is needed, use a fragrance free baby oil containing sunflower or safflower oil, which are excellent moisturizers and have the added benefit of helping to prevent bacterial skin infections.

If your baby's skin does become irritated, bathing with Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts is a safe and clinically proven way to soothe irritated skin. (Epsom salts are not salt at all, but magnesium sulfate, a natural mineral effective for soothing inflamed skin. Dead Sea salts are evaporated mineral salts from the Dead Sea in Israel.)

Some magnesium in an Epsom salts bath is absorbed through the skin and is a safe way to supplement this important mineral, while Dead Sea salts provide a whole range of vitamins and minerals essential for healthy skin, including magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, and B vitamins. A teaspoon of bath salts is plenty for an infant bath.

For older kids and for gentle cleansing when soap is required, try a natural bar soap or highly diluted castile soap, like Dr. Bronner's.

Nutrition affects infant skin

The nutritional value of the food we eat has changed dramatically over the past several decades. "Factory farming," where fields are sown with the same vegetables year after year, fertilized with petroleum by-products and sprayed heavily with herbicides and insecticides, has reduced levels of key vitamins and minerals in vegetables. Meat and dairy animals are raised on huge feedlots, fed an unnatural diet of grain and animal by-products, and heavily dosed with antibiotics to keep them alive long enough to slaughter.

Eczema is strongly connected with nutrient deficiency, so it's not surprising that a decline in the nutritional value of food would coincide with an increase in rates of eczema.

Baby eczema may be a sign of zinc or magnesium deficiency

Deficiencies of zinc or magnesium are fairly common and cause symptoms which are indistinguishable from other types of eczema. A deficiency of vitamin B6 may result in seborrheic dermatitis, or cradle cap.

When a breast-fed baby develops eczema, the mother's diet is often suspected as the cause. However, the eczema may have nothing to do with food allergy. Breast milk is often low in zinc, and a sign of zinc deficiency is dry, irritated skin. Recent studies suggest that zinc deficiency may be much more common than previously suspected. Low levels of magnesium may also cause eczema-like symptoms by raising the level of histamine in the blood and making the body more sensitive to allergens.

A simple blood test can identify a zinc or magnesium deficiency, and supplementing with the missing mineral may solve the problem. A special kind of zinc can also be applied as a topical cream for absorption through the skin. Caregivers should talk to their pediatrician about correct dosing before giving a baby a vitamin supplement.

Formula-fed babies may also be deficient in vitamins or in essential fatty acids (EFAs) - fats which are essential to healthy development of the brain, nervous system and skin. Some babies may not be able to utilize the vitamins and fats in baby formula, or the formula itself may not provide enough of them. A doctor or knowledgeable nutritionist can help caregivers choose a more appropriate formula or supplement with the necessary vitamins and essential fatty acids-especially zinc, magnesium, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a type of EFA.

Food allergies and eczema

About 30% of infants and children with eczema test do positive for food allergies. A baby or child has a much greater chance of developing food allergies if either of the parents have allergies themselves. The most common allergens include cow's milk, soy, egg, wheat, peanuts and shellfish. In breastfed babies, allergens from foods may pass directly to the child through breast milk. Avoiding these foods while breastfeeding may keep the child from developing eczema or other allergic reactions. The La Leche League website has an excellent page on allergies and breastfeeding.

In formula-fed babies, changing the formula may eliminate the problem. Special, easy-to-digest hydrolyzed formulas (formulas where the proteins are partially broken down) are often recommended for formula-fed babies with food allergies. Adding probiotics or prebiotics - beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and help digest food - to infant diets helps to reduce or prevent both food allergies and other illnesses and has been shown to help relieve eczema, too.

Breastfeeding longer, introducing solid foods late (after 6 months), introducing new foods one at a time, and waiting to introduce allergenic foods until after the baby is about a year old help reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Most babies outgrow early allergies to milk and eggs, although peanut allergy is more likely to persist to adulthood. However, children with food allergies are more likely to develop asthma or other atopic diseases when they grow older. Caregivers should talk to their pediatrician if they suspect a food allergy. A food elimination diet should only be utilized under a doctor's supervision, to limit the risk of nutrient deficiency.

Treating the root cause of eczema, rather than the symptoms, will start your baby on the road to a lifetime of healthy skin.

Natural Treatment of Baby Eczema - Fewer Bath Products and Better Nutrition May Be the Answer

Infant Allergies